Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or Click Here
Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
It’s wonderful to be back after nine weeks of leave. My time away was spent with three weeks of Professional Renewal Leave walking a Camino on the Portuguese Way, as well as a family holiday and time with friends in India.
Since commencing in June 2020, being invested in the education and lives of over 960 students and 150 staff, spiritually, academically and emotionally, has been a privilege.
To continue in the role with endurance that sustains the mission of the College, it is a recommendation from the Board and Loreto Ministries that all Principals take focussed time to re-energise, while also undertaking some form of spiritual renewal.
I achieved these objectives through time spent walking the Camino di Santiago, a cultural and spiritual pilgrimage through north-west Spain to the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, where the Apostle St James, the cousin of Jesus, is enshrined. After the death of Jesus, James spent many years in the Iberian peninsula spreading Christianity. On his return to Judea, he was killed on the orders of Herod Agrippa, and some of St James’ followers retrieved his body and took it back to the capital city of Galicia, which was re-named Santiago (St James in Galician).
The experience provided me with a beautiful context for renewal – serene mountains, lush forests and babbling waterways; subsistence farming and vineyards; remote coastlines, ancient cities and slow-paced villages; magnificent cathedrals and tiny chapels; welcoming, cheerful greetings from all passersby, always offering encouragement with a “bon camiño!” or “buen camino!”
Camino is Spanish for ‘way’ or ‘path’ and undertaking any one of the various routes to Santiago allows you time and space for clarity of mind, reflection and being present to your thoughts and feelings. Walking approximately 20 kilometres a day gives you plenty of time to think, and to reconnect the body, (the physical journey) with the mind (my purpose) and the spirit (the presence to appreciate my life and the will to keep going).
The notion of being on a journey, or following a path is particularly apt at the moment for our Year 12s. Last Tuesday marked their final day of formal schooling, which was celebrated with the Celebration Assembly, meeting with Year 11s to pass on ‘buckets’ of good will, lunch time garden concert and a beautiful Graduation Mass at the Cathedral.
At this transition stage, Year 12 students are commonly asked, ‘What are you going to do? What do you want to be?’ For many young people, in this rapidly changing world there isn’t an easy response. And perhaps, nor should there be, at least not in a definitive sense. Perhaps a better question might be, “Now that you are moving into a new stage of life, what values are important to you right now? What is a path that you could take that will align with those values? What do you hope your Camino will look like?”
When do you feel worthwhile, confident, excited, responsible, motivated, challenged? Will you undertake a journey of self-discovery, where each step mindfully nourishes your soul, and your focus shifts to sounds, sights and smells of the trail, embracing the simplicity of life and the shedding of past burdens.
As the Class of 2024 take the next step, I wish them well and hope they find their camino by choosing a path that leads uphill to find the best version of themselves. Perhaps that’s the answer to the question.
It has been lovely to see the staff and students again and reconnect with everyone. I’ve missed the interactions and vibrant atmosphere of the College, and it was lovely to feel a sense of welcome. I would like to thank the Loreto College Board and Loreto Ministries for giving me the opportunity to take PRL. I would also like to acknowledge Chris Shaw, who fulfilled the Acting Principal role and Christina Sofis as Deputy Principal. It was comforting to know that while I was away the College was able to run smoothly under their dedicated leadership.
I look forward to a positive finish to the year.
Class of 2024 Awards
We celebrated the Class of 2024 at our Celebration Assembly, celebrating their contributions to the College as a cohort. During the event, we also recognised our special Year 12 award recipients across a number of categories. Congratulations to all our award recipients:
Change to the College’s Finance System
The College is currently implementing a new finance system which will result in changes to the ways that families pay tuition fees. Please see further details in the Business Manager’s section.

