Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or Click Here
TERM DATES for 2024 have been released - please click here for details
Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
'Leave after you something on which others may build' - Mother Gonzaga Barry
When Mother Gonzaga Barry arrived in Australia in 1875, she rose to a challenge of founding St Mary’s Mount Abbey (now Loreto College Ballarat), the first of many Loreto schools across Australia. She was an inspirational, energetic woman of faith and became a pioneering leader in girls’ education responding to the needs of the times.
Mother Gonzaga Barry urged Loreto students to ‘leave after you something on which others may build’. When our current student leaders were elected, they identified a need to respond to the challenges of the time. Each student’s experience of education had differed from the past with disruption not only in learning but also in College events and experiences. Working alongside Student Leadership Coordinator, Kate Martin, the College Captains and Senate wanted to prioritise ways to bring the community together and embrace the Loreto spirit. We have seen our College Captains, Bridget Bales and Alexandra Grieve, the Senate and Year 12 students lead the way to unite as a community, with authenticity and kindness.
Student leadership is an integral component of life at Loreto College Ballarat. Throughout a student’s education we aim to foster qualities of justice, sincerity, verity, felicity and freedom, as essential aspects of our culture and tradition. This week we will acknowledge the outstanding work of our elected Year 12 leaders and induct the 2024 College Captains and Senate. Congratulations to Bella Davies and Stephanie Jenks who are the new College Captains and to all the students elected to the Senate (listed here).
Position |
Student |
College Captain | Isabella Davies |
College Captain | Stephanie Jenks |
Communications & Media Captain | Georgia Halstead |
Creative Arts Captain | Phoebe Crawley |
Felicity Captain | Lucy Eales |
First Nations Captain | Ella McCormack |
Liturgy Captain | Hannah McCrum |
Performing Arts Captain | Demi Anwyl |
Social Justice Captain | Chloe Cook |
Sport Captains | Rosie Hunt and Remy Callender |
Sustainability Captain | Holly Boyd |
Barry House Captain | Milly Wakefield |
Mornane House Captain | Bridgette O’Brien |
Mulhall House Captain | Tia Kinnersly |
Ward House Captain | Olivia Parnell |
House Arts Festival
A wonderful celebration of dance, singing and art has taken place over the past month with all students participating with other members of their house in the annual House Arts Festival. Last week the MMC came alive with performances capturing music and news across the decades. The performance night held this week showcased the talents of many of our students. Thank you to the students and staff involved in the preparation and performances, particularly our Arts team and House Leaders. Thank you to all who came along to support and celebrate the Arts.
Father’s Day
A liturgy and breakfast was held last week for our students to acknowledge the special relationship they have with their father or special person. The Chapel was a truly beautiful setting in the early hours of Wednesday morning with candlelight and choir performances. Thank you to all that attended. Thank you to Jarrod Ryan, Felicity Knobel, the choir and the students and staff who helped prepare breakfast.

