Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
'Becoming is better than being. The fixed mindset does not allow people the luxury of becoming. They have to already be' - Carol Dweck
The metaphor of leaving one’s comfort zone has been around for many years and challenges us all to reach beyond what is comfortable in our everyday lives and extend ourselves, whether it be in trying new things or in COVID-19 times, everyday activities that have become more difficult due to isolation and uncertainty.
The College’s Strategic Plan articulates that we are committed to developing future-ready students who are able to thrive in a changing world. The research indicates that in order for this to happen, learning must extend beyond the four walls of a classroom, with healthy risk-taking providing the discomfort and uncertainty that students require to develop resilience. Risk requires us to do more than that which feels comfortable. We must dig deep within ourselves and test the limits of our abilities and resources. Encountering the unknown and experiencing uncertainty stretches us towards new self-understanding because we are enlarging our concept of ourselves and what we are capable of achieving. This is why we offer a range of excursions and experiential learning opportunities such as camps and tours.
Our Year 10 Barry and Mulhall students went on camp last week, with Year 10 Mornane and Ward embarking on their adventure in the last week of this term. The very notion of being away from home in an unfamiliar environment already provides an irreplaceable situation for nurturing independence, but this is enhanced by the inclusion of team-building and higher-risk activities. Students learn to trust their peers as they navigate hiking trails or participate in ropes courses. They learn the importance of thinking through the dangers and risks of activities, applying mitigation strategies to ensure group and personal safety. Johann Hari’s book Lost Connections (2019) highlights the direct links between environmental and social engagement with enhanced mental health and wellbeing. While cooking camp dinners over little stoves and sleeping under a tarp might not appeal to everyone, it is the collective memories that are made, the autonomy that is developed and the fortitude within that is discovered that make outdoor education experiences essential.
A group of students in Years 9-12 are looking forward to the NASA Space Camp Study Tour in September. The STEM tour provides students with the opportunity to learn from industry professionals across a range of science disciplines, technology, engineering and mathematics. In addition, there is a rich focus on the historical development of space travel and automobiles, along with opportunities to learn about the design elements to complement engineering marvels. Our emerging scientists will work with astronauts as they complete the Advanced Space Camp Academy, which includes a variety of simulations and missions while learning about astrophysics and a variety of careers in STEM. The team are excited about the microgravity exercises in the Underwater Astronaut Trainer, along with the challenges they’ll encounter with balance and movement when on the Multi-Axis Trainer and 1/6th Gravity Chair. It’s as close as anyone can come to an outer space experience while still within our atmosphere. In addition, the group will gain insight into how the Arts and STEM work together to create complete experiences for rides at Universal Studios, as well as enjoy some time trying them along the way.
Our Loreto Future
As part of our plans to expand in the future, an additional Year 9 class will be offered in 2023. This will allow students the opportunity to complete Years 9-12 at Loreto College Ballarat. Applications and interviews are currently underway.
Thank you to the many students, staff, parents/carers and alumni that responded through the My Loreto, Our Loreto Future survey. Following this engagement process, the College is now developing a Master Plan for the Mary’s Mount and Lucas campuses.
School Improvement Survey
Every second year parents/carers have the opportunity to provide feedback through a survey. The survey is conducted by Insight SRC on the school’s behalf and the Catholic Education Office Ballarat. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents' perceptions of their daughters’ experience of school. The results will benefit everyone within the school by providing valuable information about the ways in which the school can use staff, student and parent input to plan programs and activities to improve your child's experience at school.
A random selection of parents/carers will be sent an invitation to participate in this survey. Although we strongly encourage you to participate, your participation is voluntary. It is important to remember, however, that the success of this important project is dependent on parents’ involvement.

From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Chris Shaw
‘I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think’ – Socrates
Walking on our Lucas campus, (currently just a paddock with resident sheep), I can’t help but wonder about those whose footsteps might follow in the years to come. What will it look and sound like? Who will be there? I wonder how Mother Gonzaga Barry and her pioneers felt as they walked their new surrounds of Loreto back in 1875. We are always thinking, defining, planning, learning, reflecting and creating. The thoughts we shape now set the foundation for our future, and that often starts with small ideas and questions.
Over the last few weeks, I have had the opportunity to interview staff and students applying for various leadership roles. These discussions have been both thoughtful and uplifting, showing the strong calibre of staff and students willing to contribute to the ongoing development of the College. There have been some small changes to our student leadership roles to ensure greater opportunities with specific portfolios within the Senate, and more leadership roles further down the school. The staff roles have been adjusted in line with the aims of our Strategic Plan and aligned with our goals for the coming years. What has impressed me is the passion held for Loreto and its traditions as well as its possibilities, and this positions us well for a bright and exciting future.
The engagement of staff and students doesn’t seem to stop at Loreto, as the term has seen involvement in such things as; the Australasian Philosothon, Federation Science and Engineering Challenge, Royal South Street successes in Debating, Public Speaking and Choir, BAS sport including outstanding results in Cross Country, JPIC service and fundraising, English plays and guest speakers, Year 10 Camp, Science Week, Book Week and the Mindshop Excellence Program. We continue to connect with our wider community with the Senate Breast Cancer Awareness Netball Match against St Pats and the Players for Pink Football match against Clarendon College and our VCAL students hosted the Past Pupils Morning Tea at the Little Flower. Some intrepid travellers will soon head off on the NASA Space Camp and we have our Father’s Day Liturgy and breakfast this Friday, the GAT coming up and of course The Arts Festival.
This exhausting list is only a small glimpse of some of the things our staff and students have been involved in. Opportunities for engagement are everywhere and our thinking deepens when we broaden and build our experiences. Schools are all about Metacognition – the process of thinking about thinking. We use information in meaningful ways and engage in varied experiences that expose us to more opportunities for critical thinking. Improving our capacity to analyse and synthesise complex information is what schools are about. All of this points to a school community with the capacity to lead the way with true care and compassion.