From the Deputy Principal
Ms Christine Shaw
‘May we support each other to be people of authenticity and integrity who genuinely try to make the world better for others.’ 2024 Sincerity prayer
Heading into the last classes for our Year 12’s reflecting on their time as students of Loreto is always a bittersweet moment. There is much for them to be proud of and the range of celebrations from dress up days to their last war cry, breakfast, Celebration Assembly and final Mass. These events bring together the years of relationships, experiences and education. It’s a whirlwind of emotions, but the class of 2024 have certainly embraced our value of Sincerity in every way. We wish them well for their exams and other pursuits in the coming weeks and thank them all for the legacy they leave the College.
The calm and focused start to Term 4 meant students returned to Loreto with a positive and purposeful approach. We were thrilled to welcome back Ms Helen Jost, Ms Louise Moreau-Labregere and Ms Gemma McDermott who have all been on periods of leave.
Over the holiday break, there was quite a lot going on at the College. In addition to continued works on the Lift project, a new lighting system was installed to light up the front gates and fence with improved access and a refreshed Canteen layout and menu. Year 12’s completed practice exams in the second week in preparation for their final VCAA VCE examination period.
The opening Assembly focused on the International Day of the Girl child, recognising girls' rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world with the theme, ‘Girls’ rights and vision for the future’. This sits right at the heart of our Loreto ethos of supporting others to reach their full potential. We know only too well that educating girls to have a voice enables dreams and aspirations to be realised and the enduring leadership of Loreto students who have so much is vital to shaping a better world for others. We celebrated a number of achievements of our students last term, in particular that of Lucy Eales who after winning the VCAA PESA (Plain English Speaking Award) State Final moved into the National Finals where her speech on ‘Yarning’ resulted in winning the National title for 2024. We acknowledge the ongoing support of Ms Tamara Vandenberg in developing skills for all our students engaged in Public Speaking and Debating.
It has been a delight to see the many and varied art and design works in the exhibition Pathways Unfolded and reading the inspiration behind the development of each work gives deeper insight into the process and journey of discovery for each student. Thank you to our very talented Art and Design department for guiding our students so well in this area.
Ms Brodrick returned from leave this this week and it has been wonderful to hear all she has been learning in her time away. I know she has many fresh and new ideas to share, and we are excited to welcome her back .
To the class of 2024 – As Loreto Alumni, you are blessed to be part of something very special that Mother Gonzaga Barry dreamed of nearly 150 years ago. Know that the community of Loreto College Ballarat who have guided you here at school, will be there always to guide you well into your next stages and far beyond.
“There is no subject of greater, perhaps of as great importance to a nation as that of its women’s education.” Mother Gonzaga Barry ibvm

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity
Ms Felicity Knobel
Graduation Mass
Our Graduation Mass is the very essence of who we are as a Catholic community. We are gathered together as a faith filled community partaking in the ritual of the Eucharist. It is something very special that in the midst of this ritual that we bring our uniquely Loreto symbols of the crowns and the candles. Our crowns and candles are beautiful, and equally so are our students as they are given them. However, they are symbolic of who we are as Catholic Loreto community. The concluding words read by Charlotte Martindale and Bridgette Andrews at our celebrations encapsulates what it means to be educated in the Loreto tradition.
“As we prepare to leave this Cathedral, to leave with the group that contains many of our closest friends, to leave with our families who have supported us over the past 13 years of our education, we take the light that has been given to us out into the world. We know that we will be supported in the future as we have been in the past but we are being challenged to be light to the world. To witness to the faith that we have been given.
The light of Christ asks us to bear witness to our faith. To care for those in need, to visit those who are sick or imprisoned, to work at improving the world to which we belong. The work that awaits us is in need of the light that we have.
As the candles of each student of the Class of 2024 are lit, I would ask you to pray for us, that we may look forward to taking our place in the world and that we may embrace the future full of hope and optimism.”
May God bless each and every one of our graduates.

