Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.

For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or Click Here

TERM DATES for 2025 - please click here for details

Leadership News

Brodrick, Michelle

From the Principal

Ms Michelle Brodrick

Welcome to the 150th year of Loreto College Ballarat, the first school established in Australia by a group of faith-filled, resolute, and strong IBVM sisters from Ireland, led by Mother Gonzaga Barry. We are very much looking forward to the events and celebrations that will mark this historical achievement which paved the way for thousands of girls to be educated in the Mary Ward tradition.

The theme of these events in all Loreto Colleges across Australia is ‘Being faithful to Grace’. Mother Gonzaga was 41 years old when, at the request of the first Bishop of Ballarat, Michael O’Connor. She left her life behind to pioneer Loreto education in what was a distant and vastly unknown Australia in 1875. The journey was by sailing/steamer ship and lasted 60 days. It was a decision based on her unwavering faith in the providence of God, and she forthrightly accepted the responsibility with courage and a determination to provide education for girls in Ballarat. The 150th Year badge was designed by current Year 9 student Evie Davidson, a First Nations student. Evie was mentored by artist, Lua Pelligrini, a former student of Loreto Normanhurst.

Our celebrations this year begin on 28 February with the Opening of the School Year mass and continue the following day, Saturday 1 March, with Old Collegian and past staff reunions, open gardens, a travelling exhibition, a play, Serious Business, followed by a special gala event in the evening.  Later in the year, we will celebrate a special GB (Gonzaga Barry) day for students on 19 September. This date commemorates the first intake of students to the College on 24 September 1875, which will be recognised by all Loreto schools around the country.

It is hoped that 2025 will be a memorable year for everyone connected to Loreto; staff, students, families, Old Collegians, friends, broader Ballarat and the other six Loreto Colleges.

This year will also focus on the Loreto value of Verity, which these days is not a commonly used word. However, you will already understand its concept as it can be best explained as ‘being true to yourself and others,’ a common message reinforced through our daily life at the College. Mother Gonzaga talked about Verity as being the ‘profound truth of who you are,’ which formed one of the pillars of her faith and devotion. This year’s badge includes the statement, Dare to be True, an adaptation of a George Herbert quote in Mother Gonzaga Barry’s letter to the community in ‘Eucalyptus Blossoms,’ 1892.

Someone who acts without Verity might come across as a fake or a pretender; untrustworthy or hypocritical. But a Loreto education asks of its students to be truthful, authentic, and genuine in all their relationships, thoughts, words, and actions.

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It was lovely to see so many people at the College gates, morning tea and assembly last Friday as we began the school year. There were tears, laughter, nervous energy, carefree waves, sisters looking out for their younger siblings and students already brimming with confidence. I loved the way other students directed and assisted to welcome and make others feel okay. The Senate, Leaders for 2025, and volunteer students who just took it upon themselves to help, already demonstrating what it means to be a part of this community.

I want to give a personal welcome to new students and staff.

I hope your Loreto experience is wonderful and that you cherish your time here, making lifelong friends and preparing to make a difference in the world around you, whether that is near or far.

May you be blessed and ‘Do the Ordinary Well.’


From the Deputy Principal

Ms Christine Shaw

We welcomed our students back from their break last week full of enthusiasm for all that lies before us in this 150th year of Loreto Ballarat. Over the break I spent time reading about Mother Gonzaga’s arrival from Ireland here in Ballarat in preparation for the year ahead. Her stories and the history made me curious about what Ballarat would have been like all those years ago. 

In 1875 when Loreto College opened, Gold had been discovered just 24 years before the sisters arrived and there were 17 other schools already in operation in Ballarat. Some of those schools were just in houses. Only one of those was for secondary education - for boys only - Ballarat College (now known as Clarendon). Her Majesty’s Theatre was built that year and so was the Lake View Hotel.  With so much gold being found, Ballarat was becoming quite a wealthy town and growing at a rapid rate. It was an established city with lots of architectural development and it was settling into a more stable population of people. They wanted cultural growth through the arts, social hubs, sport, agriculture, health and of course strong education for their children.  And so Loreto College was set up by Mother Gonzaga and her nine companions.  

Now, particularly this year – we get to learn, live, understand and benefit from all that was done to give us in our educational opportunity. I reminded our students at our first Assembly that this is a special place for learning and that their opportunities that have before them are immense. They should never take these for granted looking to ‘rise higher still’ (MGB ibvm). We blessed our 150th badges and presented all Year 7 and 12 students to the College to receive theirs.   

Learning about our history and our connections to all Loreto schools across Australia helps us put a mark on our future which for now remains unwritten, but every member of our community is a part of what comes next. We encourage you to soak up all opportunities to attend Loreto activities throughout the year ahead and we look forward to seeing you at one of our events.  

Ryan, Adele

From the Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation

Ms Adele Ryan
Academic Awards Ceremony

On Wednesday we welcomed back our high achieving VCE and VCE-VM students of the class of 2024 to our annual Academic Awards Ceremony.  During this ceremony we recognised the achievements of these students and their outstanding academic results.

Our Class of 2024 Dux, Georgia Wemyss and our VCE-VM Award Winner, Madeline Pierce both shared their Year 12 experiences with our Loreto College Community.

We are extremely proud of our class of 2024 and all they have accomplished in their years at Loreto College. Below is a link to our Academic Assembly booklet with all the Academic Award recipients.