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma McDermott
Invest in an Old Alarm Clock
Sleep, or the lack of it, is one of the most important physical and mental health issues confronting students today. A good night's sleep lays the foundation for strong academic performance and sound physical and mental health. Yet research shows that most students, particularly senior students receive inadequate amounts of sleep.
More sleep results in:
- Being more alert in class
- Being better able to retain information and solve problems
- Enhanced creativity
- Greater energy levels and improved general health
- A lower propensity for illness and absenteeism
- Reduced risk of anxiety, depression and stress-related disorders
Sleep research suggests that a teenager needs between nine and 10 hours of sleep every night. Chronic sleep deprivation can have dramatic effects on a teenager’s life, including a reduced academic performance at school. Even 30 minutes of extra sleep each night makes a difference.
For more information visit: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/teenagers-and-sleep
Screen Time Blues
Research has been done on how computer time effects the brainwaves in the hour prior to going to sleep. The effect on our sleep is:
- Taking longer to fall asleep.
- Less amount of REM; this results in less time dreaming
- A greater degree of sleepiness after an 8-hour sleep
- Greater difficulty waking up after an 8-hour sleep
- The blue light from our cell phones suppresses our natural sleep hormones
In a recent article by Ellen Scott written on Saturday 27 August for the UK Metro website, she wrote about investing in an old alarm clock. This is something that we have been speaking about at school, especially in parent meetings. Most parents we are meeting are already taking the phone away from their daughter at night. As Ellen Scott wrote, "the bedroom should be a phone-free zone”. She adds “that no more pre-sleep scrolling means better sleep’. Next time you are at the shops, think about investing in an alarm clock and have your daughter choose which one she thinks is the best for her, remembering the benefits will be tremendous.
Safe Internet use
We need to face the fact our young people are living in a technological world where everything is at their figure tips. Gone are the days where you would go to the chemist to get your film from your valuable oversized camera developed. Gone are the days where you would write a letter which took days/weeks to arrive at its destination. Our students are the instant generation, where this instant technology comes with great rewards but also risks. We need to embrace the great technology and together teach our students about staying safe and being able to say no.
The instant world means relationships can be easily destroyed by a comment on Snapchat, Instagram, or google hangouts, just to name a few. Therefore, as Educators, we cannot stress enough about the need to know what your daughter is watching online. Passwords should not be shared with anyone other than their parents. Parents have a right to know passwords, as a safeguard. Unfortunately, on some occasions when relationships with friends break down so does any secretive information, which includes trusting the once best friend with a password. Have a conversation with your daughter about not sharing passwords and about the sites she is exploring on the internet.
New Child Safe Standards 1 and 5
In the last newsletter, I wrote about the new Child Safe Standards. Considering what I have just written about the safe use of the internet, it is really important to understand how young people will need to be more mindful of the words and language they use, even if they think it is a joke when writing on the internet and talking with friends.
Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
This standard is reminding us about the need to be culturally sensitive and create a safe inclusive environment. We will not tolerate racism. We will address a situation if a student has not been displaying tolerance or has been using inappropriate language.
The organisation pays particular attention to the needs of Aboriginal children and young people and provides/ promotes a culturally safe environment. In other information about this standard, there is reference to bullying as creating an unsafe environment. At times students will use words in jest however, it is important that you are aware of the zero-tolerance if students do make remarks about any of the situations above that they will be spoken to, and you will be made aware of the situation.
Please talk to your daughter about being accepting and tolerant of everyone’s uniqueness.
Holidays are Fast Approaching
Your daughter is ready for a break, so do not be surprised if she wants to rest and sleep in for the first few days of the holidays, or for the older girls most days. The end of a term is always tiring and there is always a lot of energy used trying to keep up and get through the last few days. If you are at home with your daughter spend time watching a fun or romantic movie or movies, or go out to a café, as the old saying goes ‘they grow up so fast’. When your daughter is on holidays, please be aware of her internet usage, especially daughters in Years 7 to 9 and if they have friends over, check to see they are not sending any nasty emails to other girls because unfortunately, this does occur when girls get together and want to have a bit of fun. Try to stop the gossip, if your daughter has friends over and they start to gossip, let them know it would be better not to gossip and to move on to another topic, as parents it is important to stop and discourage any hurtful behaviour. Getting enough sleep and eating well, still applies during holiday time. Your daughter may have a few late nights, staying up with friends, however, from experience, this always ends with a cold. Allow some late nights but try to suggest getting to bed at a reasonable time at sleepovers. Encourage reading, holidays are a great time to catch up on reading and listening to music instead of always being glued to a computer, encourage reading especially before sleep, it is a wonderful way to relax. When it comes closer to the end of the holidays try to normalise any panic that may set in about returning to school. Your daughter may be worried about a task she has not completed or a task coming up in the first few weeks of Term 4, assure her all will be alright, and she will manage and remind her you are available to help with any task. Getting back into a regular sleep pattern, as the holiday winds down encourage your daughter to get back into a good nighttime routine, this will make it easier in the first few days in Term 4, which is always a shock to the system getting back into a routine of scheduled concentration and classes.
Enjoy your precious time with your daughter, safe holidays.
Vaping, Alcohol & Teenage Parties - Parent Information Session
We continue to struggle with student vaping and the immense risks to their health and wellbeing is emerging through current research. We implore you to have discussions with your child around the ongoing dangers of this practice and invite you to join the Ballarat community at the following event
Presentation followed by Q&A Panel
For Parents Only - provided free of charge courtesy of the Friends of Ballarat Grammar
Four guest speakers will provide presentations on the subjects of Vaping, Alcohol, Teenage Parties and how to help teens be safe in the party environment. For those in the audience, a Q&A panel will follow the presentations.
This FREE event is open to ALL Parents (not just those at Grammar) so please feel free to share it with your friends and family.
Reserve your FREE ticket via link below (or wcpa.com.au) https://BGRAM.sales.ticketsearch.com/sales/salesevent/78374
For those not living in Ballarat or unable to attend in person, the event will also be live-streamed – https://wcpa.slcaust.com.au/97886.html