From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Chris Shaw
Time to make your bed!
The famous quote by William H. McRaven;
‘If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed’,
centres on the idea that starting the day with an achievement each morning is a reminder that if you do the little things right, it makes the big things possible.
Term 3 has been marked by a strong focus on student learning and engagement and we’ve seen some outstanding endeavours. Our staff have been working very hard with all year levels to maximise their potential and we see this from involvement in Science week activities to the Melbourne experience to intensive VCE exam preparation and finalising of the Vocational Major subjects, the Music Showcase, House Arts, Father’s Day Liturgy, BAS Sport, Leadership and Community Service, as just a sample. We proudly congratulated nominees for the Ballarat Youth Awards, public speaking winners, South Street debaters and performers, and we were an Excellence Awardee for the Australian Education Awards.
To engage in any of these things requires great commitment from many people, the student, parents, the staff (teaching and non-teaching) and our wider community. It is always a team that builds our character and resolve, and we learn so much by doing.
For all students as this term leads into final assessments of some form, this is a time where all students can be:
- setting clear goals by defining specific academic goals, both short-term and long-term for a clear sense of direction and purpose.
- embracing the challenges first to make an achievement.
- creating a study schedule, by developing a structured timetable that allocates time for each subject or task they need to focus on.
- prioritising time management based on deadlines and importance. Using tools like calendars, to-do lists, or digital apps to manage time.
- putting the phone in a different place than the workplace and setting time frames around work to avoid procrastination and excuses.
- developing effective study habits, by finding a quiet and comfortable place to study and work at home, breaking work sessions into manageable chunks with short breaks in between and using active learning techniques such as summarizing, questioning, and teaching the material to someone else.
- staying organized and reviewing and revising notes regularly (not just by cramming if they have exams). Keeping study materials, notes, and work well-organized and creating a system for keeping track of deadlines and important dates.
- seeking help when needed and showing independence in this. We as parents need to support, but not control this vital life learning skill.
- developing critical thinking skills by asking questions, evaluating information critically, and making connections between different concepts.
- maintaining a healthy work-life balance by allocating time for relaxation, exercise, social activities, and fun to improve productivity.
- ensuring sleep, a balanced diet, and a calm approach is prioritised. Physical and mental well-being are crucial for academic success and critical thinking.
- being intrinsically motivated with a self-directed focus that has achievable milestones and goals.
If we do start each day with a simple task completed like making our bed, we put one foot forward and by breaking things down into achievable tasks, we are less overwhelmed with all is ahead of us.
'Without daring greatly, you will never know what is truly possible in your life.' -
William H. McRaven

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity
Ms Felicity Knobel
Leadership Assembly
Our Leadership Assembly on Thursday 7 September was a celebration of our Senate 2023 while we inducted our Senate for 2024. The leadership at Loreto College Ballarat is not about the badge on our lapel. Our leadership group is the representation of our students and we firmly believe that all in our College have capacity in this area and all are leaders.
We are called to be people of Loreto.
To be confident in ourselves, our experiences, our strengths and talents.
We take pride in who we are, and we affirm and value those around us.
We are called to speak our truth. To speak with heart. To speak with love.
We also speak with the intention of being heard and being listened to.
We are brave, we are fearless… We are Loreto.
Father’s Day
On Wednesday 30 August we celebrated our Dads and also the special males that are in our world. In our liturgy Steph Jenks our Liturgy Rep for Year 11 said that “Fathers, and those who have been like a father to us, are varied. No matter the differences, we have an opportunity today to express our thanks, show our gratitude and appreciate the uniqueness of our own family experience.”
Mr Jarrod Ryan and our Liturgy Representatives and our choir led by Majella Muller shared with us a liturgy that was prayerful, reflective and a time for all of us to sit with the people that we love in our beautiful Chapel. We also enjoyed afterwards a hearty breakfast prepared for us a band of volunteers from our staff and also our Senate 2024. Some men were lucky enough to go home with a prize from our raffle which included Bunnings vouchers, Tattslotto tickets and bottles of wine. Thank you to all who attended.

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma McDermott
Parenting the Post Pandemic Child
Are you a Fabulous Parent or are you a Good Enough Parent?
At the beginning of August, Clinical Psychologist and Director of the Resilience Project, Lyn Worsley, came to Ballarat and spoke to parents and educators about parenting and what medical professionals are observing in young people after the pandemic.
Lyn posed the question to the audience, 'what are the best hopes for young people?', some of the answers given were happiness, kindness, courage, productivity, compassion, good social skills, open to ideas and opportunities. Lyn then spoke about parents either managing or raising children. To mange a child means; the parent does a lot of things for the child, and in return the child behaves for the parent. Looking at raising a child rather than managing, by raising, parents are developing their skills, which in turn children are more likely to ask questions, are better able to face challenges and will learn life skills and perform tasks with a sense of purpose, as opposed to doing things mindlessly, because a parent tells them what to do. By managing children they avoid mistakes and failure, which in turn does not build resilience and the ability to adapt when difficulties arise.

