Loreto College is dedicated to developing the engagement of girls in Science, through our objective to continue participation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education for as long as possible. Our compulsory Year 7 – 9 curriculum underpins our senior VCE electives and is supported by an inspirational co-curricular program, designed to develop an interest and passion for STEM subjects and potential careers.

All students study compulsory Science from Year 7 to 9 under the four main science areas:

  • Biological sciences
  • Chemical sciences
  • Earth and space sciences, and
  • Physical sciences

Year Level science topics:

Year 7
Classification and food webs, introduction to science and chemistry, astronomy and sound

Year 8
Cells and physiology, chemistry, geology and energy units.

Year 9
Chemistry, seismology, light and biodiversity units.

Year 10
Every student completes a minimum of one unit semester of either Pre-VCE Biology, Pre-VCE Chemistry, Pre-VCE Physics, General Science and/or Applied Science. Students who develop a passion for Science will complete more than one unit in preparation for VCE. Students also have the option to complete Biology Units 1 and 2 (Year 11 biology) whilst still in Year 10. This runs for the entire year and students will then complete Units 3 and 4 Biology in Year 11.

Students can select Biology, Chemistry, Physics and/or Psychology as VCE subjects

Co-curricular Science opportunities:
To further encourage the engagement of students in Science we have developed an inspirational co-curricular program of events and guest speakers throughout the student’s time at Loreto.

Some of the events available to students include:

  • NASA USA Space Camp (now offered to Year 9 & 10 students biannually)
  • Science engineering challenge
  • Forensic science camp
  • Engineering days at Melbourne University
  • National Youth science forum (NYSF)
  • Science experience at Federation University
  • NAO robots days at Swinburne
  • Coding competition
  • Education Perfect science competition

The Science Department continues to source and provide quality speakers to engage the students in discussion of the role of science in the wider community. Our guest speakers have included:

  • 2014 General Charles Duke – 9th man to walk on the moon and the CapCom for the Apollo 11 Mission (the man talking to Neil Armstrong as he landed on the moon). General Charles Duke spoke to the girls about his path and love for science and exploration.
  • 2015 Dianne McGrath – Dianne spoke to the students about the exploration of Mars, at that point in time, Dianne was one of the last 100 candidates for the Mars One program.

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