Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or Click Here
TERM DATES for 2024 have been released - please click here for details
Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
'When you find something you really truly love, something that makes you feel whole and capable and so happy…you have to be very brave and honour it. That is an easy thing to say and a hard thing to do.'
- Fabienne Blythe (Class of 2018)
It has been a busy start to the term with a number of Year 12 events including the VCE Art and Product Design & Technology Exhibition, Celebration Assembly and Graduation Mass.
The 2023 Unit 3&4 Art Creative Practice, Visual Communication Design and Product Design & Technology students showcased paintings, printmaking, drawing, photography, ceramics, installations, product and environmental designs, mixed media artworks and textile garments. The work exhibited reflected the diverse ideas, interests and skills of the students at Loreto College.
Fabienne Blythe, the dux of 2018 spoke at the opening of the exhibition. Fabienne initially chose to follow a different path before coming back to what she truly loves - being an artist. She encouraged the students, staff and guests present at the exhibition to be brave and honour what you truly love, acknowledging that it can be a hard choice to do so.
This week as we celebrated the end of Year 12 classes for VCE and VCE-VM students, Fabienne’s words were apt for those facing examinations, work and even uncertainty about the path they will follow.
A few years ago, we began preparation for a new video showcasing Loreto College Ballarat. It was an exciting time where our students wrote the words to the song ‘Rise Up’ which formed the background for many images presented in the I AM LORETO campaign.
It included lines such as:
At the time the future seems out of reach…
Here I am with the world at my feet…
Watch me as I go…there is no stopping me.
For the VCE and VCE-VM who have finished their classes this week, these words were apt. The Year 12 Loreto College students are following in the footsteps of strong, resilient women who have been named as path finders, pioneers and innovators; they have lived through times, both uncertain and glorious. Ably lead by two outstanding College Captains, Bridget Bales and Alexandra Grieve, the Year 12s have lead by example.
Just like Mother Gonzaga Barry, we want Loreto students to respond to the needs of the time and we have seen this in our Year 12 students. We hope that their faith and strength of character continues to grow. We thank them for sharing their gifts with us over the past six years.
Photo credit: Paul Shire