In the post pandemic world qualitative research is showing is there is more lethargy about social events, there is a greater sense that things can go wrong, there is more loneliness due to the disconnectedness that society has experienced and there is more dependence on devices.
When raising young people we need to help them navigate and negotiate social environments, help them to be socially responsible and to experience a whole range of life’s opportunities. As parents, not only do we want to raise and develop our children by letting them do things and make mistakes, we also should aim to be parents who are good enough, but not fantastic. A fantastic parent does everything for their child, whereas a good enough parent puts the child in situations where they must navigate the choices, for example they may have to work out how they are getting themselves from A to B and how they will cope with work, homework and friendships. Parents who are fantastic are rescuing and are not allowing their child to work through situations. We need to give children agency, they need to develop their own identity, experience boredom, moral reasoning, and resilience.
Not everything will be fair in life and for young people to better navigate, parents need to give children freedom to experiment, build their resilience through relationships, learning to navigate and negotiate while making some mistakes along the way. In my experience as a parent, one of the best pieces of advice that my child gave me was 'stop coming up with all the answers, just listen'.
Have a wonderful break with your child!

From the Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation
Ms Em Shanahan
VCE Practice Examinations
As part of their final preparation ahead of the VCE Examinations in Term 4, Practice Examinations are being held at the College from:
Monday, 25 September 2023 – Thursday, 28 September 2023.
It is expected that all students studying one or more Unit 3/4 courses will attend their scheduled Practice Examination/s. The full schedule is available here.
College News

Year 7 Movie Night
On 8 August, the Year 7s and Year 12 Senate participated in a movie night and games. We watched Despicable Me 3 and ate some yummy hot chips. We got to go out and learn the Loreto war cry with the Senate and partake in some fun games such as Just Dance, Karaoke, Chess, Card games and much more. It was a great day for interaction and meeting new people. It was also a great opportunity to get familiar with the Senate. We got to dress up in our pjs and bring blankets and pillows for watching the movie. It was a very fun day and I hope we can participate in these entertaining school activities in the future.
By Sadie Middleton - Year 7

First Nations News
Ms Janine Quick (First Nations Coordinator)
Possum Skin Cloak Marking
Our Indigenous students have had the opportunity to delve into the traditional cultural practice of making a Possum Skin Cloak through BADAC.
Traditionally, Possum Skin Cloaks were used in the cooler climates of the southern parts of, what is now known as, Victoria. They are of great cultural significance to Aboriginal people in this area. Often, the inner surface of each cloak displays individual markings to map the identity of their owner, hold stories of kinship, family groups and connection to Country.
Possum Skin Cloaks were extremely versatile and were used for a multitude of purposes. They were vital for warmth, used as baby carriers, coverings at night, drums in ceremony and for burial.
Still today these cloaks play an important role in Aboriginal culture. A possum skin pelt may be gifted to a newborn baby, who will continue to gather additional pelts at each significant milestone throughout their lives. These are then stitched together using sinew to create the full cloak. Often, the completed Possum Skin Cloak is buried with the owner at the end of their life.
Due to the cultural significance of this practice, we decided to construct a cloak that will be worn for acknowledgements and important Loreto College events, recording our students' Loreto journey. One of continuing history, each Aboriginal student from the Dhurrung Centre had the opportunity to ‘add their mark’ to the Loreto cloak. Originally, markings were made using animal teeth or sharp tools to etch and then paint with ochre. These days the practice of marking continues, but replacing the traditional tool use, are electric burners to scorch the stories into the skin. This is the process we used at the College.
The students designed a central story for the cloak. When completed, this will reflect how each student is connected through their Loreto journey. It also highlights our connection to Lake Wendouree with the circles depicting our regular yarning time in the Dhurrung Centre. The students have added their individual mark onto the outside pelts which are connected to the central story by footprints. As each new Indigenous student joins our school community, they too will add their own personal mark to this cloak.

