Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or Click Here
TERM DATES for 2024 have been released - please click here for details
Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
Professor Dumbledore, The Chamber of Secrets.
As we come to the end of the school year, we have much for which to be grateful, marked with celebrations, graduations, concerts and more. Events such as the Celebration Dinner and Christmas Concert have been joyous ways to acknowledge the transition of the Year 12 students. As well, we welcome the coming of summer and the beginning of the Advent season. There is much benefit from taking time to reflect on our actions across the year, with a focus on those which have enriched our lives and those that open our eyes to new opportunities. 2023 has marked the Loreto value of Justice and we can ask the simple question of ourselves, “Have I been just?”. J.K Rowling would say that our choices and actions reveal our true nature, far more than our abilities or intentions and with this wisdom in mind, we can look back with gratitude for the countless endeavours of students, staff and families which have been wonderful and joyous to witness.
On 19 November approximately 70 students and staff volunteered or ran in Run for a Cause to support the Ballarat Foundation with proceeds going to the Ballarat Christmas Appeal. This term, students, staff and families have contributed food, gifts and vouchers to help prepare Christmas Hampers for St Vinnie’s. These events, alongside many year level initiatives, are all ways that the community have come together to Shine a Light on Justice and be people of action.
Last weekend the College hosted a significant event in Loreto history in Australia with the Inauguration of the MPJP (Ministerial Public Juridic Person) and commissioning of Stewards. The inauguration of Loreto Ministries as an MPJP ensures that Loreto Ministries remains faithful to the mission of Jesus Christ and the Values of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the future. The event began with an Acknowledgement of Country by Year 8 student, Evie Clarke, followed by a liturgy held in the Chapel with many Loreto sisters, Loreto Principals, student leaders, family and friends present. It was wonderful to hear the stories with the many sisters who had connections to Loreto College Ballarat, and to celebrate the consolidation of the future of Loreto in Australia.
The conclusion to the year is also a time of farewells. Peter Foord (41 years of service), Carmel Parker (25 years), Loretta Hyland (12 years), Aniela Marcinak (9 years) and Annette Hirth (5 years) will be leaving. Their dedication and commitment to education has been greatly appreciated and they will missed.
I thank and wish all our students, staff, carers and wider school community a very joyful and peaceful Christmas and every blessing for 2024.

From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Chris Shaw
As the Christmas season is about to be upon us all, we reflect on the joy of community. Last weekend our College Captains Bella and Steph gathered with their counterpart Captains from all Loreto Schools across Australia. Beginning on Friday at Loreto Tooak, the students were hosted by Alumni Michelle McCarty and the Toorak Captains and then travelled back here to Ballarat for the remainder of the conference. Throughout the weekend our Captains learnt from Carolyn Young from Loreto Ministries and others about leading in the Loreto tradition. For Bella and Steph, it was a lovely time to host others as they learnt about the Loreto’s rich history, visited the Archives, our Chapel and other sacred spaces around our grounds. They enjoyed hearing from Hannah George about Mary Ward International and were fortunate to attend the Inauguration of the MPJP with our Principal.
These connections are a vital part of our Loreto community enriching the understanding of our rich charism, our history, and our future outlook. The impetus for such a leadership conference comes from the Loreto Schools Australia Committee, which aims to ensure we live out our shared values in a practical way. Let’s Connect and Mary Ward Connect where students travel to other Loreto schools along with staff conferences are just some of the initiatives LSAC works on to help build shared beliefs, connections and understandings. These strengthen our commitment to a strong and contemporary Loreto education.
At the student leadership conference, the captains began to collectively write the prayer for 2024, the year of Sincerity and we’ll look forward to embracing it when complete. This sets us up for a great year ahead and it is lovely to know all Loreto schools in Australia will share this prayer throughout the year. As we welcomed our incoming Year 7’s this week and have farewelled our Year 12’s, I’m reminded of the cyclic process of education and how young people come into our lives for relatively short periods in their life, but at extremely important times in their growth and development. I continually meet Loreto Alumni, staff and families of diverse backgrounds who tell stories of their time here and of their connection – but regardless of where we come from, we all have that one common link – we are part of Loreto!
May the joyous light of the Christmas star illuminate our paths, bringing comfort, hope, and blessings to all. Let us carry the lessons of Christmas beyond the season, spreading peace, advocating for justice, and extending a helping hand to those in need. Wishing you and your loved ones a Christmas filled with God's grace, peace, and the warmth of love.