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma Mc Derrmott
It is Wonderful to be at School
Four months ago, I had a stroke which made me unable to use all my right arm and right leg. I was so fortunate that my speech was not affected and I have been lucky to regained the use of my arm in the hospital, however, my leg was dead.
I attended rehabilitation where a team of Doctors, Nurses, Speech and Occupational therapists helped me gain back the ability to write, become independent and able to do small things, such as dressing, which is something we all take for granted. Physiotherapists helped me learn how to walk again and I loved how they tried different things, not knowing whether it would work or not, as everyone responds differently to treatment. I had one Physio on one side of me and one on the other lifting my leg. I was in a wheelchair for some time.
Setting goals has made me more determined to succeed. The first was to walk out of rehab, not perfectly, and then the second was to return to school ready for Term 4. The final goal is to drive which I am still to achieve but I will get there. I now and then miss a step and do a small dance but what has kept me going is the support of my family and the Loreto College Community.
I know that I am not alone, as there are students and staff who have gone through their own challengers due to an accident or medical situation, who have been phenomenal in their own journey to be at school. What we all have in common is the fact we are part of the supportive Loreto Community.
As a Community, we must remember support and empathise, which all makes a difference. It is good to keep in mind that we never know what a person’s story is, so when we come to school, if we can show empathy and acknowledge the uniqueness of others and accept others through kindness, it will have a positive impact. I am so grateful to be back at school, seeing everyone and teaching Mathematics.

School TV
School TV is an incredible resource about issues facing teenagers today.
School TV Anonymous Wellbeing Survey for Parents
Some students face adversities that challenge them on many levels. Some parents report that their teenager’s mental health has changed since the pandemic or worsened as a result. However, ensuring the mental health and wellbeing of our young people is important for many reasons, one of which is the direct impact it has on educational outcomes.
To assist our school, we are seeking your participation in a short anonymous and aggregated survey. It is intended to act as a barometer on the wellbeing of our teenagers which will assist us in the review of our wellbeing topics and possible speakers for 2025. If it could be completed by Friday 8 November, that would be wonderful.
Here is the link to the survey:
Take Care

CoRE Membership
Loreto College Ballarat is pleased to announce we have recently become a member of the Communities of Respect and Equality (CoRE) Alliance. The CoRE Alliance is a region-wide approach to prevent violence against women and their children in the Grampians. The CoRE Plan sets a vision for “A safe, equal and respectful society for everyone” and invites all organisations, businesses, clubs and networks in the region, who share this vision, to become members of the Alliance and start working collectively, with mutually reinforcing actions towards that vision.
Together with our students, we will commence planning the actions we will take as part of our commitment over the next term.
We would like to encourage all agencies, businesses and clubs to join the Alliance. For more information feel free to contact Women’s Health Grampians on (03) 5322 4100 or visit

From the Business Manager
Mr Brenton Riordan
Introduction of New Fee Payment Processes for 2025
Please be aware that the College is currently transitioning to a new school finance system. Our existing school finance system has reached its end of life, and the College is busy transitioning to a new system called TASS which will commence operation in 2025.
This change will result in a new process for paying College Tuition Fees. The new TASS system will allow families to log into their own secure portal through the TASS App, see their amounts owed and select their preferred method of payment and frequency.
This new system will provide greater security as banking and credit card details will no longer be collected or stored by the College. It also provides families with more transparency, flexibility, and convenience in managing their payments along with eliminating paperwork that was previously required by the College.
Whilst no action is required at the stage, further information will be provided to families in the coming months so please keep an eye out for further communication.
Introducing Flexischools for lunch orders
Loreto College has introduced Flexischools to place lunch orders from the College canteen.
Flexischools is an easy and convenient way for parents and students to order and pay for school lunches, either online or via the Flexischools app.

Accessing the Flexischools App
All you need to do is download the Flexischools app from the Apple or Google store and follow the prompts to create an account (nominate Loreto College Ballarat as your school). You can download the app and find registration and online ordering instructions here.
Parents/Carers can set daily spend limits and keep an eye on purchases via the Flexischools app. Additionally, you can also add access for your child to use the app, enabling them to place online orders themselves.
If you already have a Flexischools account for another family member, select the Profile icon on the app and +Add New Student.
The cut off time for ordering is 9am on the day of service.
Please note that students will still be able to pay for over-the-counter items using cash or card.
Should you have any questions relating to the setup of the Flexischools app, visit or call 1300 361 769.

