Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
"Perhaps COVID in itself has been kind of the point at which those previously assumed unbreakable patterns have broken, and people are going 'actually, that's not the future that I want. I want something different and I want my voice to be heard in this future.' So, it's a really interesting time I think for change." Dr Kristin Alford, Futurist and Director of MOD, Adelaide
In the past month I have had the opportunity to hear from some of the most inspirational and motivating speakers. Dr Miriam Rose Ungunmerr Baumann, Helen Connolly and Dr Kristin Alford, provided insight into ways we can work together with children and young people in the light of their experiences, providing a case for change and hope for the future.
Dr Miriam Rose Ungunmerr Baumann, an Aboriginal elder from Nauiyu (Daly River) visited Loreto College during Reconciliation Week, sharing her reflections with Loreto students on the spiritual practice of dadirri and the theme of Reconciliation Week, Be Brave Make Change. Miriam Rose is a renowned Aboriginal artist and educator dedicated to creating bright and fulfilling futures for Aboriginal children and youth. Miriam Rose’s writings about dadirri have taught many people throughout the world to be still and to wait. Last year she was named the Senior Australian of the Year. I watched her speech on that day and loved the way she spoke from the heart about the way she walks in two worlds like many of our First Nations people. As part of Reconciliation Week, I was host for a conversation with Miriam Rose at St Patrick’s College. When asked for advice for educators working with young people, she emphasized the need to ‘work with’, ‘talk to’ and not ‘talk at’.

A similar message was evident at the Learning Environments Australasia Conference held last week. This year’s theme was Learning Ecosystems, allowing an opportunity for educators and architects to come together to debate, explore and shape the future of learning environments. It was a timely theme, in light of the consultation taking place with the community on the future development of the greenfield site for Loreto College.
Helen Connolly, South Australian Commissioner for Children and Young People and Dr Kristin Alford, Futurist and Director of MOD (Museum of Discovery) at the University of South Australia, brought expertise and provided enlightenment in their presentations.
Helen Connolly’s keynote speech focused on what it means to be a twenty first century child in contrast to those of us who were born in the last century. She highlighted that we still have a long way to go to fully understand what it means to grow up in current times. For people born in the 2000s, life isn’t seen as being online or offline, that is just a continuum. As an educator and parent, I am consciously aware of the time spent on a phone or computer, particularly on social media. For most young people social media provides scope for greater access to information that most of us had growing up and is seen as a trusted source for gaining insight into current affairs. This was evident in recent weeks when engaging in conversation with students about the federal election.
The Commissioner provided insight into the ways parents and educators can work with young people to co-create a healthy ecosystem. In her experience working with children and young people she offered this advice for those born in the last century:
- Understand 21st century life: its challenges and possibilities
- Teach them to work alongside decision makers
- Make them feel helpful, included and trusted
- See their potential as co-creators (not passive consumers) and provide opportunities for them to be involved
- Be receptive to feedback, friendly and approachable
- Listen (not just hear)
- Recognise what they are good at, not just what they don't know
- See them as dynamic, open, curious, inventive and playful
- Be more progressive
Dr Kristin Alford explained that COVID-19 has enabled us to break patterns so that we can consider new ways, new hopes and horizons. Each of us must consider our legacy and be realistic about the dramatic changes that are needed. As we continue to live with COVID-19 and connect with each other in new ways, Dr Miriam Rose and Helen Connolly’s messages give us hope that we have a way forward, but as Dr Alford emphasised, it does mean that we need change.
As Loreto College looks to the future and the exciting opportunities an extension campus can provide, our vision for an innovative and contemporary education that engages students and prioritises student agency is more pertinent than ever. We are committed to following in the footsteps of Mary Ward, developing courageous students able to thrive in a changing world.

From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Chris Shaw
With the icy winds gusting across Ballarat this winter, it would be easy to find excuses not to venture out, but our students have continued to stretch themselves and engage in all they can despite the cold.
Whether it be an early morning Cross Country run, Swim Group, Choir or Band Rehearsal; a weekend of Production, some after-school sport, a JPIC or Socrates Café meeting at lunchtime or involvement in Debating; or perhaps seeking out some Maths or English help, I marvel at the array of opportunities our students have embraced regardless of the weather.
As a result of such engagement, we have continued to see outstanding success in so many areas this term. Our Athletics team regained our first place title for the first time in close to 20 years in Melbourne (SCSA) and we also won overall in the Ballarat Associated Schools Athletics. Our Senate led our 4EK day and raised $2,600 with sunshine breaking through the blackened clouds just at the right moment. We placed first and second in the Rostrum Voice of Youth Competition and our incredible VCAL students were winners in Ballarat’s Best Ideas Competition. We also had several students volunteering to assist with the 2022 Cancer Research Ball.

Ella Burns & Elloise Nash (Year 10)
In the Reconciliation Assembly with our special guest Dr Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann, you could have heard a pin drop as we embraced the stories told and listened to the wisdom shared. There have been exquisite Bento boxes created by our Unit 3 Food Studies students and The Mid-Year Music Concert and School Production Chicago were simply outstanding! As I write, our first four Senior Netball teams have made the BAS Grand Finals with three wins and a runner-up result, and our A Grade Badminton players came away with the spoils as well. Next week we give our support to the B Grade team as they aim for one more success to finish their season on top. To add to all of this, there have been excursions and incursions and an incredible Metamorphosis program for the Year 8’s and way too many other things to mention.
With far-reaching illnesses of staff and students as the pandemic rolls on, Loreto students have done an incredible job of juggling their learning and embracing challenge, being engaged, and contributing to a community wider than themselves. For some, this term might not have been the one for their talents to emerge, but we know every student has strengths they can realise if they only give things a go. There’ll be plenty on offer next term for them to try!
We finish this term with Exams and Reports as a summary of academic outcomes and progress. We ask that you take time to look at these outcomes in partnership with your child as a point of reflection and growth and help them take responsibility for the goals they will set for next term and beyond. Our staff have worked hard to maintain learning consistency and provide opportunities for students under the most difficult of circumstances and for that we extend our deepest gratitude to them.

