Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
I extend a warm welcome to all as Term 3 commences. We enjoyed the celebrations of Gonzaga Barry (GB) Day this week, commemorating the arrival of the sisters to Australia from Ireland.
Loreto Ballarat’s story began with Gonzaga Barry’s arrival in Ballarat in 1875 at the invitation of Bishop Michael O’Connor. She and her companions came from Ireland to address the educational needs of the increasing local population. Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools were rapidly established in Ballarat and, soon after, in other states of Australia. Her vision for the education of girls contributed to a broad and rich curriculum which led to Gonzaga Barry’s significant influence on the development of education in the country.
Last week I met with Sr Sandra Perrett IVBM to discuss rich and exciting ideas for the future celebration of 150 years since Mother Gonzaga Barry’s arrival, to be celebrated in 2025.
Today, there are seven Loreto Schools in Australia and over 70 throughout the world. Our College, then known as Mary’s Mount, Ballarat was established in 1875, followed by: Normanhurst (1897) and Kirribilli (1907) in Sydney; Marryatville in Adelaide (1905); Mandeville Hall in Melbourne (1924); Nedlands in Perth (1931); and Coorparoo in Brisbane (1927). Two more, Loreto Osborne (1901) and Loreto Portland (1884) formed local amalgamations and maintain links with their Loreto heritage: John XXIII College in Perth (1977) and Bayview College, Portland (1977). The Sisters also taught in more than 20 parish schools, opened the first free Catholic kindergarten in South Melbourne (1912) and provided commercial training for school leavers in Ballarat and South Melbourne.
Our current Strategic Plan 2022-2025 encompasses the legacy of the past with the dreams of the future. Last Sunday I met with our Past Pupils’ Association to discuss their experiences and how we imagine this in our current context and into the future. Gratitude to their teachers, particularly the Loreto sisters, and to their families for giving them the opportunity of a Loreto education were key messages.
This term, our current students are thinking about the future as we enter a period of subject selections and university course preferences. For the first time, there will be choices offered in Year 9. Our current Year 9s are finalising their ‘Goals to Grow’ and will be looking ahead to Year 10 subjects. Our Year 10s will be considering their options for Year 11 and 12. Next year the Vocational Major pathway will be introduced as part of VCE as we transition from the VCE and VCAL certificates to a fully integrated certificate in 2025. I encourage families to engage with the supports and information available through the term. For our staff we are currently reviewing staffing, including Positions of Leadership within the school – a process that occurs every three years.
Our Senate leaders were a part of the decision to return to wearing a mask when indoors to help combat COVID, flu and colds and keep our students and staff as safe as possible. I encourage everyone to take the necessary measures to stay healthy, warm and energised over the last weeks of winter.

From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Chris Shaw
Term 3 begins with the welcoming of new members of our community. We welcome:
- Craig Smith takes on the role of Rowing Coordinator in August as Taylah Blake looks to further her study opportunities. We are looking forward to Taylah still being involved as she can around other commitments. Craig joins us from Caulfield Grammar where he was Head of Rowing. He has extensive rowing and coaching experience, with 11 years as Head Coach in girls’ schools. Craig has also represented New Zealand and coached at a national level.
- Carolyn Bennett joins us as our Performing Arts Officer. Carolyn is currently a music instructor at the College and is familiar to many in the community.
- Eileen Kenny joins us in Learning Diversity
- Carli Lewicki takes on some English classes
We wish these staff and new students every success as they join our school.
NAIDOC Week Assembly
At our recent Assembly, we farewelled Macaylah Johnson our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officer and past student (Class of 2019). Macaylah has an exciting opportunity too good to miss, to be involved as an Ambassador with the upcoming Birmingham Commonwealth Games and the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Victoria.
Macaylah addressed our school community with the theme – Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! recognising the history of getting up, standing up, and showing up – from the Frontier Wars to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities fighting for change today, and the courage not to lose momentum for change. She reminded the girls that we cannot sit back and be passive, we must act - doing something for meaningful for change to occur.