From the Interdisciplinary Leader: Analytics and Research
Ms Sara Sharer
Standardised Testing Term 4
This term students in Years 7 – 10 will be involved in various forms of standardised testing. This is completed every year to establish the growth of the individual and cohort, to identify areas of support required or where extension to learning may be implemented. We specifically test their literacy and numeracy skills. The 2024 standardised assessment program will provide us with important learning data.
This is a low stakes test. This means no preparation is required, and it is not used for reporting purposes. We just ask students to try their best so we have a clear indication of their learning progression and how staff can best support their growth.
The tests are adaptive, meaning they increase in difficulty when correct. For the numeracy test, a calculator icon may appear if the student has questions that require it. No physical calculator will need to be used.
Both the Year 10 tests will be completed during exam week, Monday 18 Nov – Friday 22 Nov.
In Years 7 – 9 the tests will be completed by various subject teachers over the remainder of the term. If they are absent for the test, their teacher will ask them to complete the test at another time in the Library.
If you have any questions, please contact Sara Sharer on

From the Interdisciplinary Leader: Digital Learning
Mr David Barker

Google Suite Closure
At Loreto College we are enhancing our digital learning environment by transitioning to new platforms. As part of these changes we will be moving away from Google Drive and Google Classroom. Students are reminded they have until the end of Term 4 to transfer and convert any content from Google Drive to OneDrive.
1: There are two main types of files that ALL students may need to transfer:
Google Suite Files (Docs, Slides, Sheets):
If you only have a few Google Suite files, you can download them individually. For example, a Google Slide can be downloaded as a PowerPoint file.
If you have many Google Suite files, use Google Takeout to download and convert them all at once. Detailed instructions are available in the Daily Messages.
Other Files (Images, PDFs, Word Docs, etc.):
These files can be moved directly from Google Drive to OneDrive without conversion.
2: Check Your Downloads Folder:
Review your downloads folder for any files you want to keep. This is especially important for Year 9 students getting a new laptop, as the old one will be wiped. Keeping the downloads folder empty helps with disk space and therefore laptop performance.
3: Activate OneDrive:
Make sure your OneDrive account is the school version and not OneDrive Personal. This ensures you are set up correctly for next year. It should say Loreto College Ballarat next to the OneDrive folder.
4: Get Help:
Mr. Barker is available every Wednesday in the library for assistance with the transition.
College News
Meet Harlow
Harlow is the newest member of the Loreto College Support Dog team. Twiggy and Harlow will share the canine support responsibilities, with lots of hugs, pats and walks required in return.
Harlow will be onsite every Friday - please see Ms Hendricks in the Counsellors office for more information. Twiggy will remain onsite on Wednesdays and Thursdays as normal.

Mr Andrew Blackwood (Faculty Coordinator: VCE-VM)
It has been an incredible term for our VCE-VM students at Loreto College Ballarat, marked by hands-on learning, leadership, and community engagement across multiple areas. From sports clinics to social impact projects, our students have showcased their talents, dedication, and the spirit of teamwork that defines the VCE-VM pathway.
Our Final Year 12 Sport and Rec Clinics
Over the last 18 months our Certificate III Sport and Rec students have been delivering community sports clinics to primary schools around Ballarat for their Friday placements. During this time they have run programs at 12 different Ballarat primary schools, multiple swimming, athletics and sports carnivals and recently completed their final block at St Columbas PS.
Year 11 Women in Manufacturing Workshop
Some of our Year 11 students embraced a unique opportunity at the "Women in Manufacturing" workshop, designed to inspire young women to explore non-traditional career pathways. This hands-on event not only opened doors to potential career options but also empowered students to challenge stereotypes and engage with innovative industries.
Giving Back: Cooking Meals for Families in Need
Service to the community is a key component of the VCE-VM program. Recently, our students prepared nutritious meals for families in need at Emmaus Primary School, demonstrating the importance of care, empathy, and teamwork. Their efforts made a real difference to local families and reflected our College values As well as this, a part of their Active Volunteering community service, some of our Year 11 students have had the opportunity to work with Meals on Wheels and with the help of Mrs Mader have delivered meals to members of the community who needs some additional support.
Year 12 Multicultural Melbourne Camp
From 14 to 16 October, our Year 12 VCE-VM students embarked on a three-day camp to Melbourne, immersing themselves in activities that celebrated multiculturalism. Highlights included volunteering with Meals with Impact, visiting the Immigration Museum, and learning about the history of Melbourne on a walking tour. These experiences provided a meaningful way to explore diversity, compassion, and community engagement.
Celebrating Our First VCE-VM Graduates
This term also marks a historic milestone for Loreto College, as we celebrate our first-ever VCE-VM graduates. These students have not only met academic challenges but also made meaningful contributions to the community, embracing opportunities of personal development, teamwork, and real-world learning. We are immensely proud of their achievements and look forward to the bright futures they have ahead.