From the Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation
Ms Em Shanahan
Learning & Innovation
I love that each and every day at Loreto College is different. As learning progresses across the year, the sounds sights and smells of classrooms change. I’m not talking about unfavourable smells here – I’m talking about the amazing aromas that waft down the corridors as our students in Food Studies create delicacies that would be worthy of a win on MasterChef.
Just recently, I was treated to the fresh smell of popping corn kernels. It reminded me of the importance we must place on treating each student as an individual. Consider this:
Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, in the same oil, and yet… the kernels do not pop at the same time. Don’t compare your child to others. Their turn to pop is coming!
We want our students to take pride in who they are as learners, and know that they’re encouraged to be brave and task risks with their learning. That is how they stretch their minds and learn to do things that they never before thought could be possible. While our students are far more wonderful than any kernel of corn that pops, it is worth us reminding them of this concept so that they don’t compare their growth to that of others, and that they are patient while awaiting for the time when they’re ready to pop.
The GAT – Information for ALL students in Years 11-12
All students in Year 12 and students in Year 11 who are completing a Unit 3/4 subject this year will complete the GAT on Wednesday, 7 September 2022.
Students in Year 11 who are not studying a Unit 3/4 subject this year will have a personal study day (at home) on this day. The Library will be available for students who are unable to study from home.
Details for all other students include on 7 September 2022 are:
Arrive: 9.10am sharp – meet in the Quad
Session 1: 9.30am – 11.45pm – all VCE and VCAL students
VCAL students are permitted to go home after Session 1 or complete personal study in the Library.
Session 2: 1.15pm – 3.00pm – only VCE students
The GAT is a required component of the VCE and VCAL. Any questions should be directed to Ms Pam Harrison.
New Year 9 Elective Subjects
We are very excited to introduce new subjects into our Year 9 program for next year. Faculty Leaders have worked both with their teams and in collaboration with other faculties to develop a suite of engaging, unique and challenging learning opportunities that focus on contemporary and innovative practices. Students will have opportunities to create escape rooms, design buildings, solve environmental problems, engage in forensic science or produce their very own masterpiece on stage. This is just a minor sample of what is on offer. Have a look at the updated Year 9 Curriculum Handbook to see what else is on offer.
Subject Selections for Years 10-12
Students in Years 10 – 12 have completed their subject selections for 2023. We are in the process of allocating and finalising offerings, and student programs will be confirmed in the coming weeks. If any student has a question about their choices, they should email Ms Shanahan.

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity
Ms Felicity Knobel
In Celebration of Our Loreto Men – Friday 2 September
In 2020 and in 2021 we didn’t have an opportunity to gather as a Loreto community to celebrate the special males in our world. However, we gathered online with a Mass that was celebrated here in our beautiful chapel.
If we can remember all the way back to 2020 we asked for pictures of you with your special male. We had the most glorious pictures. From our teachers with their dads on their wedding days or graduation days or the births of their children, to birthday celebrations, first day of school pictures, at sporting events or dance recitals, the list goes on.
We saw happiness. We saw relationships that were comfortable with each other. We saw people wanting to be with each other. We saw pride. We saw affection. Importantly, we saw love.
In 2021 we changed it up a little bit. Again we were online. This time we asked people to send in a picture of themselves with a message about their special male. We asked them to tell us why they loved them.
Laughter featured heavily. The acknowledgement that these people did a lot for us in our world. That they encouraged them. That they felt special because of them. The cooking of various dishes or the special moments that they shared also featured.
We again heard affection. A comfort with each other. A reliance. Happiness. And again, importantly we heard love.
This year in 2022 we are able to gather as a community in our Chapel. We have invited our special males to a morning of prayer and also importantly for a breakfast on Friday 2 September.
We have an opportunity to be with each other this year that is different and we need to celebrate this. After sending in photos, after writing messages of love we have an opportunity to tell our special males this year that they are loved and appreciated by us.
We pray…
Shower your blessings upon all fathers and special males.
Grant them wisdom to guide their children along right paths.
Grant them strengths to forgive when their children stray from those paths.
Grant them perseverance when there are challenges.
Grant them the ability to laugh and share in the joy of these people that they love and love them
May your love shelter them in times of need and expand their capacity for forgiveness, kindness and compassion.
You, who are Father of us all, hold all fathers in your warm and generous heart.
College News