From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Chris Shaw
On Tuesday we had our Year 12 Celebration Assembly, where major prizes were awarded and we celebrated our many handover traditions. One of those celebrations is the tradition of acknowledging graduates with a crown, which we did at our Graduation Mass that night. Here is an excerpt from my welcome to the Assembly:
'Known as Jubilarians, graduates from Loreto schools are believed to have been celebrated since Mother Gonzaga Barry’s time with the earliest mention in the December issue of ‘Eucalyptus Blossoms’ back in 1887. Jubilees for the sisters were celebrated with a wreath of flowers with the addition of a staff to represent the achievement of age and wisdom. The first mention of the floral wreath worn on the heads of student Jubilarians was in 1910. Generally, students who had completed 7 years at the school were celebrated with a crown reported as ‘roses and a gold heart, symbolic of their own’. At this time there were very few who achieved such a milestone and it wasn’t until around 1966 when the focus was given to the whole group of school leavers and not just those who had achieved the required 7 years. To know that this also happens in other Australian Loreto schools ensures that our Loreto community connects in more ways than many of us know.
All of this was completed with farewell entertainment and gifts. The traditions of such things as the war cry, of bucket giving and the farewell concert, lead us into the final farewell at our beautiful Graduation Mass. The culmination of years of tradition shaped in their own way, the class of 2023 have had their very own spin on how it all lands. They have been an outstanding group – talented, spirited, cohesive yet individual and they have drawn together the strings of important elements of our school culture ensuring for others that it is clear what Loreto is and should be. Their legacy to our student cohort is the binding expectation of how we live out our Loreto values to the best of our ability.'
At the end of schooling for our Year 12’s, Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 is appropriate to mark this life changing moment. At our Mass, we prayed for our Year 12 Loreto students as their season of schooling comes to an end. In doing so, we asked God to be with them as they weep and laugh, to hold them as they mourn changing friendships and dance with the freedom of youth. As they explore new possibilities, and search for meaning, they will plant and uproot throughout their lives. We as a community have nourished their wisdom, so they know when to be silent or speak, to discard or keep, to love and when to search for peace. As they move on to build their lives outside our gates, we hope that our Loreto of today and all those who have come before are their guiding light. We know there will be a time for everything in its place and the presence of the Lord through the changing of life’s seasons and we wish each one of them well.
Congratulations to all our ‘Jubilarians’ (our Graduates) for all you have achieved and for all that is to come. We wish you every success.
Photo credit: MSP Photography & Adam Trafford - Ballarat Courier
Year 12 Awards
As part of the Celebration Assembly, we celebrated our Year 12 award recipients across many areas of the College. Congratulations to the following students:
Emma-Kate McGrath Spirit Award - Mary-Kate Beaston
Barry House Award – Allira Kennedy
Mornane House Award - Amelia Hoffman
Mulhall House Award - Sophie John
Ward House Award - Courtney Cummins
Senior Music Award - Mikayla Brown
Senior Performing Arts Award - Rosie Bathurst
Senior Sports Award - Kailah Scott
Olympic Change Maker Award - Jemma Amoore
ADF Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award – Bridget Bales
ADF Future Innovators Award -Myah Grylewicz
ACU Impact Award - Bo Mitchell
Federation University Year 12 Award for Excellence - Molly Davies
The Aspiring Dream Scholarship - Jessica Sheehan
The Honorable Catherine King Award - The Year 12 VCAL Class
Heinz Law Aspiring Young Lawyer Award - Sophie Jones
Constance May Christie Award - Ally Steenhuis & Ann-Mary Chalakkal
Mary Elizabeth Chatham Prize - Ruby Stringer
Past Pupils’ Association Engagement Award - Rose Canavan
Dorothy Irene Ellis-Thomas Academic Scholarship - Jessica Sheehan
Mary Ward Prize - Alexandra Grieve
Principal's Award for All Round Excellence - Grace Corbic & Jessica Stute
Photo credit: Paul Shire

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity
Ms Felicity Knobel
On Tuesday 17 October our Graduation Mass was celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral. It is a night of much celebration and joy. Fr Justin Driscoll who has been a great friend of Loreto College Ballarat was our celebrant for this occasion. It is some of his words from his homily that I share with you in this newsletter that truly encapsulated who our students are as people of Loreto and also graduates of our education. May God always hold you in the palm of their hand.
'If you want to become a person of strength and purpose, it’s important that you create the right circle. Surround yourself with the right people. Mary Ward created her circle of friends that began the Loreto story that began in England, then to Ireland and there from Rathfarhnam the Loreto story was missioned to Ballarat, arriving in 1875, the first Loreto foundation in Australia. Like Mary’s Ward and her Loreto Sisters, surround yourself with others who are strong inside. Women of strength and purpose come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. Such people, regardless of their background and uniqueness, can use their strength for good purpose - the common good, in solidarity with those who suffer, as a leaven of justice and a healing and reconciling agent of transformation.'
To be a Loreto graduate of strength and purpose, imitate Christ in your daily life and consistently seek to serve others. Every day through your work ethic, your integrity and your mission can be reflections of Christ and his clarity of mission and passion for the justice of the Reign of God.
Photo credit: MSP Photography