Technology News
Ms Thea Mooney (Faculty Coordinator: Technology)
SaltBush Kitchen
Unit 2 Food Studies students had a cultural experience at the SaltBush Kitchen this term. Our ex-Loreto College student, Brigid Corcoran, provided students with a range of Indigenous inspired dishes and drinks, including caramel wattleseed slice and bush tea. Students enjoyed seeing the range of Indigenous inspired food products on sale and the sensory experience of smelling and tasting Indigenous spices. This enhanced their understanding of Indigenous food culture and provided them with knowledge of how to adapt recipes to include these ingredients.

Maths News
Mr Stephen Boswell (Faculty Coordinator: Maths)
ClassPad Calculator Ordering
All students that are heading into Year 9 in 2025 will be requiring to order a new calculator, the ClassPad fx-CP400. There are a range of options for the students to order this, including on the booklists that are sent out each year. An alternative way to order is by ordering through Abacus, a company that connects directly with Loreto and can offer calculators at a cheaper price and get delivered straight to the school.
Click on the link to the Order Form that students can utilise to order their ClassPad calculators from Abacus at the discounted rate. If they order through the link on this flyer, there is a saving of around $15 to $20 compared to ordering through the booklist. It is recommended that all students purchase the Protective Padded Case.
This offer is not just for the 2025 Year 9 students as there also may be some Year 10 or 11 students that need theirs replaced.
ORDER BEFORE 29 OCTOBER for discounted pricing.

Humanities News
Ms Jayne Carrigg (Faculty Coordinator: Humanities)
Year 9 History Expo – WWI Women at War
Women’s contribution to the WWI was extensive, but largely unrecorded. The contributions of women in Ballarat during WWI were vital to both the war effort and the community's resilience. While many women enlisted as nurses with the AANS, many more volunteered outside the official channels (as VADs, through overseas nursing organisations, or on their own), and were therefore unrecognised/unrecorded.
Their work laid the foundation for future advancements in women's rights and societal roles in Australia. The war prompted discussions around women's rights and roles in society, contributing to the broader push for women's suffrage and greater involvement in public life post-war.
First Nations Australians played significant yet often overlooked roles during World War The roles of First Nations Australians in WWI reflect their courage and commitment to Australia, despite facing systemic discrimination. Understanding their contributions helps to enrich the narrative of the war and acknowledges the diverse experiences of those who served.
Our Year 9 Students are currently working in small groups to investigate an individual or an organisation and their contribution to the Australian war effort. They are encouraged to explore new ways of presenting their work such as artistic interpretations, pod casts, performance poetry, music and song, digital storytelling, biography and short documentary.
They will present their research findings to the College community in a History Expo on Friday 22 November at lunchtime. This celebration of learning will also involve the JPIC group who will be selling foods from WWI such as ANZAC biscuits, treacle cake and soldiers’ biscuits. Our Year 9 leadership group has taken a lead role in creating the logo and promotional materials for the event with the guidance of our Marketing department.
Friday 22 November - 12.30pm
Loreto College Mulhall Centre
Parents welcome to attend the Expo (Please sign in at Front Reception)
Traditional WWI foods available to purchase at the Expo including ANZAC Biscuits, Treacle Cake and Soldier's Biscuits.