English Faculty News
Ms Kerryn Boyko (Faculty Leader English)
Year 11 Theatre Performance of ‘The Crucible’
In our English curriculum, we study a variety of text forms, plays being one. It is always wonderful to experience these as they are intended as a live performance. The Unit 2 English students attended a workshop for their Outcome 1 play, ‘The Crucible'. Student Jess Robertson has written a summary.
From a paperback text to a live workshop performance
Students worked with actors from Melbourne, to unpack the hidden messages conveyed by Arthur Miller, in the play The Crucible. The actors presented various viewpoints for the Year 11 English classes enabling students to compare how characters' personalities were thought to be. Different interpretations can result from considering character motives as well as the influence of the patriarchal society of Salem. In Salem, superstitions driven by religion resulted in accusations about acts of the devil.
Throughout the performance, the actors would pause after scenes to discuss the different motivations of the characters behind their actions. This enabled students to unpack key themes of law and justice, fear and hysteria, community and religion. The open discussion between actors and the audience, allowed for all perspectives to be heard and understood. Several times the actors would repeat the same scene, however showing a difference of motives. Scene comparisons demonstrated key women actors adhering to the patriarchal society, in comparison to them rebelling and taking control where the women would not feel threatened and victimised by the patriarchal, puritan society. The experience presented new perspectives and enhanced students’ understanding of key scenes and characters in The Crucible.
Jess Robertson (Year 11)
Year 10 Theatre Performance of ‘Much Ado About Nothing’
Our Year 10s also experienced a performance of 'Much Ado About Nothing'. Year 10 student, Lucy Eales has written the following piece about the Shakespeare incursion last week.
On Tuesday the 23rd of August, the Year 10 cohort were treated to a live condensed version of the Shakespeare comedy Much Ado About Nothing as part of their English work this term. The play contains themes of love, deception and an exploration of gender roles. Sworn enemies Beatrice and Benedick are married, while the lovers Claudio and Hero are temporarily split up due to the dastardly plots of Don John, who is an outcast from society. ‘The Eagle’s Nest Theatre Company’ put together the interpretation, which challenged some of the ways we might have initially pictured characters in the play. As an example, the evil Don John was played in a very comedic and unpredictable way which was different to the serious, cold-hearted character that most of us pictured him to be. The company acted certain scenes out in different ways, allowing us to understand the play from multiple perspectives. An important scene in the play is when Claudio shames his lover Hero at their wedding, falsely believing that she has been disloyal. In the original interpretation, Claudio’s emotions are raw and his words and actions seem impulsive and exaggerated, giving the impression that he is very much lashing out and reacting in the moment to the situation. However, when the scene was acted out again, Claudio was presented as less brash and angry, but more cruel, cold and calculating in his insults towards Hero, making it seem as though he is thinking about every word, deliberately trying to hurt Hero in any way possible out of spite. It was very thought-provoking to consider the implications of simply changing the way a scene was acted out, giving us a new angle on what the meaning of Shakespeare’s words are. Overall, the performance was not only very entertaining, but also a great way to expand student understanding of a piece of literature that is normally so difficult to grasp.
Lucy Eales (Year 10)
Unit 4 English Brooklyn & Reckoning Revision Lecture
Tuesday 6 September 3.30 – 5.00pm in the Theatrette
Please make sure to bring your novel, memoir, pen and paper
This lecture has been deliberately scheduled the week before the Outcome 1 SAC worth 60%. Take advantage of this opportunity to build on your understanding of the two texts and comparative writing skills!

Language Faculty News
Mrs Yoshie Burrows
Exchange students from Tokyo
This term we hosted four exchange students from Japan. These students were from Yamawaki Gakuen High School, which is in Akasaka, Tokyo. This school is very close to the National Diet Building and the Imperial Palace. We were worried that these students might feel a bit homesick after arriving in Ballarat away from their busy lifestyle. Instead, these students fully embraced Australian school life and the rural lifestyle in Ballarat. None of them caught Covid when travelling from Japan and were immediately able to commence their homestay programs. They have been diligently studying all subjects including Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing, in English and WW2 in the Pacific in Humanities. It has been delightful hosting these lovely students: Sumire Oi, Nao Teshima, Aoi Isomine and Momoka Kajigaya.
Morning tea with Ms Brodrick was also a highlight of their stay.
Year 10 Japanese Excursion
The Year 10 Japanese class had a day at Sovereign Hill completing their oral assessment tasks as part of their VET Japanese programs.
This year students were busy acting as a visitor and staff at Sovereign Hill, asking and giving directions to the shops and activities.
Japanese exchange students also accompanied this excursion and enjoyed the old township with diggings, underground mines, coach rides and eating lollies from the famous lolly shop.

Are you interested in hosting Japanese exchange students this year?
Loreto College will be hosting four Japanese students in a program conducted by AIIU from September 11 until November 20 2022.
An important part of the educational and cultural exchange is the homestay component. This opportunity is open to students in all year levels.
Share your lifestyle and home while experiencing another culture!

Science Faculty News
Ms Lucille Hudson (Psychology Teacher)
This term Unit 4 Psychology, students went on an excursion to the Ballarat Tech School to complete the Augmented Consciousness activity. While the students were there they were introduced to the Area of Study ‘How do levels of consciousness affect mental processes and behaviour’.
The students completed an experiment to compare normal waking consciousness to altered states of consciousness by using glasses to simulate sleep deprivation and blood alcohol concentration. The students tested their reaction times and accuracy under a number of conditions, from walking a path, bouncing and catching a ball to playing whack a mole. The activities were designed to help students understand the similarities between sleep-deprived states and alcohol-induced states in terms of cognitive and perceptual distortions as well as the effects that it has on the speed and accuracy of individual responses.

Technology/STEAM & Digital Technology Faculty News
Mr David Barker (Faculty Leader Technology/STEAM & Digital Technology)
Year 10 Federation University STEM Challenge
The Science and Engineering Challenge is a day-long competition run by Newcastle University held at the Federation University campus. It is designed to provide students with a positive experience of science and engineering.
The school team was divided into eight groups of three students and they tackled eight engineering problems between them. Most groups did two activities and one group - the bridge testing - was a whole day event.
Students were awarded points for each activity and the school with the most cumulative points at the end of the day was declared the winner. The highest-scoring winning schools from each region/zone will subsequently compete against each other for a place in the state and - perhaps - the national final.
Loreto won multiple of their sessions and came second out of the 7 schools overall. They engaged with the activities all day long and were only a few points off taking the top spot.
A fantastic collective effort.

Food Studies News
Mrs Thea Mooney
Unit 4 Food Studies - $10.00 Meal & HelloFresh
Unit 4 Food Studies students are focusing on current food issues of food security and environmental sustainability as part of their coursework. In order to provide them with real-life experiences, students were tasked with planning a low-cost meal for a family of four, the maximum cost needed to be $10.00. They were able to access pantry items provided to them with the option of using potential food waste from the Food Technology fridge. This task gave them an insight into the cost of ingredients and the challenges faced by those who are food insecure.
Students then completed a follow-up activity where they used a popular home meal replacement package, HelloFresh. Students will analyse these tasks in a report focusing on causes of food insecurity and the potential environmental impact of food packaging and food miles that result from food transport. These have been valuable activities to support student learning and understanding of global issues.