Whether it’s seeking environment, cultural and heritage protections, Constitutional change, a comprehensive process of truth-telling, working towards treaties, or calling out racism – everyone must do it together.
Macaylah also reflected on her time as a student at Loreto and positive the impact the school has had on her. We wish Macaylah well and know she’ll be back to share her stories with us.
Illness, absence and punctuality
As we navigate another term likely to be disrupted by absences, please remember to communicate with our Student Reception around attendance. Where possible, students need to be proactive about catching up on work missed. Please ensure your child can arrive in a timely manner, so they can get calmly prepared for the day and be ready to learn without stress. Turning up late, not only wastes the time of others, it adversely impacts your child’s learning.
Year 9 Melbourne Adventure
This exciting experience for our Year 9s takes place this term and will provide some incredible learning and challenges for our students. All families will have received information around this program and students will be well equipped to make the most of the experience.
Year 10 Camp
We have been very lucky to secure a fully funded Year 10 Camp opportunity with the Outdoor Education Group. These camps are part of the school program and are not optional camps. There is much research on the benefit of outdoor education experiences and their links to improved mental health and we see these opportunities as vital learning experiences. Students will attend on the following dates:
- Group 1 (Ba1, Ba2, Mu1 & Mu2) - Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 August.
- Group 2 (Mo1, Mo2, Wa1 & Wa2) - Monday 12 to Wednesday 14 September.
No Year 10 classes will be running during these camp dates and if students are not on camp, they are expected to complete alternative activities organised back at school.
Sport, Performing Arts and other co-curricular activities
These activities are well underway again for Term 3 with plenty of options for students to be engaged. We congratulate our Cross Country team for a win in the BAS Road Relays last week and look forward to hearing of more wonderful Loreto achievements across all areas of the school.

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma McDermott
Welcome to Term 3!
It was wonderful to see the smiles on the student’s faces when they walked through the gate on their first day this term. Over the holidays your daughter probably watched a lot of Youtube videos, TikTok posts, Netflix, Stan, Binge, as well as Instagram posts. It is not always easy getting back into the school routine. As we are now in the coldest months of the year, ensure your daughter is getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising. There may be times when you will have to step in and ask her to go to bed or rather insist she goes to sleep. Have a conversation with your daughter about bedtime hours, she should be getting nine hours sleep, include in the conversation putting away the phone, however, allow her to be part of the conversation to better understand the reasons why decisions have been made. This also means you and your daughter have to work together when it comes to decisions, unfortunately, this is not always easy, parenting is not always easy. I often use the phrase ‘pick your battles’. For you and your daughter to work together you may have to let some things slide, a great example is cleaning her room. There is no such thing as a perfect parent. However, research shows that one of the most important protective factors in the lives of young people, is a close relationship with a supportive adult.
For more information about supporting your teenage daughter, you can go to our schoolTV website https://loreto.vic.schooltv.me/newsletter/positive-parenting
New Victorian Child Safe Standards
This term, 11 new Child Safe Standards have replaced the old 7 Child Safe Standards. Below is some information for you about the new standards.
The new Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order were launched on 1 July 2022. The new Ministerial Order 1359 replaces Ministerial Order NO. 870 – CHILD SAFE STANDARDS. The reason for the change is to provide guidance to schools and school boarding premises governing authorities in relation to how to reduce or eliminate the risk of child abuse occurring. Ministerial Order 1359 offers a broader definition of school environment, clarifying the physical, online and virtual places included.
The 7 Child Safe Standards that came into effect on 1 November 2018 will be replaced by 11 Child Safe Standards commencing in July 2022.
The Key Changes in the standards:
- Involving families and communities in organisations’ efforts to keep children and young people safe;
- A greater focus on safety for Aboriginal children and young people; and
- To manage the risk of child abuse in online environments
Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued
Moving forward, I will be unpacking a few standards in future newsletters so there is more clarity about what they mean and how it impacts you and your daughter.

