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Building houses and friendships in Cambodia
By Lauren McKenzie (Year 8) Over the school holidays, myself and 17 other people travelled to Cambodia. We were on a mission to build 16 houses for some of the poor families in a farming village outside of Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Pen. We didn’t just have to build the houses, we had to raise funds…

Loreto College Proud 2016 Finalist
Loreto College is a proud finalist in the 2016 Federation Business School Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards. For the third consecutive year Loreto College is a finalist in the Federation Business School E-Commerce and Online Award. Acting Principal Elizabeth Till received the Award on behalf of the College at an official function held at the…

Solving Crimes and Building Bridges
The recent school holidays provided a chance for four intrepid Loreto ladies to set off on some exciting Science adventures, which included a week long ‘Forensic Science Camp’ in New South Wales, and a ‘Hands On Engineering’ workshop hosted by the University of Melbourne. Forensic Science Camp: By Stephanie Jones (Year 8) The main…

Victorian Country Basketball Representative
There was no rest and relaxation over the term break for Loreto College Year 9 student Sophie Molan. Sophie took on the best in the State, representing Victoria Country in the National Junior Basketball Championships. Sophie was one of the top ten girls selected to represent Victoria Country against the country and metropolitan teams from…

Welcome back to Term 2
I extend a very warm welcome back to all students and staff. I commend students for their enthusiastic return to school and hope each has come back ready for an invigorating term of academic and personal growth. Term 2 commenced for all staff on Monday with an inspiring interactive address by Dr Suzy Green (D.Psyc.…

Loreto Girls Setting Fire to the World of Dance
There are a number of Loreto Girls who balance an extensive and exhaustive timetable of dance classes, elite competitions and performances with their normal school studies. Some dance at least six days per week and are supported by the College to attend vocational dance classes one day per week or leave school early to attend…

Congratulations to the 42 strong Loreto Ballarat team that competed at the Victorian Schools Cross Country Championships at Bundoora. An outstanding effort by all! Loreto finished with three team bronze medals in the U/17, U/18 & Open sections and a 13th placing for Lily Gilbert (Year 7) which gives her a strong chance of securing a…

BP Award for Zayda and Ellie We wish to congratulate two of our students on their recent completion of the Girl Guide BP Award; Ellie Montgomery and Zayda Vandenberg. The BP Award is named after the founder of Guiding, Robert Baden-Powell and is the peak achievement award for Guides of this age. Ellie and Zayda…

Congratulations to past pupil Melanie Joosten (class of 1999) on the publication of her very poignant and informative second book, A Long Time Coming. Melanie was a very promising English student who received a perfect score for VCE English. Melanie combines her expertise as an author with her background as a social worker and delves…

The much anticipated Loreto College website is set to for public launch on Wednesday 15 June. The site includes many new stand out features including 360 degree virtual tours, Storify– a program showcasing our social media presence, digital downloads of a large selection of our publications and a more dynamic and engaging Past Pupils section.…