2022 Australian Philosothon
Mr Peter Foord (Faculty Leader RE)
On Friday August 19 and Saturday 20, our team of 5 students competed online in the 2022 Australasian Philosothon organised by the Australasian Association for Philosophy (AAP). The students involved were Isla Christie (Year 7), Monty Ryan (Year 9), Georgia Halstead (Year 10), Grace Corbic and Ann Chalakkal (Year 11) and our reserve involved in one round, Neon Macauley (Year 9). They took part in four Communities of Inquiry with other students from around Australia. In these COIs the students had to produce their own discussion questions based upon provided stimulus material. In each COI the students discussed questions such as:
- Should artificial reefs be environmental saviours?
- Does automating art broaden the potential for human creativity or does it hinder it?
- What is the big deal about Australia Day?
- Is Time Travel Possible and what might be its consequences?
All students did a wonderful job thinking through, around and under these questions and many others. Students were judged for their critical thinking, creativity and collaboration by philosophers from various universities. Mr David Barker also facilitated a number of the COI discussions through the competition.
In between COIs, students listened to an interview between Professor Rob Wilson from the University of Western Australia and an Australian Teacher of the Year who teaches in the fields of Philosophy, Ethics and Religion. At the end of their discussion, Ann Chalakkal put a stunning question to both of them which they took delight in responding to and were challenged by. Professor Rob even deferred to the suggested answer Ann gave in a follow up.
Although Loreto did not gain a top 3 place, Georgia Halstead is to be congratulated for coming 3rd out of all the Year 10 students competing in the Philosothon. Georgia has joined Socrates Café this year and along with others on the team, has enjoyed discussing numerous questions covering so many areas of human thought and life every Friday lunchtime. We look forward to many more!
Mr Peter Foord
Mr David Barker
Year 10 Mindshop Excellence Program
Last week a group of entrepreneurial Year 10 students participated in the Mindshop Excellence Program. This wonderful program delivered in partnership with Commerce Ballarat and local businesses provides an invaluable learning opportunity for future young leaders, where students are placed within a local company and given a real industry problem to solve.
Acting as ‘company executives' for the week, our Loreto students were placed with the Ballarat Turf Club. Their problem to resolve was, “How does the Ballarat Turf Club attract a younger demographic to support special race day events?”
Our students learned powerful problem-solving tools to help them explore and create solutions to the problem, which are then presented to the company and business leaders and invited guests.
Congratulations to our students, Annaliese Young, Lucy Eales, Jasmin Hayes, Mia Gartside, Ava Connally, and Bridie Newman on their participation and wonderful presentation on Friday.
Thank you to Mindshop Excellence, Commerce Ballarat and the participating local businesses that made this opportunity possible once again for our students, following a two-year hiatus due to Covid.

Co-Curricular Debating & Public Speaking News
Mrs Tammy Vandenberg (Co-Curricular Debating & Public Speaking Leader)
Royal South Street Debating Competition
Congratulations to the students below who competed in the Royal South Street Debating Competition last week. Following the semi-finals, three of our four debating teams are now through to the GRAND FINAL!
Loreto will now be the only school to have a team in every age division. We are very proud of these students.
Year 7/8
Hannah John
Olive Lanyon
Jemima Knobel
Jo Addison
Year 9/10
Ella Howlett
Mathilda Carli
Lucy Eales
Ella Demunk
Year 11/12
Grace Corbic
Sophie John
Ann Chalakkal
Special mention to Emily Gibson, Eliza Dodd, Lainie Ballinger and Lily Matthews who were wonderful but did not make it through to the final.
Royal South Street Public Speaking Competition
Our public speakers have also been busy at South Street. During the competition, students spoke on a range of prepared and impromptu topics with a first place in every section and many other awards. The adjudicator was incredibly impressed. These are hard-working students who are clearly our young thinkers of the future!
Under 14 Prepared Speech
1st Hannah John
Equal 2nd Olive Lanyon & Mia Keating
Equal 3rd Bonnie Burt & Zoe Crack
HM Lainie Ballinger
HC Emily Gibson & Eliza Dodd
Under 14 Impromptu Speech
1st Zoe Crack
3rd Olive Lanyon
HM Lainie Ballinger
HC Mia Keating, Emily Gibson & Hannah John
Under 16 Prepared Speech
1st Lucy Eales
3rd Sophia Dalton
Under 16 Impromptu Speech
1st Lucy Eales
Over 14 Prepared Speech
1st Lexi Ryan
2nd Ann Chalakkal
3rd Sophie John
Over 14 Impromptu Speech
1st Ann Chalakkal
2nd Lexi Ryan

Co-Curricular Music & Performing Arts News
Carolyn Bennett (Performing Arts Assistant)
Royal South Street Society’s Vocal Competition
The South Street Vocal Competition ran over 6 days from the 15th to 20th of August. It was wonderful to witness our Loreto singers perform throughout the week in a wide variety of genres from classical through to contemporary styles such as pop/rock, country, jazz and musical theatre. The singers did themselves proud and after two years of very few performance opportunities, they displayed incredible courage and kept improving every time they stepped onto the stage. Every girl put in countless hours of preparation and found the performance experience invaluable, particularly in the lead-up to VCE performance and AMEB exams. One of the adjudicators during the week likened singing competitions to a pilot logging flight hours, such a great analogy!
Congratulations to all of these students who participated;
Chloe Taylor, Tahlia Ciappara, Layne Frawley, Laura Cordioli, Zoe Crack, Baeli Jans, Charlotte Gibson, Emily Gibson, Lily Martin, Isabella McLean, Meika Collard and Isla Christie.
Royal South Street Society’s Secondary Schools Choir Competition
After a forced hiatus of three years, choirs were once again able to return to the Royal South Street stage recently.
Loreto Blues competed in the Secondary Schools section which contained choirs from throughout Victoria and interstate. Loreto Blues’ original section was cancelled but showing the flexibility of true performing artists, the choir members prepared an additional song and changed their existing repertoire to meet the requirements of the new section.
We are very pleased to announce that Loreto Blues received second place.
Many thanks to our accompanist Jane Nice and to Ian Stowe, Kerri Loader and Stephanie Greet for their assistance both today and at our weekly rehearsals.