From the Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation
Ms Em Shanahan
“Even miracles take a little time.” Fairy Godmother (Cinderella).
As a child (and as an adult if I’m being honest), I had an obsession with all things Disney. Worlds full of possibility were in abundance, and hardships were always overcome with happy endings. While my parents were often frustrated by my daydreaming, there are many great lessons that we can take from the Disney Princesses in particular.
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) reminds us of the importance of dreaming big dreams. If we want the happy ending, we need to envisage it and work towards it. Just like Jasmine (Aladdin), we need to explore the world. This can be as simple as stepping outside our immediate surrounds and involving ourselves in the local community, or if we’re fortunate to have our very own magic carpet, exploring a little further. It’s so easy for students to connect globally in today’s society, and the more we learn about the world around us, the more our views and horizons are expanded.
Of course, we need to take changes. Pocahontas teaches us that we must have faith in others, even when our values and beliefs are different. Inclusion and acceptance of diversity allows us to bring worlds together, co-existing once we establish common understandings. (Note: I do acknowledge that the true story of Pocahontas is quite different to the Disney version, but the message from Disney’s portrayal is the one we should observe.)
Particularly as we educate the women of the future, the experiences of Ariel (The Little Mermaid) and Mulan can teach us much. Ariel held true to herself, true to her dreams, and never gave up on her aspirations, eventually exceeding all expectations and proving that where there’s a will, there’s a way. Likewise, Mulan had to battle a glass ceiling of sorts in her patriarchal society, proving others wrong and demonstrating her place as a woman in a man’s world. Although Loreto College students do not have those same constraints today, we should be reminded that our students are welcome to explore their own interests, whether in terms of subject choices, sporting pursuits or other interests, becoming the person they want to be. Gender stereotypes and traditional norms are not barriers for students at Loreto College.
Finally, I would like to encourage each student to believe in the magic within them. While they might not have their very own Fairy Godmother like Cinderella did, they have their very own team of mice in the form of their teachers and families, with their fortune coming from the educational opportunities they have by virtue of being in Australia and at Loreto College. Just like Cinderella, students must persevere through challenges. While we want obstacles to vanish immediately, we can learn from the Fairy Godmother who says that “even miracles take a little time.”
With resilience and perseverance, Loreto students can do great things, bringing their own magic to the world.
Subject Selections – Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 in 2023
Thank you to the families of students currently in Year 9 and Year 10 for attending the Subject Selection Information Evening on Wednesday this week. We encourage students to explore the available options in the Senior Pathways Handbook on the website, with subject selection preferences due by the following dates:
Year 9 (Year 10 2023) – 19 August
Year 10 (Year 11 2023) – 5 August
Year 11 (Year 12 2023) – 5 August
Students are welcome to speak with their Mentor or Subject Teachers, their Year Level Coordinators or Faculty Leaders, the Careers Coordinator, the Director of Studies or the Assistant Principal – Learning & Innovation. This is an exciting time for students to drive their learning in areas of particular interest.
Ultimate Navy Experience
Loreto College received a grant to enable three students to experience life as an engineer or technician with the Australian Navy. The students worked with members of the Navy at HMAS Cerebus, participating in workshops and touring the recreation and living facilities.
They were provided with the opportunities to interact with training simulators, which included the use of specialist equipment and engaged in dialogue with Navy Technicians to talk about what their career is like and the opportunities available within the armed forces. The students are looking forward to sharing their learning with their peers, rating it as a highly valuable experience.
General Achievement Test (GAT)
All students in Year 12 and students in Year 11 completing a Unit 3-4 sequence will complete the GAT on Wednesday 7 September. No special study is required. Past study of subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and History prepares students for the GAT by building their general knowledge and skills in writing, numeracy and reasoning.
The purpose of the GAT is to provide specific information on each student’s key skills for life beyond school. In addition, the GAT results are used to check that VCE external assessments and school-based assessments have been fairly assessed. If a student does well in the GAT, they are likely to do well in their other assessments.
There GAT is split into two sections:
- Section A will assess literacy and numeracy skills
- Section B will assess skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts and humanities, with a focus on critical and creative thinking skills.
All students enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3-4 sequence will be required to sit Sections A and B. VCAL students will only sit Section A.
Further information is available through the Information Sheet for Parents.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
PISA is an international assessment measuring student performance in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy. Every three years, a sample of Australian students are chosen to participate in PISA testing, which is an ongoing part of Australia’s National Assessment Program. PISA aims to assess how well 15-year-old students can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned at school to real-life problems and situations. It is not a test of how well students understand the Australian Curriculum.
For testing in 2022, Loreto College was selected as one of the schools for PISA testing, and 30 students were randomly selected to complete testing on 22 July. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) publish the data for Australia and all other participating countries once it has been collated and analysed. This provides insight into how Australia performs in relation to students in other countries, allowing us to evaluate and refine current educational practice.