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma McDermott
Christmas time can be full of mixed emotions. Everyone does their best to get through. The expense of Christmas can be challenging, as well as the sadness that can be present from those who are no longer with us. If possible, take the opportunity to stop, relax and spend more time with those you love.
Be aware for a young person the holiday season can be disruptive because their normal routine without the school structure goes out the window. One of hardest parts of holidays for some teenagers is they do not get to hang out with their friends every day. Though it is good to have a break from friends and school, remember social interaction is important for teenagers. If your child wants to catch up with friends, there is an added financial pressure during holidays.
Your teenager will want to spend time watching YouTube videos, TikToks and other shows online, this is normal, but do encourage reading, spending time outside their room and venturing outdoors. If you can get a chance, take your child to a café, and have special parent time with them. Treasure these moments because they really do grow up fast.
In preparation for your child’s return to school make sure they are getting to sleep at a reasonable time and not using the phone as an alarm clock, invest in an alarm clock. Take the phone away an hour before bedtime and encourage your child to read.
On behalf of the Wellbeing Team at Loreto, I would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing your child in 2024.

College News

Year 9 News
Ms Stephanie Greet (Year 9 Coordinator)
Year 9 Cultural Studies - Marchés de Noël
This week our Year 9 Cultural Studies class hosted their Marchés de Noël (also known as Christmas Market). Filled with lots of baked goods and Christmas decorations, our Year 9 students did a wonderful job raising over $400 for MWIA projects in Timor Leste

Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp
By Rebecca Brodie - Year 9
From the 25th October to the 27th October, the Year 9s stayed at Anglesea Valley Lodge to participate in a camp run by Auscamp. This camp entailed two nights of sleeping in tents, bike riding, surfing, hiking and a various amount of other equally fun activities. The camp challenged us by testing our physical and emotional strength allowing us to develop a better understanding of what we are truly capable of achieving. Here are a few anecdotes from the Year 9 cohort detailing their favourite part of outdoor Ed 2023.
“My favourite part of outdoor ed was at the end of the day, sitting around the campfire with everyone whilst playing trivia and eating chocolate ripple cake.”
-Tatym Featherston-
“I reckon my favourite part of outdoor ed has been the surfing and on the second night where all my group sat around the campfire and played games.”
-Dikshita Depak-
“My favourite part about outdoor ed was nature exploration and the adventure and adrenaline. To elaborate, many people find joy in exploring and appreciating the natural environment. Hiking, bird watching, or simply taking in scenic views can be immensely rewarding. Seeing lots of birds and kangaroos was intriguing to me.”
-Milly Heinrich-Morrison-
“My favourite part of the trip was sitting around the campfire and eating dessert and talking with everyone while playing games.”
-Lily Matthews-
“My favourite part of the trip was definitely cooking together with everyone because I got to bond with everyone and we got to tell stories, play games and do activities and get to know each other better.”
-Alphonsa Jelesh-
“My favourite part of the trip was watching my friends fall into the lake”
-Olivia James-
“My favourite part of Outdoor Ed would probably have to be all of it, but mainly getting to experience different experiences.”
-Gemma Harbour-

Vocational Major News
Mr Andrew Blackwood (Faculty Coordinator: Vocational Major)
It has been a chaotic yet exciting Term 4 for the VM students at Loreto College. With the Little Flower undergoing renovations for the first 4 weeks of term we found ourselves in the OG rooms to complete our final few assessments. During that time, we were lucky enough to travel down to Melbourne for a two-night camp exploring the issue of homelessness in Victoria. We spent a day visiting the Salvation Army HQ in Collins St and another working with The Big Issue to see firsthand how many people in the city are living rough and what support networks are in place.
In week 5 the renovations were complete, and we were back in the Little Flower and with it came some great applied learning experiences. Our Sport and Recreation students ran a school sports day at Black Hill Primary School, we hosted a Botanikids Christmas party at Lake Wendouree and we also had 7 students assist with waitressing at the Western Bulldogs Women in Business lunch which was held at the Ballarat Mining Exchange.
Run by Kate Davis from Plate Up Ballarat, our students worked with local industry professionals such as Sarah Kittely from Kittely’s Ballarat and Leroy Hand from The Turret café to deliver a lunch for 150 people to celebrate successful women in businesses around Ballarat. Abbie, Kiely, Zahara, Kasey, Regan, Ally and Mia did an amazing job and they received very positive commendations from the host of the event, Gorgi Coghlan.
Thank you to all our staff, students, parents and local community partners for a great 2023 in the Loreto College VM program and we look forward to bigger and better things in the future.