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma McDermott
New Loreto Wellbeing Resource - SchoolTV
At Loreto College we are aware it has never been more challenging for parents to raise happy, healthy and resilient teenagers. To help you and provide you with clear, fact-based information and guidance on the many challenges faced by teenagers, we are excited to have the opportunity to introduce a new wellbeing platform on our Loreto College website called SchoolTV. This resource has up to date information from leading experts for parents and staff to access 24 hours a day on topics relating to teenagers such as cyberbullying, healthy body, anxiety, depression, self-harm, drug and alcohol use.
SchoolTV aggregates information from many great resources such as BeyondBlue and ReachOut. This new online resource is designed to empower you as parents with credible and sound information with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies. As time goes on, new topics and information will be added.
In navigating your way around the site, you first click on the series of interest, this will lead you to a range of topics and once you click on a topic you will many resources such as fact sheets, articles, quizzes, interviews as well as videos you can watch. It is a platform that can be used for both staff and parents.
We are very excited by this new resource, and we hope it provides you with a wealth of information.

One of the Special Reports on the SchoolTV site is on Vaping and E-Cigarettes, which is a topic of concern, below is some of the report.
SPECIAL REPORT: Vaping & E-Cigarettes
Over recent months, there has been a growing concern about the impending epidemic affecting young people in relation to the use of e-cigarettes and the trendy pastime of vaping. As this activity grows in popularity, most teenagers are unaware of the associated risks and the potential impact vaping can have on their development and overall health.
Vaping is the act of inhaling vapour created by an electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette. Although vaping is often marketed as being the “healthy” alternative to smoking, doctors advise that if you do not smoke, then you should not start vaping. Although vaping products are infused with enticing flavours, many contain high levels of nicotine as well as other chemicals and additives, that when inhaled, can cause severe damage to the lungs.
Australia has strict regulations in place for nicotine-containing products and despite it being illegal to use, sell or buy nicotine for use in e-cigarettes, users are purchasing these products through other avenues. A recent Australian study of chemically flavoured liquids used in e-cigarettes which are available here for purchase over the counter, has confirmed concerns about their safety and respiratory health impact. Attempts are being made to regulate vaping and ban the importation of vape products containing nicotine. Unfortunately, manufacturers are developing vaping devices that are cheaper and easier to hide than conventional cigarettes, making it more attractive and cost-effective for impressionable young people.
For more information and fact sheets please go to: https://loreto.vic.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-vaping-au
School Attendance Below 70%
We have been fortunate this year to have experienced a semester without interruptions such as lockdowns. Over the semester many of the students have experienced sickness due to covid or the flu. This absence from school has impacted their overall school attendance. Up until now, we have been looking to see how covid would impact the start of the year. As part of our accountability and compliance starting next week, we will be emailing letters home to parents of students whose attendance is below 70%. The reason we are sending home the letters is we have an obligation to provide your daughter with an education. The Victorian government requires schools to follow procedures and accountability by regularly sending home letters to raise awareness and work in partnership with parents before the attendance does get drastically low. If you receive a letter and you know the reason for your daughter’s absence is due to covid or illness, no action is required. If your daughter’s absence is due to other reasons of concern and you have not had contact or meetings with staff at the school, please contact your daughter’s Year Level Coordinators so we can put support in place.
Keep in mind students have struggled at the start of the school year to get back into the routine, however, they have found it easier as the semester has progressed. For your information, moving forward, we will be sending out attendance letters twice a term.
Primary School Leadership Initiative
Primary schools in the Ballarat Diocese initiated a Year 6 Leadership Day. Our School Co-Captains Sophie Boyd and Jaime Sergeant-Crowe were part of this event and were wonderful ambassadors for Loreto College. Without any prompting, they walked around to all the tables and spoke to the students. They provided the students with wonderful advice!

End of the Term
It has been wonderful hearing the laughter and joy around the school this semester. It has been an interesting time, wondering how illness would impact on the daily school day. Staff and students have been fortunate to have been able to participate in school excursions, information evenings, school performances and sporting events. Your daughter is most likely now tired, having gotten back into a school routine and using a lot of energy in class every day. Holidays is a time to stop and for your daughter to rest. No matter what year your daughter is in, make sure she is getting out of her room and going for a walk, as well as spending time with the family. We can never underestimate the precious moments and time spent together.
Over the holidays your daughter may have some late nights, so ensure at the end of the holidays she is getting into a good routine of going to bed earlier and handing over her devices. One piece of advice I give to parents is to invest in an alarm clock, so your daughter is not reliant on her phone. Have a wonderful break.