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity
Ms Felicity Knobel
Plenary Council
In our staff meeting on Monday afternoon we reflected on the Gospel story taken from Luke from the previous day about Martha and Mary. Essentially in this story, Jesus visits a house and there are two sisters. One sister, Mary and listens to Jesus, whilst the other sister Martha is busy attending to all the needs of having a guest in the house. Martha as so often happens realises that the job allocation may be unfair and implores Jesus to ask Mary to help her. Jesus' response was to tell Martha that what Mary has chosen is best for her… saying “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Amy Poehler, who I am more than sure doesn’t figure in any recent theological studies, has an interesting line from her autobiography that resonates in relation to this Gospel story and recent happenings in our Church and also in our school community.
“Good for her, not for me”
Recently I had the privilege of representing the Ballarat Diocese as a member of the Plenary Council in the second assembly in Sydney. One of the most contentious issues was the motion concerning the equality and dignity of women and men in governance structures, ministry and decision-making mechanisms. This motion effectively was looking at whether women could become Deacons if allowed from Rome and secondly if there could be consistent structures put in place that allowed women to be in formal roles and part of the decision-making process of the Church. This initially failed to receive the majority of the deliberative votes (deliberative votes were from the 44 Bishops in attendance).
There is no denying that women have been fundamental in their role in their local churches with roles ranging from assisting in fundraising all the way through to being the leaders of parish councils. This is where unrest lives and our “good for her, not for me” is relevant. Many women are content in their roles and see no reason for change, whilst others desire change and know that their skill set lies in other areas of the church including preaching and serving in formal ministry positions. This is indeed what was looked at when the rewriting of this section of the framework was completed and successfully voted upon, that the women of our church, like men, are unique, have varied strengths and are called in different ways to our Church and we should endorse and celebrate all women and their gifts appropriately and authentically.
Year 12 Retreat
Following the Plenary Council, in the first two days back of Term 3 it was the privilege of 17 teachers to take our Year 12 students on their (postponed) retreat. “Good for her, not for me” was not our theme, however, exploring through our value of Freedom this year, our students were given the opportunity to explore their unique selves and give freedom to others to do likewise. Sharing their story, exploring their freedom, acknowledging their own and other people’s gifts and knowing that they are capable when things are not going their way. Our students are able to identify that they are unique and they are able to acknowledge that their gifts and strengths are not always what other people have and vice versa. However, they know that by living by our five values of felicity, freedom, justice, sincerity and verity they can participate in a world that is constantly working towards the common good for all.
“A kite that soars is a sight to behold. There is a freedom with a kite… it moves with the wind, it can go in many different directions, it is almost alive with its movements as it weaves, and dips and flies… it is exhilarating”
This encapsulates every one of our Year 12 students as they embark on their journey beyond Loreto College Ballarat.
Macaylah Johnson Farewell
Macaylah Johnson has been a constant presence in our school community for just on eight years. We have all had an immense joy watching her grow during this time and become the very special young woman she is today. Macaylah was a leader long before she took on the role as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer at this school and she has been a role model for our students in this group and beyond. Macaylah has accepted a role as an Australian Commonwealth Dignitary and will be front and centre with the Commonwealth Games as they come to our area. We are not saying goodbye to Macaylah, as she well knows that once a Loreto person always a Loreto person. However, we are, as ever, going to be on the sidelines watching in awe as she goes on to make us proud in everything she achieves.
May she continue to walk in the footsteps of Mary Ward and Gonzaga Barry.
Gonzaga Barry Day Thursday 21 July
Gonzaga Barry Day is one of the most enjoyable days on our school calendar. Our festivities began with a Liturgy devoted to Gonzaga Barry and her companions coming to Ballarat to begin our Loreto story. We explored Gonzaga Barry’s influence and teaching through Mr Roger Morris who shared his own personal reflection on Gonzaga Barry. Mr Morris as always, spoke beautifully and personally about his association with Loreto that goes back to when his own grandmother attended the school in the early 1900s and was present when Gonzaga Barry was here. We were blessed to have Fiza Khosla the Community and Engagement Officer from Mary Ward International Australia who spoke to our community about how we can authentically continue the story of Gonzaga Barry and attend to where there is need. This year all money raised will be going to the MWIA India Project https://www.mwia.org.au/projects/india/ particularly the Brickfield School and the Landing Pad Projects. We look forward to welcoming Fiza and all the MWIA community into our school in the future.
After our Liturgy our staff and students participated in a fete at our school with stalls ranging from Baked Potatoes, Frozen Yoghurt, Hot Chips and Bake Sales to Pin the Badge on Gonzaga, the Limbo, Just Dance, Minute to Win It and Photo Booths with “Celebrities”. The weather was perfect and the joyful atmosphere with all our students and staff participating was truly what Gonzaga Barry must have envisaged when she arrived in 1875. After our stalls, it was time to dress up to our theme “Be Free to Be” and we were welcomed into our concert and parade by our Year 12s as Minions. The Senate 22 did an amazing job of entertaining us with parades, dancing, performances and an obstacle course. What a magnificent day showcasing the true joy of our value Felicity in our school community.
College News