Arts Faculty News
Ms Julia West (Faculty Coordinator: The Arts)
We have celebrated the Arts in many forms this semester. Students and staff have been busy creating and making artworks, presenting and evaluating theater and musical performances, and developing and producing monologues and music pieces. Term 3 and 4 is a time for students to create new ideas on their own or with others. Using skills and knowledge learnt in class, students are asked to create work based on themes and ideas, historical and social contexts, audience preferences and profiles or based on the styles and genres of other artists, designers, actors, dancers, musicians and composers. It’s a rich time for learning and reflecting.
As we move into the last weeks of the school I’d like to thank the Arts Staff for their incredible work with our students of Loreto. Their passion for their artform is always on display which role models commitment and understanding. Students begin to see what is required ‘to be good at something’. Students see the discipline and practise that is required to be an expert in a creative field. As the Arts Faculty Coordinator, it’s an absolute joy to see this love and expertise in Loreto Arts Staff. An example of this is the work of Mrs Simone Jans and Mrs Sarah Goodbourn. In creating the 2023 Christmas Concert, Simone worked closely with choirs to create new performances. Her energy and delight in her students and the progress they made each practise was papabile. Sarah’s commitment to the ensembles and bands was seen when assisting students with new and difficult music numbers. Her joy and gratitude when she says ‘ it sounds great!’ is always wonderful to hear.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.

Language Faculty News
Mrs Yoshie Burrows (Faculty Coordinator: Languages)
STEM Education in Japanese
Our long-anticipated planning finally bore fruit with a great accomplishment. On Friday, 20 Oct, the Year 10 Japanese class attended a whole day workshop at Ballarat Tech School to engage in our new interdisciplinary project - Coding in Japanese.
With the valuable guidance of a Stem Educator from Federation University, each student eagerly embraced the challenge of programming a Nao robot to communicate in Japanese.
What truly left an indelible mark on everyone was incredibly prepared for the day; prior to this excursion, they designed and meticulously crafted dialogues on their chosen topics.
This led to an inspiring symphony of robots, each engaging in dynamic conversations, responding with enthusiasm, and offering a wide array of suggestions. Some robots advocated particular types of candies, while others suggested delightful fast-food shops, leisure activities, and entertainment options.
The entire experience was very productive, nurturing and cultivating higher-order thinking skills. Walking to Sushi Nova and getting some Japanese lunch was also a highlight for them. Thanks to Ms Katrina Griffith and Miss Yume Kawakami for assisting with this excursion.

Health Faculty News
Mrs Naomi Russel (Faculty Coordinator: Health & Physical Education)
Run for a Cause Ballarat
We had an awesome group of students (and staff) running in the 6km event and we also had staff members Alex Howard, Andy Blackwood and Liam Gill run the 12km (Alex finished 7th male overall!).
Special shout out to Bonnie Burt who finished first female overall in a time of 22.59 in the 6km event, with Rosie Hunt in second with a 23.09 and Amali Torney finishing fourth.
We are proud to have been awarded 1st prize for the largest team entry of the day. Awesome work Team Loreto! We are proud of all our students who took part in the day with proceeds going towards the Ballarat Christmas Appeal.
Congratulations to the following students who ran on the day:
Eva Cummins | Sophia Dalton | Pippa Hanley |
Amali Torney | Bonnie Burt | Isla Christie |
Chelsea Templar | Olivia Righetti | Emma Feliciano |
Savannah Kennedy | Lyla Molloy | Ella Cartwright |
Abigail Cartledge | Abby Kinnersly | Annabelle Pituch |
Jessica Main | Bronte Molloy | Penny Halsall |
Amelia Phillips | Annabelle Reus | Rosie Hunt |
Eden Templar | Milla Kinnersly | Hannah McCrum |
Sophia Addison | Olivia Parnell | Maddie Lane |
Sienna Templar | Amber Korosec | Chloe Cook |
Maddy Birkett | Caitlin McConchie | Steph Jenks |
Olivia James | Meg Lynch | Lily Ryan |
Mia Ford | Neve Griffiths | Milly Wakefield |
Izzy Rossato | Imogen Mann | Annie Sproull |
Grace Barr |

