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Fashion Design Workshop
A Fashion Design Illustration Workshop at Loreto An incursion workshop was held this week for students from Product Design & Technology Units 1 and 3. It was run by Mr Todd Heggie, a Bachelor Degree Lecturer from The Masters Institute of Creative Education. Two different presentations were delivered to Unit 1 students and Unit 3…

The Consulate-General to Japan’s Visit
Consulate-General Mr Kazuyoshi Matsunaga visited Loreto College Ballarat on Tuesday 23 October as a part of the Ballarat-Inagawa Sister City relationship’s three-year anniversary. Loreto College was humbled to receive the request from Mr Kazuyoshi Matsunaga to visit the Japanese classes and to see the intercultural language learning in action. Head of LOTE, Mrs Yoshie Burrows…

Class of 2018 Graduation Dinner Awards
The following prestigious Year 12 annual awards were presented at the Class of 2018 Graduation Dinner: The Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award – awarded to Ruby Treweek – awarded to a student who demonstrates a very high degree of leadership ability, a student who appreciates the value and contribution of everyone…

Pierre De Coubertin Award
Last night the Loreto College recipient of the prestigious Pierre De Coubertin Award was presented at the 2018 Loreto Sports Awards evening. Congratulations to Eyrin McCarthy on receiving this award earlier in the year for her outstanding achievements in the sport of rowing as a coxswain. The Pierre De Coubertin Award is presented by the…

Love Your Body and Mind Week
By Claire Baxter (Year 9) An annual Mornane initiative dedicated to spreading the message that #youarebeautiful, Love Your Body and Mind week was once again a huge success. All students were welcomed into school on Monday morning with a positive and empowering phrase on a sticky note attached to their lockers. Some said uplifting words…

Interaction Day 2018
Written by Jess Sheehan (Year 7) Interaction Day, as a Year 7, is filled with all sorts of excitement. Just the sheer aspect of going on an excursion to St Pats, where a lot of girls have never even stepped foot before, to the thought of doing lots of different activities, was exciting. We started…

New Loreto App now available!
The new Loreto App is now ready for Loreto families to download. Download now from the App Store or Google Play – Loreto College Ballarat You will need your PAM or staff/student user name and password to access the full content of the App

Back-to-Back Soccer Finals
The Loreto College Senior Soccer team celebrated a back-to-back win this year in the 2018 BAS Senior Girls Soccer Final. In a great game and a beautiful sunny spring afternoon, Loreto took out the win over Ballarat High School 3 -1 to secure a 2nd consecutive victory. Coached by Mr Doug Wilson and Ms Paula…

Finalists in International Awards
Loreto College Ballarat has proudly been selected as a finalist in two categories of the 2018 Educate Plus International Conference Excellence Awards (open to all schools throughout Australia and New Zealand) for: Alumni and/or Community Publication – for the new look Verity magazine Marketing & Communications Campaign – for #loretogirlempowered and #loretospirit campaign The Awards…

30 Years of Service to Catholic Education
Catholic Diocese of Ballarat – 2018 Service and Leadership Awards Congratulations once again to Mrs Mandy Carroll, Ms Linda McDonald and Mr Ian Stowe. In a year where we celebrate Justice and the Loreto Spirit these three outstanding educators are true Loreto leaders! Proudly presented at the Catholic Diocese of Ballarat Schools Advisory Council, Outstanding Service…