Year 9 News
Ms Stephanie Greet (Year 9 Coordinator)
Year 9 Melbourne Adventure
Earlier in the term our Year 9 students embarked on their Melbourne Advernture where they had to make their way around Melbourne in small groups with no teacher to guide them. This helped students to become more comfortable navigating around Melbourne. If they decide to get a job or go to a University in Melbourne, they have already had some experience in Melbourne. When the students returned to school they were tasked with making a presentation on their findings on a hypothesis they were given.
Here are some reflections from the students about their adventure:
My favourite moment on Melbourne Adventure was when we went to the State Library. It was so cool and had so many different books and spaces where you could study or just relax. One of the most challenging parts of the adventure was trying to figure out what tram we needed to hop on to get to our destination. I learnt that Melbourne is a very busy city and you need to be very organised to be able to make your way through the city.
- Rebecca Brodie
My favorite moment during Melbourne Experience was all going out to get lunch together on Tuesday and learning new things about each other that we never knew before. One of the biggest challenges throughout Melbourne experience was making sure that the group all stuck together and nobody was lost throughout. Overall Melbourne was such an amazing experience and has definitely helped me to be able to better navigate my way throughout Melbourne’s CBD and I would definitely do it again!
- Marnie McCallum

Sustainability News
Ms Frances Walters (Sustainability Coordinator)
Loreto Sustainability Leaders, Klara Kazmierczak and Molly Malone, have lead a project to build a VegePod, which can be found in the courtyard beside the Tech rooms and Ms Brodrick's office.
In the VegePod, we have planted Rainbow Chard & a mixture of herbs that hopefully can be used within the Food Technology classes. The aim is to try and cut down on the purchase of plastic packaged herbs, and provide a sustainable 'kitchen garden' for Food Technology students to access when needed.

English Faculty News
Mr Cameron Smith (Faculty Coordinator: English)
Earlier in Term 3, English students in Years 8 and 10 attended some live Shakespearean performances/ workshops pertaining to their studies of the Bard’s iconic plays - A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Macbeth. The classrooms were left behind as the students were transported to the enchanting world of Elizabethan drama.
Year 10s Deep Dive: Macbeth
For our Year 10 students, this performance allowed them to delve deeper into the intricacies of Shakespearean themes and characters and build on their existing knowledge as part of their text study this term. The Macbeth performance explored complex human emotions, moral dilemmas, and the intricacies of power and ambition. This allowed students to connect the discussion and activities from the classroom to the living, breathing art of theatre, enhancing their understanding, engagement and appreciation of drama texts in the English classroom.
Year 8s Introduction to the Bard: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Our Year 8 students participated in a theatrical workshop to explore A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Actors presented a range of scenes from the play, discussing their craft and intentions. Scenes were then presented again, with significant alterations in acting style, mood and tone, to highlight the differences between interpretations and how meaning is made and conveyed to audiences. The Year 8 English students were able to experience the performative nature of this play as they build their analytical writing skills and understanding of Shakespearean English this term.
English Revision Lecture
We are holding a special English Revision session for Unit 3 and 4 English students - a great opportunity to prepare for end of year exams.
Section A: Station Eleven
Section B: Brooklyn and Reckoning
Week 10 Thursday 14 September at 3:30-5:00pm in the Theatrette
Bring your novels and memoir, pen and paper

Maths Faculty News
Mr Stephen Boswell (Faculty Coordinator: Mathematics)
ClassPad Calculator Order Form
By ordering through the link supplied below, there is a saving of about $20 compared to ordering through the booklist ($264 against $283.45). Every little bit helps!
To access the ClassPad order form, please click here.
Alternatively access the website direct and follow the steps:
- Enter the school ID code: LORETO
- Select your calculator and accessories
- Pay for your order
- Calculators will be delivered to Loreto College -
contact Stephen Boswell
NOTE: All Year 8 students moving into Year 9 for 2024 will be required to purchase the ClassPad Calculator for all Maths classes next year.
Other students from all year levels may also order using this link if they need to replace lost or damaged units.