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity
Ms Felicity Knobel
National Reconciliation Week 2022
Be Brave, Make Change
In our National Reconciliation Week all Australians are called.
At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians.
Reconciliation is an ongoing journey that reminds us that while generations of Australians have fought hard for meaningful change, future gains are likely to take just as much, if not more, effort. We are called to continue to walk this journey. Reconciliation is everyone’s business.
This year’s theme of Be Brave Make Change fits perfectly with our year of Freedom. Our metaphor of the kite allowed us to explore the theme of Be Brave, Make Change. We know that a kite that soars is a sight to behold. LIke Bunjil the eagle soaring above us. Confident, daring, alive in its movement. It weaves, it dips and it flies. It is brave and it is exhilarating. The person holding the kite has to be brave and confident as it handles the kite, in order to make it soar. In order for our kites to fly we need to be brave and to make lasting changes to ensure that all can flourish.
During our Reconciliation Week Assembly we focused on what had been achieved in the past and importantly what we could do to change the future. In doing this we explored the contents of the The Uluru Statement from the Heart. This document was a statement not just for politicians or people in authority. It was written for everyone. Everyone meaning us. It sets out very clearly what it is that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters need. “It captures our aspirations for a fair and truthful relationship with the people of Australia and a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination” It does not seek for more… it does not seek for special consideration, it seeks fairness, truthfulness, justice and self-determination.
We asked our community to pledge what they need to do to be brave and make change. After the conclusion of our assembly our staff and students were given an opportunity to make their own pledge of what they could do to be brave and make change in the reconciliation journey. These pledges have been written on sheets of paper and they will form the tail of the 6 kites that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students created. These kites will be hung in various parts of our school to remind our students of our pledge.
We also had the honour of listening to our invited guest Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmee-Bauman. To listen to her story. To listen to her wisdom and her understandings was truly like watching a kite soar in the air. Our community was truly blessed to have experienced such an occasion.
Year 8 Reflection Day
Our Year 8 Reflection Day will be held on Wednesday 22 June. On this day our students will have the opportunity to further explore their understanding of prayer through various workshops including Tai Chi, Yoga, Singing, Drumming and Clowning. All information has been sent to parents and carers with times and locations. We look forward to all Year 8 students participating in this important day.
Year 12 Retreat
Our Year 12 Retreat will take place on Monday 11 July to Tuesday 12 July 2022. We look forward to spending time with our Year 12s away from the hustle and bustle of school life and taking the opportunity to reflect, explore and grow in our faith, our friendships and time as the Year 12s of 2022. Parents and carers have all information via PAM.

From the Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation
Ms Em Shanahan
A Lot of Learning
“Learning never exhausts the mind.” Leonardo da Vinci
I am absolutely loving my time at Loreto College. The corridors are always filled with smiling faces and there’s always something interesting unfolding on any given day. I really do have the best job in the world.
Term 2 is always filled with plenty of action. We have had learning in the form of Public Speaking competitions, with our students excelling in all age groups. The College Musical, Chicago, demonstrated not only talent, but also perseverance and discipline, both with learning on stage and learning behind the scenes. We have had excursions to Kryal Castle, the Tech School and a farm or two, as well as having the opportunity to learn from industry professionals coming to school to speak to our students. Our VCAL students have engaged in many community partnerships, demonstrating that learning is about sharing skills and experiences. I have a lot of respect for Leonardo da Vinci, but I do think that there are people in the world, perhaps even people at Loreto College, who would love to challenge his stance that learning never exhausts the mind.
Students are likely feeling fatigued at this point of the term. Leonardo da Vinci lived at a time that we would consider to be operating at a much slower pace than our hectic schedules in today’s society. However, he did live at a time of significant advancement – a time when many thought progress was happening at too rapid a rate. Somehow though, he was able to find the joy in learning, which included many mistakes and learning from those mistakes on his part.
It is my hope that our students continue to find the joy in learning, even though they’re currently in the midst of examinations and assessments. The key thing to note is that these tasks are not a measure of who our students are, but merely a snapshot of where they are at right now, on the particular day on which the task was administered, and results do not by any means define them.
I would like to encourage our students, as well as our parents and carers, to absorb the feedback that is provided, rather than focus on the mark on the page. It is how we respond to set backs, how we take steps forward after checking in with our successes and failures, that provides much more insight into our character and who we are as humans, than any mark on a page will ever be able to define.
To the students who will excel in each of their examinations – congratulations. That is a truly remarkable achievement, demonstrating both aptitude and application to learning. What I would like to stress though is that we need to broaden our definition of what it means to succeed or excel. These things are as individual as we are, and our achievements should be measured in terms of our own personal growth. To the students who have a number much lower than they would like, but who have done their very best – congratulations. This too is success.
To each student at Loreto College – thank you. It is your contribution to our community that plays a part is creating us as one whole, and rather than be summoned by the fatigue than can come with external pressures, my wish for each of you is that you can marvel at how much you have learnt and grown this semester, can enjoy a wonderful break across the holidays, and be excited for our many adventures ahead next term.
Semester 1 Reports will provide insight into learning attributes as well as learning achievements. We are conscious of the many disruptions students have faced this semester with close contact isolations, COVID isolations, and the usual ailments that come along from time to time even when we’re not living with a pandemic. We therefore encourage families to consider this Semester Report in light of these circumstances, understanding that absences will result in lower results at times. If you have any questions or concerns after receiving your child’s Semester Report, please contact your child’s Mentor Teacher if it’s a concern across the board, or the subject teacher if it mostly relates to one particular subject.
Book Recommendation
Andrew Fuller. Unlocking Your Child's Genius: How to Discover and Encourage your Child's Natural Talents. Bad Apple Press, Sydney, 2019.
I was fortunate to learn directly from Andrew Fuller in a workshop just recently. While there are many insightful considerations from beginning to end, what resonated with me most in this book was Fuller's reflection on what we can learn from fleas. Yes - fleas. Few people are aware that the glass ceiling effect, the concept that the world, and even our own selves, place limits on how high and far we can soar, emerged as a result of a study on fleas.
Did you know that fleas can jump 100 times their own height into the air? That's the equivalent of a 1.7m tall person jumping 170 metres into the air. However, when fleas are placed into a box or jar, with a piece of glass placed on top for a few days, despite being able to see the possibilities up above, the fleas are reconditioned. When the glass is removed, fleas still have the same ability they had just days earlier, but they now only jump as high as where the glass was placed. They have forgotten their own capabilities, and believe in false limitations.
At Loreto College, we want to work in partnership with parents and families to ensure that we prevent students developing their own glass ceilings. We need to lift the lid on our students' heads, allowing all the thoughts and ideas flying around to burst through. After all, we aren't fleas. There's nothing to say that our thoughts have to stop at 100 times our height. Let's keep potential unlimited, removing self-limiting thoughts, and allow our students (and ourselves) to go places we can't even imagine, yet.
College News