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma McDermott
Safety Online
There have been situations that have arisen in the last few weeks of students using their phone or computer till 2am in the morning.
There are a few issues of concern, such as:
- Who are they engaging with?
- Are parents aware of the activity happening till late?
- Being keyboard warriors usually ends in hurt to themselves and others
- Students staying up till the early morning will find it hard to get up for school and function, if they have not had enough sleep
We ask for your help in having a conversation with your child about their online activity. We would like parents to remove their phone and computer at night and invest in an alarm clock for your child. Go shopping and test out the alarm clocks. Sleep researchers at North-western University's Feinberg School of Medicine found that exposure to even a small amount of ambient light during the night form phones can be harmful to cardiovascular function while you sleep and increase insulin resistance the next morning.
The eSafety commissioner website has a lot of useful information for parents on how to best support your child.
Loreto SchoolTV
On our Loreto schoolTV which is a link on the app it has advice and resources from experts for parents on many topics affecting our young people. Here is a link to one special report on Social Media influencers.
“Social media influencers wield significant power, shaping opinions, particularly among young people. However, their impact on youth mental health is concerning. Most recently, the controversial actions and statements of Andrew Tate and his rise to fame, has made him a polarising figure, amassing a significant following of mostly young males. Educators and families have raised urgent concerns about the damaging nature of Tate’s content, worried that his messages may radicalise students and create a generation of young men with regressive and harmful beliefs.
In today's digital world, anyone can be an influencer, exerting influence through their audience relationship. Comparisons to idealised lives on social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy, while exposure to inappropriate content and distorted body image perceptions exacerbate the issue. The fast-paced environment inundates young people with information, making them susceptible to certain beliefs and evoke strong emotions. Attention has become a valued commodity, therefore influencers design content to captivate their audiences”.
Here is a link to the rest of the article
College News
Australasian Philosothon 2023
During the Term 3 holidays, Loreto took part in the 2023 Australasian Philosothon online on Zoom. There were 18 participating schools from Australia and New Zealand with approximately 90 students involved from Years 8-12. The judges all agreed that the discussions around the 4 topics were at the Graduate level!
The four topics revolved around the following questions:
- Are our subjective experiences just physical, or is there something more to consciousness?
- Should uniforms be gendered?
- Can anyone be a philosopher?
- What should we do about racism in Australia? Are we all part of the problem?
We had a team of 6, including a reserve, consisting of: Isobel Wise, Zoe Crack, Monty Ryan, Georgia Halstead, Ann Chalakkal and Freya Cosgriff (reserve).
Year 12 - Ann Chalakkal won second place.
Year 11 - Georgia Halstead won second place.
Year 9 - Zoe Crack won first place.
Year 8 - Isobel Wise won first place.
Overall, Loreto came equal fourth in the Australia wide competition which was an amazing effort!
The chief judge of the competition, Prof Rob Wilson from the University of Western Australia, took the time to write a personal message congratulating our students and said the following; “To have such a wealth of creative, critical, and collaborating thinkers at the school is both a credit to the school and a bright sign for society!”
All of these entrants are current or past members of our Socrates Café where a different philosophical question has been explored every Friday lunchtime for 20 years.
Peter Foord and David Barker

"Throughout my many years at school, the philosothon has always remained a highlight. From the respectfulness of fellow students to the vast ideas explored - the philosothon is the perfect place to question, challenge and think deeply on issues and topics that do not pop up in daily life. Although questions rarely reach an answer, the process of coming up with, and refining an idea in itself is a fulfilling endeavour. Whilst it is a competition, at its heart it is also just a collection of teachers and students who have developed a love for thinking and together attempt to find the 'truth'. Nothing will match the nervous jitters you feel in the first round or the pure joys of after competition Google Meets. Ultimately, the experience will be something I cherish for life." Ann Chalakkal

Year 8 News
Ms Kelly Pearce (Year 8 Coordinator)
Kindness Rocks
Throughout the year, our Year 8s have been creating Kindness Rocks, as part of their Positive Education classes. It is planned that these rocks will be placed into a permanent outdoor display to be a reminder of the importance of taking chances and catching those Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS) and transferring them to Positive Expected Thoughts (PETS). This week, we held a blessing ceremony for the rocks, in order for them to be placed on display within the beautiful grounds of the college, for everyone to enjoy some much needed positivity.