English Faculty News
Ms Kerryn Boyko (Faculty Leader English)
It has been wonderful to see students taking responsibility for their learning and putting in extra effort to improve their English skills. There were revision lectures provided to Years 8 and 10 students in Term 2, and we would really like to commend the attendees for putting in the time to consolidate their understanding of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Animal Farm. Thank you to Ms Jodie Howlett and Mrs Emma Kilpatrick for the time given to prepare and deliver these lectures.
Our English Help Sessions continue this semester. Again it is pleasing to see students taking the initiative to work with English teachers to improve their skills.
Student Work Spotlight - Year 10 Student Poem
By Ava Postlethwaite
She taunts me with her pitiless blue sky
Always leaving me guessing with her unpredictable nature
From blossomed trees to endless sandy shores
To floods to fire and droughts that leaves all to die
But I know she loves me so
Cause from her beauty to her terror
She always pays us back threefold
Once again leaving everything to grow
Alas her loving efforts, we be but consumers of good
I watch how we hurt her while preaching for change
we’ve have clouded her smile
She’s become littered with insecurities, all from our creation
I try to pick up the pieces, but around me they pile
It burns my eyes to turn to theirs, to be one in the same
Consumed by greed
Always quick to place the blame
As her seas begin to rise
And her climate starts to change
You cannot blame her for acting out after everything we’ve done
A one-sided relationship so toxic it shall be our demise
We have taken advantage for far too long
For we do not deserve a love like her
Say your prayers for the next generation
For this shall be our own extinction

Co-Curricular Debating & Public Speaking News
Mrs Tammy Vandenberg (Co-Curricular Debating & Public Speaking Leader)
Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award
This week, our students participated in the Legacy Public Speaking competition. Many talented young students spoke on a range of topics related to the ideals of Legacy. Congratulations to Olive Lanyon and Lainee Ballinger for receiving equal first place and to Lily Matthews who was the runner-up. It is great to see our public speaking students competing again!

Co-Curricular Music News
Carolyn Bennett (Performing Arts Assistant)
Congratulations to Isabel Wise (Year 7) and Baeli Jans (Year 7) for representing Loreto College as members of the children’s choir during the recent Skywhale event hosted by the Art Gallery of Ballarat. This event was held on Sunday July 10 at the Eastern Oval as part of the Ballarat Winter Festival activities.
Unfortunately, weather conditions and a tear in Skywhalepappa didn’t allow the balloons to launch, however, there was a great community atmosphere and the choir was still able to perform with a live band of professional musicians.

Co-Curricular Sports News
Ms Whitney Beseler (Co-Curricular Sport Leader)
Rebel Sport - Support our school!
We are proudly partnering with Rebel in their Rebel Community Givebacks program which entitles our school to receive 5% of all our members' purchases at Rebel back as a credit to spend in-store on sports equipment or team wear!
To support our school all you need to do is join the Rebel active loyalty program and link your member account to our school the next time you visit Rebel. A friendly team member can help you do this in-store and you’ll also receive some great benefits like exclusive member offers and access to VIP experiences, rewards and competitions for being a rebel active member.
Just remember to swipe your Rebel active loyalty card in-store or log into your account online when making a purchase at Rebel and our school will receive 5% back as credit to spend on sports gear!
Thank you for your support!

