The Vaughan Sisters
Clare, Dorothy, Anne and Patricia Vaughan are sisters who all attended Mary’s Mount. Their school days spanned nearly 15 years between them, from 1940 until 1954. They originally came from Wentworth, where their parents owned the Crown Hotel. With many others, they made the journey from various parts of Australia to meet old friends.
Patricia, Clare, Dorothy and Anne were boarders, as were most Mary’s Mount pupils before the late mid 1940s when day pupils were introduced. For all four sisters their time as boarders is looked back upon fondly. “We were similar to a very large family, just forty boarders; there were no day students. The close friends I had a Mary’s Mount have been my life-long friends”, she recollected.
The Vaughan’s parents, Mr. & Mrs Gerald Vaughan donated a copy of Bartolome Esteba Murillo’s “Immaculate Conception”, a painting from the 17th Century to the Loreto Sisters in 1935. It now hangs in the Chapel.
Source- Verity, 2016 Edition 1