St Patrick's College Interaction Day
Interaction day was a day that Loreto Year 8s spent with the boys from St Patricks College. Half the year level stayed at Loreto, while the other half walked over to St Pats, the boys doing the same. The day started with an amazing motivational speaker called Ben the Bandit. He gave us insight into how life is with no arms, the resilient mindset he has built up over the years and how he lives his life to the fullest. It was such a great day, there were hilarious activities like noodle racing and pictionary which allowed us to get to know each other. Many new friendships were formed between us girls and boys and I know that all year 8s are definitely keen to do this again!
- Eliza Ashby

Let's Connect - Loreto Toorak
On Friday the 6th of October the Year 8 students went on a bus to Loreto Toorak in Melbourne. About a week before the Year 8’s went to Toorak they got allocated a buddy to email, this allowed the Year 8’s to know at least one person before going to Melbourne. When the students arrived at the school, they were welcomed by their buddy and a beautiful liturgy before the day started. After that, the students were broken into two groups. The first group was an art group where the students coloured in a “Loreto person” with some paint markers. The second group was doing a scavenger hunt around the school, where their buddies helped to guide them through all of the special features of the school, then the two groups swapped. After that was lunch, there were tasty sausages, juice boxes and fruit, as well as the cafe that was open. After lunch we took some photos, and the Loreto Ballarat girls jumped on a bus back to Ballarat. We all had a great day making connections with our Loreto Toorak buddies!
- Baeli Jans

Maths Faculty News
Mr Stephen Boswell (Faculty Coordinator: Mathematics)
In Term 3, over 190 Loreto College students participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition – Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition. Students faced unique problems designed by leading educators and academics to challenge and extend students’ problem-solving skills.
We congratulate the following students for achieving a Level of Distinction in this competition:
Year 7: Milla Kinnersly, Pearl Goodwin & Charlotte Irvin
Year 9: Eliza Dodd & Dikshita Depak
Year 10: Abigail Cartledge
Year 11: Liv Jones
Year 12: Grace Corbic
The Best in School Certificate was awarded to Eliza Dodd.
Well done to all involved – there was a fantastic representation from Loreto College Ballarat, achieving great results.

ClassPad Calculator Order Form
By ordering through the link supplied below, there is a saving of about $20 compared to ordering through the booklist ($264 against $283.45). Every little bit helps!
To access the ClassPad order form, please click here.
Alternatively access the website direct and follow the steps:
- Enter the school ID code: LORETO
- Select your calculator and accessories
- Pay for your order
- Calculators will be delivered to Loreto College -
contact Stephen Boswell
NOTE: All Year 8 students moving into Year 9 for 2024 will be required to purchase the ClassPad Calculator for all Maths classes next year.
Other students from all year levels may also order using this link if they need to replace lost or damaged units.

Technology Faculty News
Ms Thea Mooney (Faculty Coordinator: Technology)
VCE Food Studies
Unit 2 Food Studies students selected a focus group of staff and fellow students to trial and evaluate the Healthy Canteen menu proposals that they had developed on Tuesday in the last week of term. They used the design process and identified the specifications in the design brief presented to them. They establishing criteria questions to determine the success of the final product chosen and completing background research on the topic, which included an evaluation of the current canteen menu. Students considered the Dietary Guidelines and the Healthy Canteens policy when considering possible design options and making their preferred option choice. There was much joy and laughter evident as the focus group tasted the menu prototypes, the experience was made even more enjoyable at the food was served on beautiful sunny afternoon in the outdoor setting near the canteen. Onlookers were envious that they had not been chosen for this activity.
Year 10 Food Technology
At the end of Term 3 , Year 10 Food Technology students finalised their first Assessment Task. The excitement and enthusiasm was evident as many students arrived to class early to produce their Healthy Hamburger option. The determination to extend and challenge themselves was evident in the items produced, many opting to make their own bread, some using spirulina and beetroot powder to colour their bread whist others made bao buns. The burgers were packed with health ingredients to reflect the principles of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and were delicious.