Royal South Street Society’s Speech and Drama Competition
On August 1st and 2nd our wonderful Speech and Drama students took the opportunity to participate in the Royal South Street Society’s Speech and Drama competition. All participants did a fabulous job, preparing, helping out, performing, managing their own nerves and encouraging and supporting everyone around them.
Loreto students both placed well and received constructive feedback to help them along with their drama journeys.
Speech and Drama teacher, Mika, is very proud of each and every student who got up on stage! Congratulations to all students who were involved.
All participants
Eleanor Huf, Charlotte Hazeldine, Jannah Kakkodan, Lilah McCarty, Rosalie Keel, Emma Matthews, Scarlett Baynes, Gracie Spry, Idaho Jenkins, Bella Ottini, Chloe McMillin, Catalina Andrews, Amity Vandenberg, Layne Frawley, Hayley Every, Amber McCarthy and Bridgette Andrews.

Under 14 Character Performance
2nd Hayley Every
Under 14 Prepared Reading
1st Charlotte Hazeldine
3rd Bella Ottini
HC Chloe McMillin
Under 14 Poem for Two
2nd Jannah Kakkodan and Lilah McCarty
HM Gracie Spry and Idaho Jenkins
HC Bella Ottini and Chloe McMillin
Under 16 Character Performance
2nd Amber McCarthy
3rd Bridgette Andrews
HM Layne Frawley
Under 16 Improvisation
1st Amber McCarthy
Under 16 Poem for Two
2nd Amber McCarthy and Bridgette Andrews
3rd Amity Vandenberg and Partner
16 and Under Ballarat National Theatre Prize
1st Bridgette Andrews
2nd Amber McCarthy
HM Hayley Every
16 and Under Acting in Pairs
1st Jannah Kakkodan and Lilah McCarty
2nd Hayley Every and Layne Frawley
3rd Bella Ottini and Chloe McMillin
Open Improvisation in Pairs
1st Catalina Andrews and Amber McCarthy
3rd Amber McCarthy and Bridgette Andrews
HM Bella Ottini and Chloe McMillin
HC Jannah Kakkodan and Lilah McCarty
Open Shakespearean Performance
1st Amber McCarthy and Bridgette Andrews
Open John Shaw Neilson Prize
2nd Amber McCarthy
Open Free Verse
1st Amber McCarthy (with a score of 100!)
Under 16 W.S. Hooper Memorial Prize
Amber McCarthy
Open W.S. Hooper Poetry Prize
Amber McCarthy and Josh Retallick
The Ivy Keates O.A.M Aggregate Award
Amber McCarthy

Co-Curricular Sports News
Ms Whitney Beseler (Co-Curricular Sport Leader)
BAS Sport Report
We have had a fantastic term of BAS Sport and I wish to thank all students, staff and parents for their involvement and commitment in this program. Many sports finish this week, with final matches being played. We look forward to announcing all results once these are known and wish teams in the finals the best of luck. A reminder to families that students are entered into a Microsoft Teams channel and all sporting information is being communicated here. If you wish to see fixtures and ladder positions, these can now be accessed on SportsDash
Term 4 Sport
Next term the following Sports are being offered and students have been sent a link to register their interest. Sign-ups close on Friday 9 September.
Tuesday Intermediate Tennis (Year 9 & 10)
Wednesday Senior Croquet (Year 10 & 11), Junior Tennis (Year 7 & 8)
Thursday Junior Cricket (Year 7, 8 & 9), Intermediate Netball (Year 10)
Netball Victoria School Championships – Finals
On Tuesday 30 August, our Senior A Netball team, coached by Mrs Kate Martin and Mrs Naomi Russell, participated in the final series at the State Netball and Hockey Centre in Melbourne. We congratulate the team for qualifying through to this high-level competition and acknowledge their efforts in coming fourth in their division. Congratulations to the following players: Bella Clark, Milly Simpson, Bella Stevens, Sadie Cheeseman, Zarli Clark, Jarrah Bowman, Rosie Todd, Laila Lappin and Felicity Griffiths.

Breast Cancer Netball Match vs St Patricks College
On Friday afternoon we hosted the Loreto vs St Patrick's College annual Breast Cancer Netball Match. In what was a close game throughout, Loreto managed to come away with a narrow win by just 1 point. A big congratulations to Isabella Rossato in Year 9 who organised the bake sale and also raised an additional $620 on top of the Senate's $680.
Well done to the Senate for organising such a terrific day as well as all the students who supported them.
Don't forget to come along to the Loreto vs BCC Breast Cancer Football Match on Friday 2 September from 4pm at the BCC oval. Gold coin entry.
Victorian All Schools Cross Country Championships
We could not have been prouder of our team members at Bundoora last month. Everyone completed the very challenging course in difficult conditions underfoot. We managed to get two team medals; a bronze in the U/17 team event and a silver in the U/20 team event.
Along with this, we had two students, Bella Davies and Charlotte Streat receive invitations to be a part of the Victorian Schools Team after finishing 8th and 13th respectively in the U/17 4 km event.
Below are the students and their places. A special mention to Rosie Hunt who came along to support our team.