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)

In this week's Career News:
Year 12 Students
- Law Admissions Test (LAT)
- Business Cadetship Program
- Teaching and Nursing CASPer Test
- Events
- UNSW Scholarship Program
Year 9-12 Students
- Spring into Monash: Indigenous Camp 2022 (Year 12)
- Take CTRL: IT Bootcamp (Year 12)
- 2022 National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) (Year 11)
- Biomedical Research Summer School (Year 11)
- Santos Science Experience (Year 9 & 10)
- Defying the Drift Program (Year 10 & 11)
All students
- Focus on Open Days
- Studying medicine at Monash University
- Studying business
- Post school qualifications
- Thinking about studying IT or computer science?
- Student exchange opportunities
- The Built Environment
- Careers with STEM
- News from RMIT
- 5 emerging carers in agriculture
- Heywire Competition
- Dates for your diary
Loreto Community Notices
Canteen Roster Term 3
Thursday 28 July 12-2pm
Julia Pannan
Friday 29 July 12-2pm
Julie Boyd
Sharyn Kennedy
Thursday 4 August 12-2pm
Jacqui Howlett
Friday 5 August 12-2pm
Wendy Grant
Thursday 11 August 12-2pm
Kerri Glenton
Thursday 18 August 12-2pm
Kim Sims
Claire Walsh
Friday 19 August 12-2pm
Lisa Vowles
Bernie Wise
Thursday 25 August 12-2pm
Julia Pannan
Friday 26 August 12-2pm
Julie Boyd
Sharyn Kennedy
Thursday 1 September 12-2pm
Jacqui Howlett
Friday 2 September 12-2pm
Wendy Grant
Cara McAloon
Thursday 8 September 12-2pm
Kerri Glenton
Friday 9 September 12-2pm
Sharon Janson
All volunteers must have current working with children’s check and the 3rd vaccination status (all info must be provided when requested)
Please contact Jacqui Lamb (Canteen Manager) for any inquiries at jlamb@loreto.vic.edu.au
2022 Open Morning
Come and see for yourself, what is so special about a Loreto Education at our Open Morning this October! With tours running between 9 am to 12 pm, we welcome prospective families to tour the College grounds and facilities, led by our student representatives.

Rise Up - Scholarship Fund Annual Giving 2022
Your faith in a Loreto education will help students rise up!
Our school and our students have risen to challenges, particularly in recent years, with faith, courage and strength. For our 2022 Annual Giving we invite you to help us celebrate and grow by making a Loreto education accessible for more regional students, through our Rise Up Scholarship Fund. Our Rise Up – Scholarship Fund aims to raise $500,000 by 2025 that will become a managed investment fund to ensure an ongoing 50% remission scholarship for two or more students every year (for the duration of their education from Year 7-Year 12). The Rise Up Scholarship Fund will ensure that Loreto College Ballarat remains accessible to students who may not be able to afford to attend the school and help towards ensuring a diverse community into the future.
You can help young people to continue Mary Ward and Mother Gonzaga Barry’s mission and become ‘seekers of truth and doers of justice’ by giving students the platform they need to rise up!
We need your help to reach our $500,000 target by 2025.

Our Diocesan Community Magazine

Ballarat Voices Opportunity
Ballarat Voices, is Ballarat’s new auditioned youth choir directed by Lyndell Allen and Brooke Johnson.
Ballarat Voices seeks to:
- Support and extend the excellent singing work going on in Ballarat schools
- Offer students, who have a passion for singing, opportunities to extend and develop
their skills with other like-minded students from across Ballarat - Provide access to a choir for students who cannot access a singing group at their own
We are seeking enthusiastic young singers from a diverse range of backgrounds and schools
throughout Ballarat to join us. Students aged 9-15 (Grade 4 to Year 8) and their parents/guardians are encouraged to visit our website at www.ballaratvoices.org.au They will be able to find out more about who we are and sign up for an audition there.
We are expecting to be able to offer a number of opportunities for individual schools to
engage with Ballarat Voices during Term 3 and 4 this year, and will be in touch with these
possibilities soon.
Thanks in anticipation for your support.
Lyndell Allen and Brooke Johnson
Directors at Ballarat Voices

Loreto College Policies
The College is in the process of updating and publishing a range of relevant policies and procedures. The policies most applicable to families are accessible on the Loreto website.

Finance News
Conveyance Allowance 2022
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College.
Application forms are available at Main Reception or click on the following link, which also provides additional information.
Please note that in 2022 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance in 2021 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
Any enquiries please email accounts@loreto.vic.edu.au
Important Dates
Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or https://pam.loreto.vic.edu.au/Login/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.