Arts Faculty News
Ms Julia West (Faculty Coordinator: The Arts)
unbounded 2023
The Loreto unbounded 2023 VCE Visual Art and Product Design & Technology Exhibition celebrated the works created by students studying Art Creative Practice, Visual Communication & Design and Product Design & Technology in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). The highly anticipated live VCE Exhibition Opening and Media Showcase was held on 10 October 2023.
This exhibition of paintings, printmaking, drawing, photography, ceramics, installations, product and environmental designs, mixed media artworks and textile garments is evidence of a range of diverse ideas, interests, and skills of students at Loreto College Ballarat. We are proud of their achievements and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
Congratulations to the following award winners:
Principal’s Award - Sienna Johnston | Flaw and Maggie Browning | Undulate
Outstanding 2D Artwork - Maggie Browning | Undulate
Outstanding 3D Artwork - Rosie Bathurst | My Father and I On The Highway
Outstanding Mixed Media Artwork - Leonora Duffy | And We Walk After
Conceptual Art Award - Alice Parry | Our Space To Trash, To Treasure
Most Refined Art Technique - Emma Monaghan | The Unnoticed Parts
People’s Choice Award - Imogen Keene | I Carry It With Me
Most Outstanding VCD Design - Rosie Bathurst | Harsh Drive
Most Creative Response to The Brief - Rose Canavan | Codfather Fish and Chippery
Most Effective Presentation Format - Emma Monaghan | Country Passion
Sustainability Award - Matilda Waight | Endless
Design Solutions Award - Allira Kennedy | Liquid Silver

Performing Arts News
Ms Lindy Crowe (Co-Curricular Leader - Performing Arts)
After a busy Term 3 with House Arts and Arts Festival, we now move into preparation for next years Production which we are excited to announce is MARY POPPINS.
AUDITIONS for this production will be held on:
Thursday October 26th and Thursday November 2nd in the MMC.
Students need to register their interest here:
If you have any queries, please email Ms Crowe on
Please also keep an eye open for the return of COFFEE HOUSE, which we hope will return in the LITTLE FLOWER when renovations are complete. We will be looking for solo and small group acts with relaxed acoustic music items. Keep your eye out for further information.

Music News
Ms Simone Jans (Co-Curricular Leader - Music)
South Street Eisteddfod – Vocal Section
Towards the end of term two, several Loreto College students completed in the vocal section of South Street. This section contains a wide variety of styles including classical, blues, ballads, stage and screen and so much more. The skill level of the following students was very impressive, as was their ability to adapt to a new performance space and to remain confident in doing so. Impressively, the majority of Loreto competitors received placings for their efforts.
Year 7 - Freya McGowan & April Yearwood
Year 8 - Aratrika Chakrabarty, Isla Christie & Baeli Jans
Year 9 - Zoe Crack, Emily Gibson, Lona Green & Chloe McMillin
A special mention must go to Freya McGowan who was the runner up in the 11 to Under 14 years Aggregate Award and the recipient of the Sally Bourne Music Theatre Prize.

Humanities Faculty News
Ms Jayne Carrigg (Faculty Coordinator: Humanities)
Productive, exciting and creative are some words that come to mind when I think about the learning activities going on within the Humanities faculty this term. Exam preparation has been the focus of our VCE Humanities subjects this term. As such the students of VCE Sociology and VCE Global Politics had the opportunity to participate in an online forum with other students and experts to discuss strategies and tips for preparing for and completing their exams. We know that all of our students have been ably guided by their teachers and we wish them every success as they begin their final exams.
At the start of this term, our Year 7 Humanities students toured 'virtual' Ancient China. They conducted research into different topics and presented their findings in the form of mini documentaries to class which were both informative and highly entertaining.
Unpacking the key characteristics of democracy has been the focus of the Year 8 Humanities studies with students learning about the important structures that enable us to enjoy the rights and freedoms that we have in Australia, such as the right to vote. The referendum enabled students to see in action the complexities of constitutional change and generated meaningful discussions in classes.
The causes of World War One and Australia’s involvement in the Great War have been explored by the classes of Year 9 Humanities. Questions about whether Australia service personnel should be involved in overseas conflicts are as relevant now as they were then in 1914. While our Year 10 students in Geography, have been learning about wellbeing around the world, and trying to understand why some countries experience lower levels of wellbeing than others. The big issues of poverty and the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals are explored with students about to start their Inquiry assessment task where they investigate a Wellbeing indicator and present their findings to the class.
Brody Partington, a pre-service teacher who has been working at the College for the past three weeks reflected on his time at Loreto;
'As a Pre-Service teacher at Loreto College, I have had the privilege of teaching Humanities and History to a remarkable group of Year 8 and Year 11 students. The experience has been truly rewarding and enlightening as a Pre-Service teacher learning the craft of education. The students at Loreto College are not only eager to learn in the classroom but are also brimming with ideas and positive energy, making the teaching process a truly rewarding one thanks to the enthusiasm of the students.’