Arts News
Ms Julia West (Faculty Coordinator - The Arts)
VCE Art and Design Exhibition 2024 - Pathways Unfolded
The beginning of Term 4 brings hard work and excitement for staff and students alike. We were proud to work closely with the Technology Faculty to create the 2024 Art & Design Exhibition. Artworks consisting of paintings, prints, sculptures, and mixed media were displayed alongside Media productions of photography and films. Product designs featuring 3D designs of wearable items and contemporary products were exhibited along with visual communication and designs of environmental works and product designs.
The opening night of the Art & Design Exhibition was attended by staff, parents and students and opened by Catherine Ranger, a former student of Loreto College, Ballarat. Catherine spoke eloquently about the importance of design in our lives and how students could navigate and thrive life of design. We also congratulated VCE staff - Alex Davison, Rachel Myers and Tracey Lean for their support and commitment to their students, and support staff including Carly Pitts, Art Technician and Arts Faculty staff member Esta Anderson along with the Marketing team; Narelle Mulrooney & Jayde Harrington for their ongoing support.
Well done to all of our Arts students and we wish them well for their exams.
VCE Theatre Studies
VCE Unit 3/ 4 Theatre Studies students performed their VCE Theatre Studies Monologue in Ballarat recently. Ms. Stephanie Greet, Theatre Studies Teachers and students spent many hours rehearsing, revising and refining this assessment piece. The marks awarded for the monologue along with a written examination held in a matter of week, contribute to the final study score.
We congratulate Bridgette Andrews and Amber McCarthy for completing this difficult but rewarding assessment. Thanks to Ms Greet for her incredible support and expertise in supporting and guiding these students.

Music News
Ms Sarah Goodbourn (Teacher of Music)
Primary Schools Music Tour
Our Senior Concert Band and Year Seven All Stars Band had the privilege of being invited into three local primary schools to perform for their students. It was a big day, packing the bus, traveling to each school, setting up, performing…and then doing it all again.
The 46 Music students involved on the day were incredible ambassadors for our College. The way in which they collaborated with each other, engaged with the primary school students and performed was outstanding.
The highlights for most audience members were dancing along to The Chicken Dance, participating in the Cups Song and having the opportunity to conduct a piece.
We are so grateful to have the skills, ability, and support to share Music with others in this way. It was a huge undertaking, but an incredibly successful day. Thank you to everyone who helped make this tour happen.

Outdoor Environmental Studies News
Mr Liam Gill (Teacher - Outdoor Environmental Studies)
During Term 4, the VCE Outdoor Envirnmental Studies classes spent 3 days down at Anglesea. Students were involved in range of adventure activities such as Mt Bike Riding, Snorkelling and Surfing.
A huge thankyou to Dakoda Emery- Federation University for attending as well.
A great time was had by all, as evident below from some of our year 12 students:
Highlight includes jumping through the two fences to get to the cliff lookout. Yes we did survive it ... against the will of others. We also enjoyed snorkelling for the first time and coming out looking like drowned water rats. Although having years of previous experience, our tent may or may not have survived the two nights in which we stayed. Thankfully the traditions stayed alive with our annual trip to MACCAS after spending to much time with each other. Then finally we made it through the trip ride back home, even stressing when Mr Gill attempted for the 10th time to reverse the bus through the back gate. kidding, we thought you were going to make it through the first time
Jumping through two fences to get to the cliff lookout, where we managed to survive the journey. I also thoroughly enjoyed the mountain bike riding in the You Yangs, especially going over the bike jumps. I also thoroughly enjoyed the kayaking in which we did in the Anglesea River, during this we did activities within the kayaks such as switch boats, we also had to limbo under a quite low bridge, but at the conclusion we jumped off a bridge which was another major highlight.
Very relaxing camp and a great way to destress before we start exams. Spending time at the beach and doing a bunch of activities we wouldn't normally do was definitely an experience and a half. My personal highlight was not getting stung by a bee, but the mountain bike ride was great - to push ourselves mentally and physically. THE VIEWS WERE INCREDIBLE !!
I really enjoyed our Anglesea camp and all the activities we did. Mountain biking on the first day was super fun and a nice challenge, even when I fell off... Snorkelling on the second day was awesome, and we saw a few pufferfish. Sea kayaking was super fun, especially with all the challenges we did, like swapping partners, swapping front to back on the kayak, paddling backwards, doing a race and getting as many people as possible on a single kayak, and then jumping off the bridge at the end. The sunset and sunrise from the cliffside we found (which definitely didn't involve climbing through two fences), were incredible, and surfing on the final day was super fun, especially because I finally got the hang of it and managed to stand up and surf about 6 or 7 times!
By Bridie Newman, Emma Gowans, Freyja Neihuis, and Jas Hayes - Year 12.

