Our History of Giving
Our founder, Mother Gonzaga Barry, was a visionary educator whose every plan and action was underpinned by her strong faith in God. We are fortunate to now stand on the shoulders of all those who have gone before us, charged with responsibility of providing a holistic 21st century education and ensuring that the Loreto education continues for those yet to come.
The physical and spiritual foundations of Loreto College are credited to the vision and generosity of all those who have donated or bequeathed funds and property to the school. Such generous donations make it possible for the College to achieve its vision. When you give to Loreto College you create a connection with our College that can last across generations. You can contribute to a new facility, help preserve part of our heritage or support a student in accessing a Loreto education.
A gift to Loreto College in your Will means your memory will live on.
How do you want to be remembered? Is there something you would like to pass on to the next generation?
Throughout our lives we are influenced by the actions of the generations that came before us and our esteemed Loreto history is one of the finest examples. Mary Ward, the Founder of the Loreto Order, embarked on a lifetime devoted to the recognition of women and girls as valuable human beings and important contributors to society.
As we inch closer to celebrating 150 years of Loreto in Australia, there have been many past pupils, past staff and past parents who have left a lasting legacy towards the education of young women at Loreto College, and to each of them, we are eternally grateful.
You too, can continue Mary Ward’s mission by remembering Loreto College in your Will.
Annual Giving Appeal
Loreto and Mary Ward schools and our affiliates (Loreto Sisters ibvm, Loreto Australia and South East Asia, Mary Ward International Australia) have a global scope that extends through the heart of God to the four corners of the globe, leaving a historical footprint of women who have gone on to do much (Wendy Hildebrand ibvm, Province Leader, 2019). More than ever, our world needs proud Loreto women.
Loreto College conducts an Annual Giving Program each year from May-August. The purpose of the Annual Giving Program is to provide our Loreto community with an opportunity to provide a gift towards a Bursary, Scholarship or the Building Fund, to support a student who may not otherwise be able to attend the College and enable her to develop her individual gifts and talents through a Loreto education.
A tax-deductible gift to the Bursary or Scholarship Fund directly supports students and their families. At the discretion of the Principal, your gift enables us to assist students to attend the College and contribute their gifts to our community. They in turn, in the future, will be well positioned through their Loreto education to gift a Loreto education to a future student.
A tax-deductible gift to the Building Fund supports the College by providing funds for the construction of new buildings and learning environments and the maintenance and upgrade of our existing buildings.
Take your seat in the Mary's Mount Centre - Loreto Abbey Theatre 
You can reserve your place in Loreto history by purchasing a personalised seat, in the name of a student, past or present, or in the family name, in the Mary’s Mount Centre.
Simply fill in the form below and return it to the Marketing and Development Office at Loreto College, Ballarat. Or email the completed form to development@loreto.vic.edu.au
Historical Loreto Philanthropists
Learn more about the historical philanthropists who have enabled the building, restoration and maintenance of The Chapel, as well as scholarships for our students.
If you have any further questions about fundraising or making a donation to the College, please send your inquiry to development@loreto.vic.edu.au