Co-Curricular Sports News
Mr Liam Gill (Co-Curricular Sport Leader)
Equestrian Success
Brianna Ballesty and Meg Lynch had a spectacularly successful weekend at the Smythesdale Gymkhana.
Both girls took out multiple Champion, Reserve Champion and other placings in a range of rings. Indeed they consistently changed places for first or second place throughout a most joyful day. They cheered each other & all other competitors on equally in a wonderful inclusive spirit.
It was very particularly fitting that after a long, cold & wet day they finished as winners together, taking out the Opens Pairs as a team. All the more amazing considering they had never risen together before this day.
Both girls are listed to represent Loreto at the Equestrian Inter-schools comps and we wish them all the best.
BAS Sport for 2023
Please find a link to the list of BAS sports for 2023 below.

Library News
Ms Meghan Douglas (Director of Library Services)
Here are our tips for the best of the 2023 CBCA Book Week shortlists again for those who missed the last newsletter:
Ask No Questions by Eva Collins
In her memoir, Ask No Questions, Eva Collins charts her family's journey from Poland to Australia during the Cold War. Her restrained tone reflects the threat her parents experienced of the Communist regime and of ubiquitous anti-Semitism. An understated and accessible read for fans of Magda Szubanski’s ‘Reckoning’.
Completely Normal (and Other Lies) by Biffy James
Stella Wilde is secretly in love with the hottest guy in school, Isaac Calder. He seems to love her back, but there’s a problem – he already has a girlfriend, the gorgeous Grace Reyes. When Isaac is killed in a car accident, the entire school is turned upside down with grief. And while Grace can mourn publicly, Stella has to hide her feelings to stop people from finding out about her and Isaac being more than friends. But how long can Stella keep lying – to herself and everyone else? And when the truth finally comes out, how will it affect her newfound friendship with Grace?
The Way of Dog by Zaina Fraillon
Scruffity is born into the harsh, grey world of a puppy farm. Taken from his mamma and locked in a concrete cage, what he yearns for most is Family. To belong is The Way of Dog. But no one wants him. Just as his chances of adoption grow dangerously thin, Scruffity is set free by a boy as unwanted and lonely as he is. Outside, Scruffity learns all about The Way of Dog--it is to run, to dig, to howl and, biggest of all, to love. But when tragedy strikes, Scruffity is suddenly all alone. How does a dog find his way home when he never had one to begin with?
Happy Reading!
Library Website:
Our email:
Our eBook and audiobook collection:
Instagram: Follow us @loretoballaratlibrary

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)
In this week's Career News:
- University Applications Resources
- Year 12 Tertiary Dates
- Elite Athlete Entry Schemes
- Career and Course Exploration Resources
- Accommodation
- Apprenticeship and Traineeship Resources
- Employment Resources
- Upcoming Career Events and Webinars
Finance News
Conveyance Allowance 2023
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College.
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website or click on the following link, which also provides additional information.
Please note that in 2023 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance at Loreto College in 2022 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
Any enquiries please email
Community News
Vaping Conversations
On 24 October there will be a free webinar offered to the community on the topic of “Empowering parents in the vaping conversation”.
This is a great opportunity for parents to learn more about vaping and have their questions answered by Blurred Minds, a leader in this field.
Download the information flyer here.
To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.