U/20 6km - Silver medal in team event
Gemma Hanrahan 13
Grace Hunt 25
Steph Mornane 24
Ellie Lovison 19
U/17 4km - Bronze medal in team event
Isabella Davies 8
Charlotte Streat 13
Hannah Meek 41
Ella Demunk 56
U/16 4km
Amber Korosec 50
Tilly Stringer 31
Izzy Rossato 48
Annabelle Pituch 63
Caitlin McConchie 39
Bronte Molloy 47
U/15 4km
Olivia Righetti 44
Bonnie Burt 26
Abigail Cartledge 52
Abby Kinnersly 54
Eliza Dodd 70
Sophia Dalton 71
Charlotte Cross 41
U/14 3km
Lyla Molloy 91
Emily Gibson 96
Eve Righetti 75
Amali Torney 39
Emma McConchie 93
Daisy Donovan- Clancy 85
Emme Geljon 88
Kiana Jenkins 76
BAS Cross Country
This was another great day of competition for our squad. Once again full teams with enthusiastic emergencies coming along to offer invaluable support on a very muddy and windy 3km course at BHS.
We have never performed so well in this event – with the team winning every division and bringing home the overall aggregate!
It was a day for the sisters with Isla and Regan Greer going 1st, 2nd in the Senior race and Bella and Molly Davies gaining 1st in inter and 3rd in the Senior race respectively. Charlotte Streat also secured a 3rd in the Inter race.
Congratulations to this enthusiastic, dedicated and reliable group of competitors.
Junior - 1st in Junior Section
Amali Torney 5th
Bonnie Burt 6th
Olivia Righetti 8th
Charlotte Cross 11th
Eliza Trigg 13th
Eve Righetti 15th
Emme Geljon 17th
Lyla Molloy 26th
Abb Kinnersly
Sienna Templar
Kiana Jenkins
Emma McConchie
Intermediate - 1st in Inter Section
Bella Davies 1st
Charlotte Streat 3rd
Tilly Stringer 4th
Caitlin Mc Conchie 8th
Rosie Hunt 12th
Izzy Rossato 13th
Amber Korosec 16th
Abi Cartledge 22nd
Annabelle Pituch
Bronte Molloy
Senior - 1st in Senior Section
Isla Greer 1st
Regan Greer 2nd
Molly Davies 3rd
Bridget Bales 4th
Gemma Hanrahan 7th
Jaimee Trewin 10th
Milly Wakefield 11th
Steph Mornane 21st
BAS Lap of the Lake (4km Event)
Congratulations to all students who ran in the Lap of the Lake last Wednesday afternoon in what were very challenging Ballarat conditions! We are so proud to report that in the final Cross Country event of the year, we again had outstanding overall results and all runners should be very pleased with their efforts. A huge thank you to Ms Kelli Baird and Mr Shane Nankervis for their dedication in preparing the team for all events. We have a very strong culture of running growing here at Loreto College and we continue to invite all students along to our weekly Run Club on Friday during lunchtime.
OPEN Girls: Loreto 1st
Intermediate Girls: Loreto 1st
Junior Girls: Loreto 2nd
Overall aggregate: Loreto 1st
Junior - 4km
Bonnie Burt - 5th
Olivia Righetti – 6th
Amarli Torney – 7th
Eve Righetti - 8th
Kiana Jenkins – 16th
Abby Kinnersly - 18th
Sienna Templar – 22nd
Charlotte Cross – 23rd
Lyla Molloy – 26th
Emme Geljon – 29th
Emily Gibson – 31st
Eliza Dodd - 32nd
Emma McConchie – 33rd
Intermediate - 6km
Bella Davies - 1st
Tilly Stringer - 5th
Caitlin Mc Conchie - 7th
Bronte Molloy - 8th
Izzy Rossato - 9th
Amber Korosec - 12th
Abi Cartledge - 19th
Annabelle Pituch – 22nd
Ruby Cameron – 23rd
Senior - 6km
Isla Greer - 2nd
Regan Greer - 3rd
Bridget Bales - 4th
Molly Davies - 5th
Gemma Hanrahan – 6th
Steph Mornane - 14th
Remi Currie – 15th
Student News
Wear it Purple Day
by Bo Mitchell (Year 12)
On Wednesday 24 August, the Sincerity Group collaborated with the Library to celebrate Wear it Purple Day. This is an annual LGBTIQA+ awareness day, especially for young people, based in Australia. Supporters wear purple to celebrate diversity and young people from the LGBTIQA+ community. Sincerity Leader Bo Mitchell and the members of the group collaborated to develop a concept for the day and to bring it to life.
We made purple origami hearts and installed these in the Library foyer as a visual affirmation of our welcoming community. Ella Howlett, one of the Year 9 members of Sincerity, ran the badge machine, helping students and staff to create flag and pronoun pins.
It was wonderful to see so many students and staff getting involved and making hearts and badges to show their support for the LGBTQIA + community.