Ms Jill Wheatland (VCAL Leader)
Ballarat's Best Ideas - Suggest it
Last week the Loreto College VCAL Program was presented as one of three winners of the Ballarat's Best Ideas competition. The competition is run by Suggest it in partnership with the Ballarat City Council, Federation University Australia, Committee for Ballarat, Ballarat Regional Tourism and Commerce Ballarat.
The VCAL program and the Ballarat Soupbus were presented with $500 to implement the idea put forward by guru and past pupil, Stella Watson, for our VCAL students to make care packs and cards for the homeless that can be given to the Ballarat Soup Bus and handed out with things such as sanitary products warm socks and beanies for winter notebook and coloured pencils for children. The students design and create the toiletry bags from recycled fabrics and as much as possible is handmade or donated by suppliers.
Craig Schepis and the Ballarat Soupbus attended the presentation and our students were invited on board the bus to see how it works. Our talented VCAL students also provided hospitality services for the presentation event today.
Congratulations to the other two winning ideas - there were so many great ideas presented, and we are very proud of our VCAL students and our guru Stella, for putting forward the initial Big Idea that is now in action! We look forward to putting a smile on the faces of the many Ballarat people in need this winter.
"Our sincere thanks for all the efforts you and the team at Loreto College put in to ensure the Ballarat’s Best Ideas announcement went so smoothly as it did.
The venue, catering and welcome from you and your students was perfect and you should be very proud of the program you run with the VCAL cohort.
We are so impressed by the idea into action from your VCAL students to spread a positive and well needed support via the Soup Bus.
Looking forward to working with you to watch the idea come to life and grow."
- Nick (Suggest it Co-founder)
Ballarat Botanikids
Career Expo
Words by Michelle Shannon (Careers Officer)
Our Year 11 and 12 VCAL students attended the Ballarat Jobs and Training Expo on Wednesday 8 June. Located at two venues – The Goods Shed and Barkly Square, the aim of the Expo was to provide awareness of jobs, training, volunteering and career pathway opportunities, whilst encouraging social engagement with organisations and members of the Ballarat and surrounding communities.
Our students readily engaged with stall holders and collected a mountain of information and show bags. It was a pleasure to hear feedback from many stall holders who were impressed with the genuine interest shown by our Loreto students.
It truly was a valuable experience with something for everyone and we anticipate returning next year to this event that has already been promoted as bigger and better.
VCAL catering for Cosi
Recently, our VCE Theatre Studies class took to the stage for their production of Cosi which was set in 1970's Australia. In the lead up to the show, our VCAL students were busy preparing supper for the show. They took the 70's theme of Cosi and made a creatively delicious 70's theme spread - think iced vovo's, fruit porcupines and Monte Carlos!

The Arts Faculty News
Ms Stepahnie Greet (Faculty Leader The Arts)
Metamorphosis Complete
Four weeks flies by when you are having fun. When learning is fun and challenging it is at its most engaging. On Friday 27 May, the Metamorphosis Project came to a triumphant end. Each Year 8 class performed in front of and with another Year 8 class under the direction of Marko Jovanovic, their class teacher and student teacher Neneh Hutson.
Year 8 drama teachers, Ms Rosenow, Ms Canavan, Ms Vandenberg and myself all hoped to see the transformation this project aimed for and it was just wonderful to see students getting up, making and accepting offers, taking creative risks and enjoying just being in the moment.
Our plan was to take students from their online cocoon into confident and social creatives and on that Friday, this is what we saw. We heard students saying as they left their presentation slot, ‘I’m going to audition for the musical next year’, ‘that was so much fun’ and ‘I really like Marko, I hope he comes back next year.’ The photos we have from the day show their enjoyment and speak for themselves.
Since then we have noticed students in our drama classes are more willing to jump up and have a go. When we say, it's time to get up and improvise an idea, they do. They have come to understand that taking creative risks can be fun and that being free to explore ideas is interesting, rather than terrifying. We have something powerful to build from and really look forward to seeing what the students come up with moving into their Horror unit.
A big thank you to Creative Victoria and the Creative Learning Partnerships for making this project possible. An even bigger thank you goes out to Marko Jovanovic, from The Workshop for the time, energy, dedication and contemplation he gave to our students over the course of the project. The students will miss him, but so will the staff, it was so much fun having him in our office for the month and we all learnt from his expertise.
Cosi - VCE Theatre Studies Production
Theatre Studies is a subject where students must major in two production roles. They select from acting, directing, set design, properties design, lighting design, sound design, costume design and make-up design. This year the Theatre Studies class was a combination of Unit 1 and Unit 3 students coming together to put on a show. They learn how to schedule, conduct dramaturgy, collaborate, communicate, design and execute a production for an audience. Students learned amongst other things, how to plot and program lighting and sound desks, create 3D printed props, develop characters through exploration of animal traits and playing wink murder in character. Cosi, by Louis Nowra was performed on Tuesday 31 May to a healthy audience of family, friends and community members. It was so lovely to have parents back in to watch performances. The audience were treated to some great laughs and a superb 1970’s finger food supper provided by VCAL.
Congratulations to Year 12’s Alyssa Moloney - Director and Doug, Amali Sexton - Roy and Make-up Design, Asha Hoiles - Cherry and Set Design, Angelique Nunn - Henry and Lighting (Act 2) design and Year 11’s Ella Burns - Costume and Props design (also played Justin and Nick), Madison Cini - Ruth and Sound design, Meika Collard - Julie and Set design, Aida Hughes - Props and Set design(also played Lucy - Lewis' girlfriend), Sophie John - Lewis and Lighting design (Act 1)
Thank you also goes to VCAL students; Bo Mitchell, Abbey Mitchell, Alley Macgill, Tess Jirik, Ava Simpson, Zara Braekmans for the beautiful 1970's style finger food provided. The hand made iced vovo’s and monte carlos were an absolute hit! It was great to have Unit 3 Media students, Jaime Sergeant-Crow and Charli Higgins capturing the show on our new HD video camera too. We are also thankful for assistance from Sam Marks, Anne Mader, Mr Huf, and Paul from SLC for their assistance with the show.
It was a great night out and a fabulous community event.
Mid-Year Music Concert
One of my favourite events of the year is the Mid-Year Music Concert. It is such a great night to witness the development of skills in the Performing Arts and to learn about what goes on in instrumental lessons and ensembles. Ms Simone Jans assembled a great night together with classroom and instrumental teachers, where we were treated to snippets of activities, final pieces and pieces in progress, hints of what we can expect later in the year. After a two-year hiatus, it was so satisfying to finally see students playing on the stage for the Mid-Year Music Concert. It was the first time we have heard woodwind and reed instruments played live on the stage since December 2019! What a joy.
Audiences were treated to insights of theatre traditions and behind the scenes tech, these elements were explained and demonstrated by students. If you ever want to learn more about the Performing Arts the Mid-Year Music Concert is the one to attend. It is not just about performance, it is about the whole process.
Thanks to instrumental staff, Mika Wallace, Sarah Goodbourn, Nicci Dellar, Michael Evans-Barker for their time and dedication to the students’ development in Music and Drama. Thanks also to Ms Mary O’Driscoll for her preparation and guidance of the Unit 3 soloists. Thanks to Mr Stowe for his work on sound design and Year 9 Hayley Every for her lighting design.
I can’t wait for the Arts Festival in Term 3 and the Christmas Concert in Term 4, where we will be able to see the students’ progression. Don’t stop now…