Library News
Ms Meghan Douglas (Director of Library Services)
Reading trends in our library show that suspense novels remain a favorite, with all of Karen McManus's stories drawing particular interest. Additionally, we’re noticing an increase in borrowing from the Romance genre as the weather gets sunnier. Students can explore our reading guides available on the library webpage to discover their next great read!
In August, our library celebrated Book Week with the theme of "Reading is Magic." We showcased the CBCA's shortlisted books for Older Readers, alongside a selection of read-alikes, which proved to be very popular among students. Additionally, we hosted a raffle competition where each borrowed book earned an entry. The exciting prize was a cozy winter reading pack, complete with a novel, hot chocolate, and marshmallows. We loved hosting a Book Exchange, ably run by Felicity Captain Lucy Eales, and a Gaming Tournament, hosted by our Shadow Judges as a tribute to the novel ‘Two Can Play That Game’. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make this event a success!
At the end of Term 3, our Shadow Judges wrapped up their program, having immersed themselves in the CBCA's shortlisted books for Older Readers throughout the year. They creatively responded to each title and ultimately voted for their favorite, selecting Helena Fox's ‘The Quiet and the Loud’. This choice differed from the official selection, which was ‘Grace Notes’ by Karen Cromer, and the broader Shadow Judges selection ‘Inkflower’ by Suzy Zail. It’s wonderful to see student agency in action and to amplify the voices of our young readers.
Recently, we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming many classes to the library. Our Year 10 English students explored databases to prepare for their persuasive oral presentations, and it was inspiring to see them discover topics they are passionate about while honing their skills in articulating their views and referencing. Additionally, various junior classes engaged in research activities across subjects like Food Studies, Religious Education, and Humanities. As many of our Year 12 students approach their final exams, we encourage them to use the library for their study sessions. We offer a variety of study guides to support their preparation. To wish them well, our library staff has created a beautiful display to bid them farewell.
We love showcasing our library to potential students and were excited to host several local primary school students during their SEED visits. During their time here, they participated in a reading activity and explored our library games. We look forward to welcoming many of these enthusiastic readers to Year 7 in the future!
Parents have received a notification via PAM regarding the early VCE English and VCE Literature book lists. Students in VCE are expected to read all set texts over the summer break. By ordering from this early book list by Sunday 27 October, families can ensure that the novels will be delivered to students at school in November. This information has also been shared with students in Years 10 and 11 through SIMON notices. For any queries, please reach out to Meghan Douglas. The full 2025 Resource List will be published later this term.
Happy Reading!
Library Website:
Our email:
Our eBook and audiobook collection:
Instagram: Follow us @loretoballaratlibrary

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)
In this week's Career News:
- Vic Uni Foundations Available on VTAC
- Introduction into Podcasting
- Tertiary Events Guide
Finance News
School Saving Bonus
Families receiving the means tested Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) are eligible for the Victorian government $400 school saving bonus.
There is no separate application process for families to receive the School Saving Bonus – payment will be made directly to the College in November.
Eligible families will have the bonus amount automatically credited to their fee account.
Further information about the school saving bonus can be found at this link
If you have any questions regarding the school saving bonus, please contact.
Conveyance Allowance 2024
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College. Application forms are available on the Loreto College website or click on the link below.
Please note that in 2024 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance at Loreto College in 2023 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
For further information visit:
Any enquiries please email
Any enquiries please email
Community News
Napoleons Primary School is very excited to be holding a Twilight Fete on Friday 8 November at 4pm.
The link to the event on Facebook is:
They would love to see you there.
To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.