Maths Faculty News
Mr Stephen Boswell (Faculty Coordinator: Mathematics)
ClassPad Calculator Order Form
By ordering through the link supplied below, there is a saving of about $20 compared to ordering through the booklist ($264 against $283.45). Every little bit helps!
To access the ClassPad order form, please click here.
Alternatively access the website direct and follow the steps:
- Enter the school ID code: LORETO
- Select your calculator and accessories
- Pay for your order
- Calculators will be delivered to Loreto College -
contact Stephen Boswell
NOTE: All Year 8 students moving into Year 9 for 2024 will be required to purchase the ClassPad Calculator for all Maths classes next year.
Other students from all year levels may also order using this link if they need to replace lost or damaged units.

Technology Faculty News
Ms Thea Mooney (Faculty Coordinator: Technology)
VCE Food Studies - Past Pupils' High Tea
Earlier this month, our Unit 2 Food Studies students hosted the Past Pupils' Association High Tea. These students did a fantastic job of hosting and catering the event. In the lead-up, students investigated what a High Tea was and decided on their dishes. This amounted to a wonderful variety of sweet and savoury treats for our guests to enjoy. On top of catering for the event, students took charge of decorating, designing menus and waitressing.
Occasions like these provide a great opportunity for our students to interact with our past pupils all while learning valuable skills.

Performing Arts News
Ms Lindy Crowe (Co-Curricular Leader - Performing Arts)
As the end of our school year draws near, it has been good to reflect on the activities the Co-curricular Performance Program has offered to the Loreto community this year. From Synchro Swimming to Taskmaster, Lip Sync battle to ImproSports, MY FAIR LADY, House Arts and Arts Festival – it has been a wonderful year of growth, achievement and reward for our performing arts community.
Auditions for MARY POPPINS have taken place and this week we are in the final meetings for casting. With over 90 students auditioning, our job is once again made difficult choosing from the depth of talent our school offers.
I take this opportunity to thanks the students and staff who have given so much time and effort to keep our co-curricular activities going. We are looking forward to another fantastic year in 2024, and we hope to see the return of Coffee House and the addition of WAKAKIRRI to our events calendar.
Wishing all students and families a safe and happy holiday period.

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)
In this week's Career News:
- University of Melbourne - VCE Summer School
- Future Doctors Program
- Filmmaking Summer School
- Monash University - Engage Engineer
- Sports Courses
- University - Early Entry Programs
- University of Melbourne - Fine Arts and Music
- Apprenticeships
- Career Development Programs
- Upcoming Career Events
Youth Leadership Project
Registrations for the 2024 Youth Leadership Project are now open. The Western Bulldogs Youth Leadership Project is a dynamic 10-session leadership program for young people in the West, aged 14-16 years old. Each session focuses on building life skills that help shape strong, community-minded leaders.
As part of the program, learn from respected industry leaders and build skills in
- Leadership
- Resilience
- Community engagement
The program also involves developing positive social impact projects as well as AFL and AFLW game day experiences.
For further information, please email

Finance News
Conveyance Allowance 2023
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College.
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website or click on the following link, which also provides additional information.
Please note that in 2023 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance at Loreto College in 2022 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
Any enquiries please email
Community News
AIIU 2024 Term 1 - Host Families Wanted
Are you able to help AIIU in hosting our Japanese exchange students for Term 1 2024? If so please, contact Suzanne (Group Coordinator) on 0432 619 861 or

Our Diocesan Community - November 2023
Please enjoy the latest edition of Our Diocesan Community. Produced by the Catholic Diocese of Ballarat, read about all the latest news across the Diocese.
In this edition, read about our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who recently had the opportunity to delve into the traditional cultural practice of making a Possum Skin Cloak with BADAC (Ballarat and District Aboriginal Coorperative).

Carols by Candlelight - Volunteers Needed
Carols by Candlelight is calling out for volunteers to help out with the Ballarat Carols by Candlelight at Mars Stadium on Sunday 17 November. If you are able to help, please register your interest now at

To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.