English Faculty News
Ms Kerryn Boyko (Faculty Leader English)
Romeo and Juliette Performance
“that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”
Our Year 9 students have been studying the Shakespearean play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ this term. A live performance by the Eagle’s Nest Theatre Company was organised to consolidate students’ understanding of characters and themes. The actors presented key scenes and facilitated a discussion with students about the play.
Year 9 student, Amber Korosec has written a reflection below:
On Monday 23 May the Year 9 students enjoyed watching an abridged performance of ‘Romeo and Juliet’. There were three actors who played multiple characters and this helped us to see which characters were connected and aligned. By the end, we understood that distinctive events led to the fate of Romeo and Juliet and there were characters who contributed to the tragic ending of the young lovers.
The overall performance was really detailed and enjoyable. There was a group discussion about how the themes are shown through the actions and dialogue of the characters. This knowledge will be very useful for the writing of our text response essay. It was very good to see a live performance. It definitely helped us to get a better understanding of the play.

Humanities Faculty News
Ms Jayne Carrigg (Faculty Leader Humanities)
Year 8 Medieval Day
Friday 6 May saw all the Year 8 students and 10 keen staff members take a short bus ride out to Kryal Castle. There was a sense of anticipation and excitement in the air with some of the bus travellers looking decidedly medieval in their fantastic costumes.
The staff at Kryal Castle greeted the buses at the drawbridge. This year in designing the program for our students we had focused on selecting modules for them that were primarily interactive. As a result, the students were able to experience Archery, learn some medieval calligraphy, become the village Apothecary where they made a poultice from herbs, learn about Arms and Armour where they could try on medieval armour, explore the role of the Executioner and learn more about the lives of Peasants and Nobles. We also had a late inclusion of a module dedicated to teaching the students Medieval dancing and this was to become the favourite module of the day.
During the lunch break, the students were able to enjoy the spectacle of Championship Jousting where two knights in armour jousted on horseback. The girls cheered for their favourite knight Sir Anthony who rode the black horse and were thrilled when at the end of the joust they were able to pat the horses. They were also able to explore the Castle grounds at this time.
It was great to see that some of the students and many of the staff had embraced the theme of the day and dressed in medieval costumes. Prizes were awarded for the best costumes.
Undoubtedly one of the highlights of the day was the Medieval dance on the arena at the end of the day. All of the Year 8’s gathered in a large circle and a smaller inner circle and danced together. It was a sight to behold seeing so many dancing the same steps with such enthusiasm.
Our students were commended by the Kryal Castle staff for their willingness to be involved in the modules and the way in which they positively interacted with the module facilitators. The Kryal Staff eagerly look forward to the Loreto Year 8 visit each year.
Days like these provide a valuable and rare opportunity to take the learning of Humanities, in particular Medieval History, out of the classroom and make it as real as possible within the surrounds of a mock castle. They emphasise the importance of real-world experiences to our Humanities curriculum and to our students’ learning of the Humanities.

Languages Faculty News
Mrs Yoshie Burrows (Faculty Leader Languages )
Kyaraben Project 2022
Cross-Curricular Project- Food Studies and Japanese
Following the success in 2021, Food Studies Unit 3/4 students created beautifully decorated bento boxes for Year 7 Japanese classes. These bento boxes featured food made to look like animals, people or anime characters. Food Studies students showcased their skills using scissors to cut small food details, carving tools to etch edibles and tweezers to put everything together.
Year 7 students were thrilled to receive such well-crafted food. They prepared by learning how to use chopsticks and creating the colourfully decorated “thank you” cards in Japanese to show gratitude.
It was a great unit of work working in two faculties. Many thanks to Mrs Mooney for her extensive preparational work and support for this project.
This week, the Year 7s were lucky enough to try a traditional Japanese lunch, ‘Bento boxes. ‘The Year 12s kindly agreed to make this for us in Food Tech. They were presented in many different shapes and with well-planned, appealing designs. The boxes included various fruits, vegetables, meats, and rice. Some groups were also given small skewers with tiny, cute animals on top. The Year 7s were encouraged to try this healthy meal with a pair of chopsticks, becoming even more immersed in the Japanese culture shown that day. The Japanese teachers had taught the Year 7s how to use the chopsticks the day before. The Year 7s also made cards for the Year 12s in their Japanese classes to show their gratitude.
- Kiana Jenkins (Year 7)

