The fees at Loreto College are all-inclusive, with foreseeable costs to parents incorporated into the one annual tuition fee. This means that there are no additional costs or levies for Art, Materials and Food Technology and for use of sporting venues in Physical Education. Camps and Retreats at all year levels and most excursions are also built into the school program.

Students who participate in special voluntary activities (e.g. major trips & excursions, music tuition etc) will be expected to meet the appropriate charge on a participation basis.

Tuition fees are charged on annual basis with the first fee statement issued in January and subsequent statements issued at the midpoint and end of each term. Payment can be made by BPay, EFTPOS, cheque or cash. Loreto College can also arrange for payments to be directly debited against your bank account on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. Similarly, payments can be directly credited to the College bank account.


Year Level Annual Fee
Year 7$8,255
Year 8$8,055
Year 9 and 10$8,330
Year 11 and 12$8,860

Tuition Fees

The tuition fee covers all costs related to the College tuition, administration, subject levies, camps and excursions. The tuition fee does not cover optional aspects of the College’s program, including individual music tuition, participation in the rowing program, major national or international travel. These will be charged at various times throughout the year as appropriate.

Sibling Discounts

Parents or Guardians of two students studying at Loreto College Ballarat will be eligible for a discount of 7.5% on tuition fees for the second child. A third and any subsequent student will be eligible for a 25% discount on tuition fees. Discounts are automatically applied to fee statements.

Fee Discount

Families have the option of paying the fees in full by the end of February and receiving a discount of $300.00 per student, OR establishing a payment plan (see attached form) that results in regular (weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly payments) that meet the following criteria:

  • 25% of annual fees paid by the end of Term 1
  • 50% of annual fees paid by the end of Term 2
  • 75% of annual fees paid by the end of Term 3
  • 100% of annual fees paid by 30 November 2024

School Levies

The ICT levy, which funds the resources and infrastructure necessary for the delivery of quality education using digital technology is $600 per student. The ICT levy contributes towards the cost of providing each student with a digital device. Students are currently scheduled to receive a new device in Year 7 and again in Year 10. Families are able to keep the device at the end of each three year period at no additional charge.

The building maintenance levy, which supports the ongoing maintenance of our heritage infrastructure is $550 per family.

Music Fee

Sessional teachers charge on a basis of $39.50 per half-hour lesson.

Printing Allowance

Students will be allocated a $15.00 printing allowance per semester, with printing charged at 3 cents per page for black and white and 15 cents per page for colour. If students exceed this allowance, they will be charged for additional printing.

Application and Enrolment Fees

The application fee is $100.00 per child (non-refundable). This fee is to offset the administrative costs associated with the enrolment process. Following an offer of a place at the College, a non-refundable acceptance fee of $300.00 must be paid to accept the offer. This fee includes life membership to the Loreto College Ballarat Past Pupils Association.

Parents who anticipate difficulty in meeting the annual fees should immediately contact the Business Manager to discuss and agree upon a scheme of payment according to need and capacity to share mutual cost.

Payment Options

School fees will be charged as an annual figure with the first fee statement to be issued in January 2024. Subsequent statements will be issued monthly via e-mail, to the fee payer. The 2024 Payment Plan Agreement is a formal agreement that Parents & Carers have read and understood the 2024 Fee Information and an agreement to how the 2024 School fees will be paid. As such the 2024 Payment Plan Agreement must be completed by all Parents and Carers and returned to the College by 31 December 2023.

Financial Hardship and Concessions

Parents and Guardians may at times due to unforeseen circumstances experience financial hardship that leaves them unable to fulfill the financial obligations of enrolment. Any Parents or Guardians experiencing financial hardship are advised to contact the Finance Office via phone (03) 5329 6100 to discuss alternative arrangements including flexible payment plans and/or application for concessions. When arranging flexible payment plans, we endeavour to work collaboratively with families considering individual circumstances and ensuring that any agreements are reasonable for both parties.

Overdue Accounts

Overdue accounts may be transferred to a debt collection firm where alternative payments arrangements have not been agreed or where notices for payment arrangements have been ignored.
Where debt recovery is initiated, additional costs will be incurred which will be passed onto families. Where an account has been referred to debt collection, families will be required to meet with the Principal to discuss continued enrolment. The College may reduce the education offerings for your enrolled student(s) including restrictions on involvement in extracurricular and other school activities or see enrolment discontinued.

Notice of Withdrawal & Retaining

Parents are requested to provide one term written notice of their intention to withdraw a student from the school. If required notice is not given, one full term’s tuition will be payable in lieu. With the approval of the Principal, students at times may elect to participate in secondments and exchange programs at other school or education institutions. A fee may be payable to retain the student(s) place at the College for the duration of their absence.

Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

The CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. If eligible the allowance will be paid to the College to use towards camps, sports, and excursion expenses. Allowances received will be deducted from your school fee account.

An application form is provided here, alternatively, contact the College Finance Office to obtain a copy of the form; applications close at the end of Term 2.

Further information on the program is available here.

Student Conveyance Allowance System (SCAS)

The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/guardians to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus where students are unable to access free school buses.

Students may be eligible for a conveyance allowance when they:

  • attend their closest government or appropriate non-government school/campus located outside the metropolitan conveyance boundary.
  • reside 4.8km or more from that school/campus attended.

An application form is provided here, alternatively, contact the College Finance Office to obtain a copy of the form.

Further information on the program is available here.

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