Ms Sara Sharer (Interdisciplinary Leader: Analytics and Research)
NAPLAN 2023: Attention to parents/guardians of Year 7 and 9 students.
Within the last month you should have received your child’s NAPLAN results via post.
If you have received the results no further action is required.
If you have not received this document please email with your child’s name and your current postal address.
I will then let you know what address it was sent to and what further steps we can do so you have access to these results.

Languages Faculty News
Ms Yoshie Burrows (Faculty Coordinator: Languages)
This year, the City of Ballarat celebrated a significant milestone alongside our sister city, the town of Inagawa in Japan, as we commemorated the 35th anniversary. As part of our ongoing connection with the town, students from Loreto joined a virtual interaction with the students in Inagawa on Friday 18 August. The aim of this web conference was to strengthen the bond between the students and raise awareness about our sister cities.
The enthusiastic Year 8 Red Japanese class, accompanied by two Year 10 students, Hannah Dwyer and Savannah Kennedy, engaged in lively discussions with the students from Inagawa. The Loreto students demonstrated exceptional preparedness and presented their projects with confidence. Divided into two groups, the Year 8 Red students shared their creativeness with a series of videos showcasing a School Tour of Loreto College. Equally well-received were the PowerPoint slides presented by our Year 10 students, outlining the Sustainable Development Goals here at Loreto.
The interaction motivated the Inagawa students to further study and use English for real purposes, while our students were equally motivated to practice their Japanese. It was a fantastic experience for all students to share ideas and experiences. A big thank you to Ms Moreau-Labregere for her support and preparation.
In addition, our longstanding annual event, the Ballarat & Inagawa Sister City Japanese Speech Contest, is scheduled to take place in early November. Anticipation runs high as we eagerly await this contest and encourage our Year 10 students to participate enthusiastically.

Performing Arts News
Ms Lindy Crowe (Co-Curricular Leader - Performing Arts)

Arts Festival by Remy Clarke
This week we celebrated our annual Arts Festival. It was an exciting opportunity for students to showcase their talents, whether it was by dancing, singing, music, media, making props, choreographing dances or working behind the scenes in the backstage/tech crew.
Each house put together a short performance which linked back to the theme, ‘A Step Back in Time’. This performance featured dancing and singing which used props and costume pieces made by students, as well as a media video. Students rehearsed for six weeks putting together their performance lead by the year 12 arts captains.
On the day of the competition each house performed their routine in front of the other houses and arts leaders to determine the winner. Congratulations to Mullhall for taking first place and Ward for second. These houses performed on the night of Arts Fest.
As well as the house competition, there were many talented people who auditioned, which also gained house points. These acts were a mixture of poems, dances, singing, acting and much more. Congratulations to the students who were selected to perform their items at the Arts fest: Laine Ballinger, Milly Wakefield, Olivia Parnell, Steph Jenks, Meika Collard, Freya McGowan, April Yearwood, Amelia Phillips, Sadie Goldsmith, Elloise Nash, Baeli Jans, Tilly Carli, Charlotte Irvin, Ashley Keem, Ella Demunk, Amber McCarthy, Mia Keating, Hannah John, Sophie John, Veronica Wright, Courtney Cummins, string ensemble, flute ensemble, junior and senior band, junior choir, Loreto blues and the students involved in the opening act.
Being someone who was in multiple ensemble numbers and also a part of the tech crew, arts fest was a very fun experience for me to perform on stage and also work behind the scenes. There are many opportunities for students to show their talent both on and off stage.
As well as the performers there were also many students and teachers working behind the scenes for backstage and tech crew. Thank you to the following people: Ava Simpson, Bo Mitchell, Freya Cosgriff, Hayley Every, Georgia Halstead, Kori Davenport, Charli Franz, Ever Horne and Rebecca Brodie.
We would also like to thank Mrs Lindy Crow, Ms Stephine Greet, Mrs Simone Jans, Mr Ian Stowe, Mrs Clarie Canavan, Ms Sam Anderson and the Year 12 arts captains for your time, effort and dedication, Arts Fest wouldn’t have happened without you.
The night was a very fun experience, for both those consistently involved in the arts, and those who aren't that often. It was such a good way to showcase the talent we have at Loreto and we can’t wait until next year's Arts Fest.
By Remy Clarke - Year 10