Science Faculty News
Mrs Natalie Howard (Faculty Leader Science)
Year 8 Humanoid Robotics Excursions
This term, our Year 8s experienced their Humanoid Robotics excursions at the Ballarat Tech School. As part of this excursion, students learnt to program NAO robots for real-life medical scenarios, furthering their science, engineering and technology skills at the Ballarat Tech School.
Adrian from the Ballarat Tech School taught this two-day program with our Year 8s this term. He passed on that he was very impressed with the engagement and capability of the Loreto students and really appreciated the level of general respect all the students have shown whilst onsite.
Recently, the Victorian STEM Ambassador Dr Tien Kieu MP toured the Tech School with local MPs Juliana Addison and Michaele Settle and Liam Sloan, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Federation University. Adrian was so impressed with the NAO programming from our students that he transferred the student-designed program to Pepper (our larger Humanoid Robot) as an exemplar demonstration of student learning and achievement as part of our introduction to the visiting dignitaries.
Well done Year 8s!

Year 10 Future Skills Elective
Mrs Karen Bambridge (Learning Diveristy Teacher)
Last week some of our Year 10 students visited St Mary's in Clarkes Hill. As part of our Year 10 elective, ‘Future Skills’ vocational skills, the students developed literacy and communication games and designed and created library bags for the junior students at St Mary’s. This was our opportunity to deliver these and spend time working with the students since we are focusing on community engagement as part of future direction.

Co-Curricular Performance News
Ms Lindy Crowe-Procaccino (Co-Curricular Performance Leader)
Arts Festival
In Term 3 our House Arts Competition begins which leads into our Annual Arts Festival evening. With a two-year hiatus due to COVID, we are looking forward to bringing the artistic talents of our students back to the forefront! Early in the term, our audition process for our painters, filmmakers, dancers, singers, actors and variety performers begins. We encourage everyone to begin thinking about what acts they may be able to create for this whole school event.
Our theme this year is “Without freedom .. there is no creativity” and we are looking forward to seeing some new and exciting students act up on the beautiful MMC Stage. A big thank you to our Senior Arts Captains and House leaders for all their assistance in helping with the preparation for this wonderful School event.
Chicago - 2022 School Production
In mid-May we had our incredible 2022 production of Chicago hit the Abbey Theatre Stage! After months of rehearsals, developing lighting plans, creating costumes, stage designs and more, the end result was truly spectacular! With a range of student involvement from Year 7 to Year 12, it was fantastic to have over 50 cast and 20 crew members involved in our production. A big congratulations to the following students involved:
Velma Kelly – Zoe Britt, Roxie Hart – Chloe Taylor, Billy Flynn – Meika Collard, Amos Hart – Alyssa Moloney, MC - Rosie Bathurst, Liz - Grace Costigan, Annie - Ashlyn Walker, June - Jaime Sergeant-Crowe, Hunyak - Alexis Oswin, Mona - Tahlia Ciappara
The Supporting Acts
‘Mama’ Morton – Phoebe McCallum, Mary Sunshine – Grace Cassells, Fred – Rose Canavan, Sergeant Fogarty – Asha Hoiles, Go-to-Hell Kitty – Emily Severino
Addison Muller, Ailish Ryan, Amber McCarthy, Amity Vandenberg, Ashley Keem, Bridgette Andrews, Charlotte Major, Chloe McMillin, Circe Moloney-Wise, Daisy Donovan-Clancy, Elise Dent, Eliza Dodd, Ella Barlow, Ella Demunk, Emily Gibson, Freya Cosgriff, Georgia Siemensma, Grace Corbic, Isabella McLean, Johanna Addison, Josephine Brodie, Layne Frawley, Lona Green, Marnie McCallum, Matilda Dean, Maya Forrestor, Remi Currie, Ruby Sparkman, Sadie Goldsmith, Samantha McCarthy, Sophia Dalton, Summer Ottini, Tara McHenry, Tess Jirik, Veronica Wright, Zoe Crack and Zoe Dean
Thank you to our wonderful VCAL students studying a Certificate II in Creative Industries who were also integral to the show, becoming involved in the creative side of promoting and producing a show.

