Loreto Voices
- Sr Trish Franklin
- Janelle Ryan, Public Relations/Legal
- Bessie Thynne (1897-1978)
- Dame Mary Dora Daly (Mary MacMahon) 1896 – 1983 , Social Justice Activist
- Joan Mavis Rosanove (Lazarus) 1896 – 1974, QC
- Lady Coghlan (Lena Donnelly) 1875 – 1936, Philanthropist
- Lesbia Venner Harford (Lesbia Keogh) 1891 – 1927, Poet
- Melissa Jaffer, Actor
- Susan Pascoe AM (Betros)
- Hon. Mary Delahunty, Politician & Journalist
- Dr. Michelle McIntosh, Scientist
- Kate Torney, CEO of the State Library of Victoria
- Dr. Emma Ryan-Weber, Astronomer
- The Vaughan Sisters
- Michelle Payne, Jockey
- Sara Hinchey, Judge
- Melanie Joosten, Author
- Genevieve Lacey, Musician
- Maria Myers AC AO (Jens), Philanthropist
- Dr Tricia Ong, PhD, Lecturer
- Colleen Filippa, Scientist
- Alexandra McMaster, Dancer
- Lee Squire, Businesswoman