Music News
Ms Simone Jans (Co-Curricular Leader - Music)
Under the excellent guidance of our Speech and Drama teacher, Mika Wallace, the following students performed at the Royal South Street Eisteddfod in the Speech and Drama Discipline. These students are to be congratulated on the courage they displayed in stepping onto the stage and the incredible support they provided each other. It was fantastic to see such a great representation from Loreto College at the event this year.

Debating News
Ms Tammy Vandenberg (Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator)
South Street Debating 2023
As the debating season comes to an end the students can reflect with pride over their success in 2023. It is also a little bitter sweet as we have seen our treasured Ann Mary Chalakkal debate for the last time and know that her time with us has come to an end. She has been a wonderful speaker, mentor, role model and enthusiast in all things related to debating and public speaking for six years.
We entered two Year 7/8 teams, two Year 9/10 teams and one Year 11/12 team in the Royal South Street Debating Competition this year and four of the five teams won their first round of debates with three teams through to the semi finals. Two of these teams were successful and competed in the grand final on 30 August.
Our Year 7 team (Eva Cummins, April Yearwood, Isabella McMahon and Hikari Hancock) did a remarkable job as the affirmative side against a Year 8 Grammar team on the topic ‘That it is better to learn to debate than learn to write’. A challenging topic but our students presented a range of solid arguments with a confident delivery but lost by one point.
Meanwhile our Year 11/12 team were the affirmative side against a talented Phoenix College on the topic that ‘ It is better to be one of the crowd’. Another entertaining debate with a range of issues. Our dynamic style of presentation and rebuttal allowed our team to achieve victory in this debate.
Year 7/8
Runner Up - Isabella McMahon
Year 9/10
Best Speaker – Jemima Knobel
Year 11/12
Best Speaker – Lucy Eales
Runner Up – Ann Chalakkal
A wonderful achievement for our talented speakers.

Humanities Faculty News
Ms Jayne Carrigg (Faculty Coordinator: Humanities)
This term has seen the Humanities faculty engage in many exciting learning opportunities inside and outside of the classroom environment. Ms Emily Shanahan led an excursion to the Regent Cinemas so that the Unit 2 History students could see the film Oppenheimer on the big screen. This film connected with their area of study and greatly enriched the conversations that were later held in the classroom.
On 27 August VCE Revolutions students accompanied by Dr Jennifer Caligari, attended the History Roadshow at Federation University Ballarat. It was run by the History Council of Victoria and hosted students from many regional areas and academics. The Roadshow provided lectures to students by academics such as Professor Peter McPhee who generously shared their knowledge and passion for the French and American Revolution. Many opportunities were provided for students to ask questions and inquire about careers and further tertiary studies in history.

While at Loreto College, we were fortunate to host Professor Andrew Gunstone, the inaugural Deputy Vice-Chancellor Reconciliation at Federation University. Professor Gunstone spoke to the Unit 4 Sociology and Unit 2 Australian and Global Politics students about his role at the University in advocating for Reconciliation, and he answered the students' questions about the upcoming referendum for a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
Our year 9 students have been studying the Industrial Revolution in their History classes. The students created an empathetic piece about 'A Day in the Life' of someone working in a factory or coal mine during this time. This enabled the students to explore the lives of people during this time and the extreme conditions in which they encountered while at work.
As part of their studies on World War Two in the Pacific and the experiences of Prisoners of War, the Year 10 Humanities classes have had the opportunity to visit the Ex-POW Memorial beside the Botanical Gardens. The visit has generated many rich conversations about the experiences of Prisoners of War and the Australian experiences of World War Two.