Co-Curricular Sports News
Ms Whitney Beseler (Co-Curricular Sport Leader)
Term 2 Sport Report
BAS Athletics
We congratulate the team of 60 students who proudly represented Loreto College at the BAS Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 24 May. The team showed great spirit and enthusiasm when competing in the track & field events and all team members are to be proud of their achievements. We had great success on the day and were successful in winning the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Aggregates and the Overall Championship Trophy. Thank you to Ms Baird for her work and preparation of this team.
A special mention to Remy Callendar for breaking a long-standing record in the U16 Girls Shot Put. Remy threw a distance of 10.26m, breaking the previous record of 10.09m.
SCSA Athletics – Melbourne
On Friday 20 May we had a large team of athletes travel to Lakeside Stadium to compete in the Secondary Catholic Sports Association Athletics Carnival. It was a wonderful event, and we were very proud of the team for showing great participation and spirit. The afternoon finished with much excitement, as the results revealed we had been crowned the overall winners of this event! It had been over 20 years since we had won after many years of coming a close second. Thank you to all staff for their assistance on the day and to the students for their commitment to this team. Go, Loreto Go!
BAS Term 2 Sport
It has been a busy term of sport and we thank all students and coaches for their engagement and participation in a range of sporting opportunities. This week, we have had multiple teams playing in Grand Finals!
Senior Netball – all four grades of Senior Netball made it through to the Grand Final and played off against Ballarat Grammar on Tuesday and Wednesday. Here are the results:
- Senior Netball Firsts – champions def BG 43-31
- Senior Netball Seconds – runners up def by BG 30-24
- Senior Netball Thirds – champions def BG 53-21
- Senior Netball Fourths – champions def BG 47-14
What an amazing achievement to have all teams in the Grand Final!
Junior and Senior Badminton – our A Grade team combined with St Patrick's College came away as champions after defeating Ballarat Clarendon College. We wish our B Grade teams that have qualified into the Grand Finals all the best in their matches to be played at Ken Kay Stadium
Senior Football, Junior Hockey, Intermediate Basketball and Junior Soccer are all playing in their final round-robin matches this week, with those teams finishing on top of the ladder being awarded premierships. We will announce these once they are confirmed.
Run Club
Run Club has been buzzing this Semester and we are very proud to announce that since the beginning of the year as a group, we have covered 1,358km! Each lap of the circuit is 700m and together, 160 runners have attended and completed an extraordinary 1,940 laps – congratulations and thank you to each and every student who has attended Run Club this year!
A very special mention to the following students whose consistency has awarded them with entry into the 40km Club: Amali Torney (Year 12), Bella Clark (Year 12), Bella Davies (Year 10), Bronte Molloy (Year 9), Gemma Hanrahan (Year 12), Kiana Jenkins (Year 7). We also acknowledge Mr Baird who has entered the 60km Club! We hope to see all students joining us again next term and many more coming to start their Run Club journey.
Year 9 Swim Group
Year 9 swimming has been a huge success this term with up to 25 students participating in lap swimming at the Aquatic Centre on Wednesday mornings. Mrs Hirth has led these keen swimmers in fantastic sessions and together these students have been enjoying a well-deserved breakfast here at school. We hope to see many more Year 9 students join in this activity in Term 3, as we’d love to see this great program continue to grow!
Badminton Singles Championships
Congratulations to Freyja Neihus, Thu Do, Hannah Meek and Jamie-Lee Donovan-Clancy for representing Loreto College at the recent BAS Badminton Singles Championships. These players played in a round-robin tournament and had a very enjoyable day on the courts!
Rebel Sport - Support our school!
We are proudly partnering with Rebel in their Rebel Community Givebacks program which entitles our school to receive 5% of all our members' purchases at Rebel back as a credit to spend in-store on sports equipment or team wear!
To support our school all you need to do is join the Rebel active loyalty program and link your member account to our school the next time you visit Rebel. A friendly team member can help you do this in-store and you’ll also receive some great benefits like exclusive member offers and access to VIP experiences, rewards and competitions for being a rebel active member.
Just remember to swipe your Rebel active loyalty card in-store or log into your account online when making a purchase at Rebel and our school will receive 5% back as credit to spend on sports gear!
Thank you for your support!

Library News
Ms Meghan Douglas (Director of Library Services)
As the weather has cooled, the Library has become an even busier hub of activity. At lunchtimes, we are filled with students reading, playing games and socialising with their friends. We welcomed Year Fives from local Catholic primary schools for their SEED visits, encouraging them to race around the Library and explore our collection. Our newly established Writers Group has been working through some semi-structured planning activities, focusing on plot, purpose and structure. Our Book Clubbers have celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Harry Potter by making their own wands. Our Shadow Judges have been diligently reading the CBCA Younger Readers shortlist. Preparations are well underway for their first creative response to Exit Through the Gift Shop, a Persian Morning Tea in honour of the protagonist, raising money for the Cancer Council.
We were proud to celebrate IDAHOBIT (the International Day against LGBTQIA+ discrimination) on the 17 May and Pride Month throughout June in the Library, with themed displays that continued our tradition of reflecting diverse stories in our collection.
The theme for Reconciliation Week 2022 was “Be Brave. Make Change”. We were honoured to partner with the Religious Education Faculty to host a research project for our Year 7 students, which involved researching a change maker who had made a contribution to Reconciliation in our country. The students turned their research into posters and helped us to co-create a display to commemorate this important week. Our Year 7 and 8 Humanities and English students also made time to come in and enjoy some wide reading sessions, with a particular focus on First Nations stories.
As we head towards NAIDOC Week (3 - 10 July), we would like to spotlight some of our fabulous First Nations content:
- Everything You Need to Know About the Uluru Statement from the Heart is a comprehensive resource for older readers, explaining the history and the possible future for the Uluru Statement. This is a great introduction and overview!
- Guardians is the first in a new Historical Fantasy series called Wylah, the Koorie Warrior. Wylah is brave, clever and strong-willed, and all her best friends are giant megafauna animals. Wylah dreams of becoming an art teacher like her greatly respected Grandmother. But when her tribe is attacked by the Dragon Army and taken captive, Wylah must summon the courage to unite the five Guardians and save her people. But she isn't a warrior. Not yet, anyway. What will it take for Wylah to become a warrior, like her Grandmother before her?
- The Boy From the Mish by Gary Lonesborough is a contemporary coming-of-age story. It's a hot summer, and life's going all right for Jackson and his family on the Mish. It's almost Christmas, school's out, and he's hanging with his mates, teasing the visiting tourists, avoiding the racist boys in town. Just like every year, Jackson's Aunty and annoying little cousins visit from the city - but this time a mysterious boy with a troubled past comes with them. As their friendship evolves, Jackson must confront the changing shapes of his relationships with his friends, family and community. And he must face his darkest secret - a secret he thought he'd locked away for good. Compelling, honest and beautifully written, The Boy from the Mish is about first love, identity, and the superpower of self-belief.
- Kindred by Kirli Saunders is a debut poetry collection. Kirli has a keen eye for observation, humour and big themes that surround Love/Connection/Loss in an engaging style, complemented by evocative and poignant imagery. It talks to identity, culture, community and the role of Earth as healer. Kindred has the ability to grab hold of the personal in the universal and reflect this back to the reader.
Happy Reading!
Library Website: https://libguides.loreto.vic.edu.au/Loreto-Library
Our email: library@loreto.vic.edu.au
Our eBook and audiobook collection: https://loreto.wheelers.co/
Instagram: Follow us @loretoballaratlibrary

