Year 7 Transition & Curriculum
From Primary School to Secondary School
Transition Process
The transition from primary school to secondary school is an exciting time for students. The introduction to the secondary setting at the College is filled with many experiences new to students and their families. The transition program planned for incoming Year 7 students begins during the year preceding their entry to Loreto College and extends well into their first year at Loreto College. Our experienced Year 7 Transition Team head the transition process and base programs and processes on the principles of middle school best practice.
During Term 4, the orientation process begins. For some students, additional transition experiences are specifically planned. The Transition Team at Loreto College recognises that some students will benefit from attending Making Connections Day held during November each year. On this occasion, selected students, including those coming from rural or distant primary schools are given the opportunity to spend an introductory day meeting students coming from similar circumstances prior to the day when all new Year 7 students attend.
All enrolled students are invited to attend Orientation Day; a carefully planned and structured introduction to the secondary experience conducted in early December.
Year 7 Classes
All Year 7 classes are mixed ability groups. Teachers develop units of work and associated learning strategies in the knowledge that each class will have students of all ability levels.
Year 7 Camp
The Year 7 2025 Orientation Camp will be held in Term One from Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 February. The Camp allows students in the same class to have a shared experience with the other new Year 7 students and many of their Year 7 teachers. The activities during the Camp are used to introduce Year 7 students to each other, build connections and to House identity.
The purpose of the camp is:
- To help the students feel more readily part of the Loreto Community that they have recently joined
- To provide an opportunity for them to get to know their many fellow Year 7 students
- To reflect on attitudes that will allow them to gain and give their most during their years at Loreto
- To consider the responsibility they have as Christians to care for each other
- To introduce aspects of the Wellbeing Science (Felicitous Life) Program in relation to their personal character strengths.
For further information on getting started at Loreto, please refer to the Year 7 & 8 Curriculum Handbook below. You can download it for easy reference if required.
Year 7 Curriculum
At Loreto, Year 7 students undertake ten subjects with six periods a day (50 minutes periods) across a fortnightly timetable. The 60-period fortnight also includes two periods of Mentor Group, one per week.