RE News
Mr Jarrod Ryan (Liturgy Coordinator | RE Teacher)
This term, a number Year 12 classes have been busy making their own, personal cross in Religious Education. The task is in connection with a study of Art in Religion with each cross representing images and symbols of each student’s time here at Loreto College. It has been a great activity in promoting creativity, design and of course, fun.

Co-Curricular Sports News
Mr Liam Gill (Co-Curricular Sport Leader)
BAS Cross Country
Great job to the BAS Cross Country Team who in early August went down in the overall aggregate to Grammar by just one point across three races! They also put in terrific efforts for the BAS Lap of Lake - 4km event held later in the month winning the Intermediates but unfortunately just missing out on the overall aggregate.
A special mention to Amali Torney, Bonnie Burt, Rosie Hunt, Caitlin McConchie, Regan Greer and Bella Davies who all placed well over both events.
Thers was a record number of competitors in the Junior and Intermediate divisions, paving the way for a great future in the sport.
Netball State Championships
This week several of our netball teams participated in the State Championships. The teams showed heart, soul and talent!
Ms Griffiths said 'It was a terrific day where our girls showed persistence, stamina, enthusiasm, good sportspersonship and talent. Go Loreto!!'
Our seniors won 6 out of 8 games and only narrowly missed the finals. Our intermediates won 3 out of 8 games and the juniors had a fantastic day winning 8 games then fought it out in the semi finals, which they unfortunately lost in overtime. All of the teams supported each other and some fantastic Loreto Spirit was on show.
We encourage all netballers to get involved next year as it is a wonderful experience.
BAS Sport for 2023
Please find a link to the list of BAS sports for 2023 below.