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)

In this week's Career News:
- Year 12 students
- Apply for university now!
- Medicine & Dentistry information
- Australian Defence Force
- CASPer Test (teaching and nursing)
- Employment opportunities
- Law Admissions Test (LAT)
- Scholarship programs
- Events
- Year 11 & 12 students - Monash University Business Explorer program
- Year 11 students - 2022 National Youth Science Forum (NYSF)
- Year 9 & 10 students - The Santos Science Experience
- All students
- Focus on Open Days
- Dental science careers
- The Good Universities Guide
- Brilliant maths careers website
- Interested in Psychology?
- Careers with STEM
- Dates for your diary
- Interested in Health Promotion?
- Wildlife Conservation
- Interested in Veterinary Nursing?
- Study skills and resources
Loreto Community Notices
Canteen Roster Term 3
Thursday 28 July 12-2pm
Julia Pannan
Friday 29 July 12-2pm
Julie Boyd
Sharyn Kennedy
Thursday 4 August 12-2pm
Jacqui Howlett
Friday 5 August 12-2pm
Wendy Grant
Thursday 11 August 12-2pm
Kerri Glenton
Friday 12 August 12-2pm
Sharon Janson
Melissa Constable
Thursday 18 August 12-2pm
Kim Sims
Claire Walsh
Friday 19 August 12-2pm
Lisa Vowles
Bernie Wise
Thursday 25 August 12-2pm
Julia Pannan
Friday 26 August 12-2pm
Julie Boyd
Sharyn Kennedy
Thursday 1 September 12-2pm
Jacqui Howlett
Friday 2 September 12-2pm
Wendy Grant
Cara McAloon
Thursday 8 September 12-2pm
Kerri Glenton
Friday 9 September 12-2pm
Sharon Janson
All volunteers must have current working with children’s check and the 3rd vaccination status (all info must be provided when requested)
Please contact Jacqui Lamb (Canteen Manager) for any inquiries at jlamb@loreto.vic.edu.au
Rise Up - Scholarship Fund Annual Giving 2022
Your faith in a Loreto education will help students rise up!
Our school and our students have risen to challenges, particularly in recent years, with faith, courage and strength. For our 2022 Annual Giving we invite you to help us celebrate and grow by making a Loreto education accessible for more regional students, through our Rise Up Scholarship Fund. Our Rise Up – Scholarship Fund aims to raise $500,000 by 2025 that will become a managed investment fund to ensure an ongoing 50% remission scholarship for two or more students every year (for the duration of their education from Year 7-Year 12). The Rise Up Scholarship Fund will ensure that Loreto College Ballarat remains accessible to students who may not be able to afford to attend the school and help towards ensuring a diverse community into the future.
You can help young people to continue Mary Ward and Mother Gonzaga Barry’s mission and become ‘seekers of truth and doers of justice’ by giving students the platform they need to rise up!
We need your help to reach our $500,000 target by 2025.

4EK Lap of the Lake
On Thursday 5 May we held our annual 4EK run along Lake Wendouree which continues to raise Meningococcal awareness in memory of Emma-Kate (Class of 2016). With a great lead up led by our Senate, there was plenty of purple around the school today, showing incredible student and staff support for the day. After hearing from Emma-Kate’s beautiful mum Abby, our students were truly inspired to tackle the 4km course.
Riding for Rare Ovarian Cancer Research
Congratulations to Gemma Foord and Hannah Armstrong (both Class of 2016) who have recently completed a bike ride from Canberra to Melbourne together with a team of 12 cyclists with the aim of raising funds for research into rare ovarian cancer.
Gemma and Hannah raised over $5000 for the cause, with the ride collectively raising over $136,000.
The aim was to ride 900km in 9 days however, the team were cut short two days early with many of the support crew and team contracting Covid. Once the duo got home, they then decided to complete the 112km to finish the distance – a fantastic effort of determination and endurance.
While the ride has been completed, there is still a chance to donate to this worthy cause by visiting https://www.rocinc.org.au/campaigns/gemma-foord/
School Pick Up/Drop Off
A reminder that when picking up students around Loreto, please do not park across local resident driveways which can create dangerous situations. This is to help ensure the safety of everyone who travels around Loreto.
Connecting & communicating with your young person: parent/carer webinar
Headspace National is presenting a webinar for parents and carers of young people in the Ballarat region. This webinar will cover:
- Understanding your young person and recognising mental health difficulties
- Managing the challenges of parenting young people today
- Having better conversations with your young person
- Connecting your young person with the right help and support
This webinar will be held online via Zoom on Monday 20 June at 7pm.
Please ensure that you register here
For more information, please download the flyer or contact programsupport@headspace.org.au

Loreto College Policies
The College is in the process of updating and publishing a range of relevant policies and procedures. The policies most applicable to families are accessible on the Loreto website.

Finance News
Conveyance Allowance 2022
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College.
Application forms are available at Main Reception or click on the following link, which also provides additional information.
Please note that in 2022 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance in 2021 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The Victorian Government introduced this fund for the following purpose:
“Every Victorian child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund will ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities.”
If you hold a valid means-tested Health Care card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF ($225 per secondary school student). The allowance will be paid to the College to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child and deducted from your school fee account. Applications close at the end of Term 2. Please complete the attached CSEF and return to the College.
Any enquiries please email accounts@loreto.vic.edu.au
Important Dates
Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or https://pam.loreto.vic.edu.au/Login/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.