Library News
Ms Meghan Douglas (Director of Library Services)
Chilly Ballarat winters make the Library a very popular place in Term 3, and we have loved welcoming students into the warmth to read, learn, play games, and relax with friends.
We started the term with the Loreto observation of NAIDOC Week, turning the spotlight on to excellence in First Nations storytelling. We showcased stories that reflected this year’s theme, ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’ through a book display and lunchtime screenings of storytelling that ranged from the fun and silly (Little J & Big Cuz) to the sublime (Bangarra Dance Theatre’s performance of Patyegerang).
The enthusiastic students in our Shadow Judges Program, expertly overseen by Sarah Lane, have continued to engage with the CBCA shortlisted books in their chosen category, Younger Readers. After much deliberation and healthy debate, they nominated Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief as their ultimate favourite and awarded it their Shadow Judges prize. We are now looking forward to a visit from this novel’s author, Katrina Nannestad, in Week 8. Katrina will conduct workshops with the Shadow Judges and a separate group of creative writers from Years 8 and 9, focusing on character development and historical fiction. We are excited to collaborate with the English Faculty to offer this extension program to our keen readers and writers across the middle years.
CBCA Book Week ran from Monday 22 - Friday 26 August, celebrating the way that literature enables “Dreaming with eyes open”. We have showcased every title on the Shortlist, as well as the best options on the Notables list through a reading challenge. Students have until Tuesday 1 November to read five titles from the list. Many of them are beautiful picture books and engaging non-fiction stories, in addition to the novels in every genre, so there really is something for everyone! Our Shadow Judges have developed creative responses to some of the novels, which all students are invited to participate in. They can add their aspirations for the future onto the wishing tree, inspired by A Glasshouse of Stars, or complete the scavenger hunt response to Dragon Skin, finding items in the dragon saving kit used by Pip in the novel. Our annual book and games sale has been very successful, raising funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation and setting up staff and students alike with fresh new novels for holiday reading!
On Wednesday 24 August, the Sincerity Group hosted an event to celebrate Wear it Purple Day, which strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for LGBTQIA+ young people. They welcomed students and staff to make purple origami hearts, celebrating the theme “Your identity is awesome!”, installing them in the Library foyer for everyone to enjoy. The badge maker was enthusiastically put to use, making flag and pronoun pins for students to take with them. The Library supported the theme with a display of engaging, recent fiction which showcases the many identities along the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.
Here are our tips for the Best of the CBCA Shortlist:

Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief by Katrina Nannestad
It's spring, 1942. The sky is blue, the air is warm and sweet. And then everything is gone. The flowers, the proud geese, the pretty wooden houses, the friendly neighbours. Only Sasha remains. But one small boy, alone in war-torn Russia, cannot survive. One small boy without a family cannot survive. One small boy without a home cannot survive. What that small boy needs is an army.

Sugar Town Queens by Malla Nunn
When Amandla finds a mysterious address in the bottom of her mother's handbag along with a large amount of cash, she decides it's finally time to get answers about her mother's life. What she discovers will change the shape and size of her family forever. But with her best friends at her side, Amandla is ready to take on family secrets and the devil himself. These Sugar Town queens are ready to take over the world to expose the hard truths of their lives.

Terciel and Elinor by Garth Nix
In the Old Kingdom, a land of ancient and often terrible magics, eighteen-year-old orphan Terciel learns the art of necromancy from his great-aunt Tizanael. But not to raise the Dead, rather to lay them to rest. He is the Abhorsen-in-Waiting, and Tizanael is the Abhorsen, the latest in a long line of people whose task it is to make sure the dead do not return to life. Across the Wall in Ancelstierre, a steam-age country where magic usually does not work, nineteen-year-old Elinor lives a secluded life, her only friends an old governess and an even older groom who was once a famous circus performer. Elinor does not know she is deeply connected to the Old Kingdom, nor that magic can sometimes come across the Wall, until a plot by an ancient enemy of the Abhorsens brings Terciel and Tizanael to Ancelstierre.

Me, Microbes and I by Phillip Bunting.
Full of fascinating and entertaining information about microbes, and provides young readers with a simple and fun guide to how things like bacteria and viruses work in the body. It is packed with handy tips on how to stay healthy, from enjoying fermented foods to taking care of your immune system, and also provides information on how to stop the spread of nasty viruses including how to cough like a vampire, and the best way to wash your hands
Happy Reading!
Library Website: https://libguides.loreto.vic.edu.au/Loreto-Library
Our email: library@loreto.vic.edu.au
Our eBook and audiobook collection: https://loreto.wheelers.co/
Instagram: Follow us @loretoballaratlibrary

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)

In this week's Career News:
Year 12 Students
- Tertiary applications & dates
- Year 12 events
- Health scholarships
- Agriculture scholarships
- Other scholarships
- Career and course exploration resources
All students
- Employment resources
- Competitions
- Programs and camps
- The new-print of construction
- Overseas gap years are back!
- Dates for your diary
Loreto Community Notices
First Aid - Update Medical Details
Please ensure your daughter's PAM medical account details are up to date to assist with the treatment of your daughter at school.
It’s a requirement to have up-to-date Anaphylaxis and Asthma plans uploaded to your daughter's account. If your daughter has Asthma ticked in PAM, she MUST have an Asthma Action plan for the adequate treatment. Please contact your local GP to complete a new plan if it has expired.
Please email Carly Pitts for further assistance
Canteen Roster Term 4
Thursday 13 October 12-2pm
Claire Walsh
Friday 14 October 12-2pm
Thursday 20 October 12-2pm
Julia Pannan
Kerri Glenton
Friday 21 October 12-2pm
Thursday 27 October 12-2pm
Jacqui Howlett
Friday 28 October 12-2pm
Lisa Vowels
Bernie Wise
Thursday 3 November 12-2pm
Kim Sims
Trish Brown
Friday 4 November 12-2pm
Julie Boyd
Sharyn Kennedy
Thursday 10 November 12-2pm
Claire Walsh
Friday 11 November 12-2pm
Sharon Janson
Thursday 17 November 12-2pm
Julia Pannan
Friday 18 November 12-2pm
Wendy Grant
Cara McLoon
All volunteers must have current working with children’s check and the 3rd vaccination status (all info must be provided when requested)
Please contact Jacqui Lamb (Canteen Manager) for any inquiries at jlamb@loreto.vic.edu.au
Loreto College Policies
The College is in the process of updating and publishing a range of relevant policies and procedures. The policies most applicable to families are accessible on the Loreto website.

Finance News
Conveyance Allowance 2022
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College.
Application forms are available at Main Reception or click on the following link, which also provides additional information.
Please note that in 2022 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance in 2021 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
Any enquiries please email accounts@loreto.vic.edu.au
Important Dates
Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or https://pam.loreto.vic.edu.au/Login/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.