Library News
Ms Meghan Douglas (Director of Library Services)
Winter is always a busy time in the Library! We love welcoming students in during their breaks to relax, play games with their friends, engage in our clubs, and - of course! - to read.
Book Week (19 - 25 August)
was a wonderful celebration of everything books, reading, and creativity. We interpreted this year’s theme - Read, Grow, Inspire - as a wonderful garden. We have loved sharing the CBCA shortlisted stories with reading groups, and encouraged them to borrow and explore the best of new YA publishing. Our Shadow Judges engage in a six month long program to read, evaluate and respond creatively to the shortlisted titles, enthusiastically led by Ms Lane. Some of their creative responses were debuted during Book Week, and gave the whole school a chance to experience their creativity. Students were invited to write black out poetry, mirroring the poetic style of Eva Collin’s memoir ‘Ask No Questions’; reflect on their life goals with a bucket list, mirroring the experiences of the protagonist in ‘The Other Side of Tomorrow’; and to engage with beautiful fabric and create a life sized dress on our mannequin, reflecting a hobby of the protagonist in ‘Completely Normal (and Other Lies)’.
English Visits
Our Year 7 students have been spending a lot of time with us! In English classes, we have had twice-weekly visits from each of the classes for their Lit Laps unit of work, reading either ‘Just a Girl’ or ‘Parvana’ with us, and exploring the way the authors have used language and put their stories together. Over the term, this has evolved into a broader reading program, encouraging students to use the extensive reading guides to help them find their next wonderful novel. In Humanities, we have had classes in researching their Ancient Rome assignments, and learning about the importance of appropriate referencing. It is always a delight to share in the energy and enthusiasm of our youngest students.
SEED Visits
We have hosted groups of Year 5 students from various primary schools across the Ballarat region as part of the school’s SEED visit program. These groups have read with us, and engaged in Library activities as part of their visits. We hope that whatever secondary school they choose, they will visit and love their Library!
Book Listing for 2024
Behind the scenes, we have continued to work to support our staff. Book listing for 2024 is well underway; this information will be finalised and shared with families in Term 4.
We have continued our rolling review of our collection, always striving to keep our material relevant, engaging, and up-to-date. The focus in Term 3 has been on the Senior Fiction collection, as well as the Non Fiction and Teacher Reference collection related to the Technology Faculty. We welcomed Year 10 students completing work experience for a day in July. We put these young Librarians to work shelf checking and shelving our collection, preparing displays, and making suggestions for future acquisitions. We have made feature displays for a variety of special celebrations, throwing a spotlight on our always evolving collection. This term, this has included a spotlight on First Nations authors for NAIDOC Week, pop-Science for Science Week, French language resources for Bastille Day, and our collection of lgbtqia+ stories for Wear It Purple Day.
Here are our tips for the best of the 2023 CBCA Book Week shortlists:
Ask No Questions by Eva Collins
In her memoir, Ask No Questions, Eva Collins charts her family's journey from Poland to Australia during the Cold War. Her restrained tone reflects the threat her parents experienced of the Communist regime and of ubiquitous anti-Semitism. An understated and accessible read for fans of Magda Szubanski’s ‘Reckoning’.
Completely Normal (and Other Lies) by Biffy James
Stella Wilde is secretly in love with the hottest guy in school, Isaac Calder. He seems to love her back, but there’s a problem – he already has a girlfriend, the gorgeous Grace Reyes. When Isaac is killed in a car accident, the entire school is turned upside down with grief. And while Grace can mourn publicly, Stella has to hide her feelings to stop people from finding out about her and Isaac being more than friends. But how long can Stella keep lying – to herself and everyone else? And when the truth finally comes out, how will it affect her newfound friendship with Grace?
The Way of Dog by Zaina Fraillon
Scruffity is born into the harsh, grey world of a puppy farm. Taken from his mamma and locked in a concrete cage, what he yearns for most is Family. To belong is The Way of Dog. But no one wants him. Just as his chances of adoption grow dangerously thin, Scruffity is set free by a boy as unwanted and lonely as he is. Outside, Scruffity learns all about The Way of Dog--it is to run, to dig, to howl and, biggest of all, to love. But when tragedy strikes, Scruffity is suddenly all alone. How does a dog find his way home when he never had one to begin with?
Happy Reading!
Library Website:
Our email:
Our eBook and audiobook collection:
Instagram: Follow us @loretoballaratlibrary

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)
In this week's Career News:
- University Applications Resources
- University Open Day Information
- Year 12 Tertiary Dates
- Career and Course Exploration Resources
- Accommodation
- Apprenticeship and Traineeship Resources
- Employment Resources
- Upcoming Career Events and Webinars
Year 10 Work Experience
This term our Year 10 students immersed themselves in the world of 'work'. They were able to experience working across a vast range of industries and occupations, from accounting and animal care through to building and electrical, science, occupational therapy and sound and light production. Once again the Loreto students shone in the workplace!
We sincerely thank all employers for hosting our students and to all staff and families involved in the program.
Finance News
Conveyance Allowance 2023
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College.
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website or click on the following link, which also provides additional information.
Please note that in 2023 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance at Loreto College in 2022 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
Any enquiries please email
Community News
Ballarat-Redan Cricket Club
The Ballarat-Redan Cricket Club warmly extends an invitation to you to come and discover the joy of playing cricket in a supportive and inclusive environment.
Whether you're a complete novice or already have some cricket skills under your belt, this is your chance to be a part of something special.
Bring your friends, siblings, enthusiasm and hear how you can get involved and start playing cricket at the Ballarat-Redan Cricket Club.
When: Sunday 10 September
Time: 3pm to 4.30pm
Where: Cuthberts Road, Alfredton
For more information visit
Mt Prospect Tennis Club
Looking for a great summer outdoor sport for your child to get involved with, then tennis at Mt Prospect is for you! Played across both Term 4 and Term 1 at the same location in Creswick on natural grass courts, tennis provides your child a great chance to be physically active in a safe, multi-gendered sport. To find out more, please contact
Junior Director - Casey Preston
0417 379 525 or,
or visit
To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.