Maths News
Paula Wheaton
As we start another year of learning there are a couple of things to keep in mind on the Mathematics front.
Firstly, one of the jobs at the start of the year is to make sure all students are able to activate their Cambridge resources which are associated with the textbook. For students who requested either a digital only code or a reactivation code, Campion will have emailed this code to the email address that was used to lodge the booklist. If this can be passed on to students then they will be guided through the activation process by their Maths teacher.
Secondly, in Years 8 and 9 students have been placed in a Maths group which reflects their learning needs as indicated by their study of Mathematics in 2021. During the course of this year there may be some adjustments made to these groups in response to changing needs of the students. You may, therefore, find that your child’s Maths teacher changes at some stage during the year. These changes are not frequent or wide ranging, but sometimes they need to be made to allow us to cater for the learning needs of all students.
Finally, Maths Help sessions will again run this year and will occur on Thursday at lunchtime in the 8 Green mentor room (SF562). I encourage all students to make use of these sessions. They may choose to just use it as a time to complete Maths homework while there is someone there to ask for help or they may have specific questions they might bring along to be addressed. Students may bring along their lunch to eat while they are working.
Term 1 Week 2 articles