McDermott, Gemma

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing

Ms Gemma McDermott
Welcome from Harlow

Harlow and the Counselling Team would like to welcome everyone for an exciting year ahead.

Both Twiggy and Harlow are keen to share canine support responsibilities this year, with loads of hugs, pats and walks required in return.

Harlow is onsite every Friday and Twiggy every Wednesday and Thursday.

See Ms Hendricks in the Counselling Office or Ms Sofis for some canine therapy this year.

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Knobel, Felicity

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity

Ms Felicity Knobel
2025 Badge - Verity 2025

Evie Davidson in Year 10 designed our badge, which versions of it is being given to all Loreto students throughout Australia. In designing this badge she was mentored by the artist Lua Pelligriniwho is a former student of Loreto Nornanhurst.

Evie described her inspiration of the blue waters of Lake Wendouree integral to the traditional owners of the Wadawurrung people. The Eucalyptus branch with blossoms, which not only grew in our grounds, is the name of the school Magazine written by Gonzaga Barry and the seven clusters of stars which represents the sisters that accompanied Gonzaga Barry to establish Loreto.

A Blessing for our 2025 Badge

In our year of Verity we are called to speak, hear, receive and seek truth.

With Jesus as our guide and Mary Ward and Mother Gonzaga Barry as our inspiration we are called to do what we have to do well. May these badges worn proudly on our lapels be a reminder that we are the carriers of this light and we are called as people of Loreto to seek truth and do justice and to leave something behind on which others can build.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Riordan, Brenton

From the Business Manager

Mr Brenton Riordan

A reminder that the 2025 College Fee information was recently sent to you via email.

Parents and Carers opting to pay via a payment plan including weekly, fortnightly, and monthly options are now due. The latest date for commencement of plans is the end of February. Please click on the button below for more information on Payment Plans and instructions on How To Pay.

Families that do not enter into a payment plan are required to pay the College fees in full. Payment in full is due by the 28 February 2025.

If you have not received the Welcome email or require any assistance setting up a payment plan please email

Sign up to Flexischools for CANTEEN ORDERS

A reminder to all families to download the Flexischool app to place lunch orders from the College canteen.

Flexischools is an easy and convenient way for parents and students to order and pay for school lunches.

Accessing the Flexischools App

All you need to do is download the Flexischools app from the Apple or Google store and follow the prompts to create an account (nominate Loreto College Ballarat as your school). You can download the app and find registration and online ordering instructions here.

Parents/Carers can set daily spend limits and keep an eye on purchases via the Flexischools app. Additionally, you can also add access for your child to use the app, enabling them to place online orders themselves.

If you already have a Flexischools account for another family member, select the Profile icon on the app and +Add New Student.

The cut off time for ordering is 9am on the day of service.

Please note that students will still be able to pay for over-the-counter items using cash or card.

Should you have any questions relating to the setup of the Flexischools app, visit or call 1300 361 769.

Register With Flexischools

College News


For the safety of our students and the broader community, we wish to remind all families to be vigilant when using roads adjacent to the College.

There have been recent incidences of drivers not giving way to pedestrians at traffic lights, compromising the safety of our students and other pedestrians. Council and local police undertake regular patrols to ensure parking and road safety compliance, with penalties issued to those caught breaking the rules. We ask that everyone plays their part to help create a safe environment on our roads and to ensure the safety of our students and local community.

What's On At Loreto - Clubs, Groups and Activities

For a complete guide on clubs, groups and activities on at Loreto College druing 2025, click on the link below - there is something for everyone!

Gill, Liam

Co-Curricular Sports News

Mr Liam Gill (Co-Curricular Sport Leader)
BAS Sport for 2025

Please find the link below to the list for BAS Sports for 2025.

Douglas, Meghan

Library News

Ms Meghan Douglas (Director of Library Services)

We look forward to engaging with readers throughout 2025. Our clubs and activities will continue this year - keep an eye out for the What's On Poster for 2025 that will include all the information on clubs and groups within the College.

Happy Reading!

Library Website:

Our email:

Our eBook and audiobook collection:

Instagram: Follow us @loretoballaratlibrary

Finance News

Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) will provide payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports and excursions. As Loreto College has an all-inclusive fee which covers the cost of camps, sports and excursions, any funds received will be off-set against the student’s tuition fee. $256.00 per year will be paid for eligible secondary school students. Payments will come directly to the College and be credited to the students tuition fee account.

Families holding an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, Veterans Affairs Gold Card on the first day of Term 1 or first day of Term 2 or be a temporary foster parent will be eligible to apply.

How to Apply: 
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website, or click on the button below. The form needs to be returned to the School Office or emailed to

If you applied for the CSEF at Loreto College Ballarat in 2024, you do not need to complete an application form in 2025 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances (new student/sibling, concession number, etc.). Your child's school will apply for the CSEF on your behalf.

Closing Date:
The closing date for CSEF applications to be submitted to the College is 4 July 2025 (no applications will be accepted after the closing date).  All eligible families are encouraged to apply. For more information about the CSEF visit

Conveyance Allowance 2025

The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.

In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.

To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College. Application forms are available on the Loreto College website or click on the link below.

Please note that in 2024 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance at Loreto College in 2024 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.

However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.

For further information visit:

Any enquiries please email


To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.

To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.

A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.

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