Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or https://pam.loreto.vic.edu.au/Login/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
"Be seekers of truth and doers of justice" Mary Ward
For 148 years, students have been entering our gates embracing a Catholic education in the tradition of Mary Ward. In 2023 we welcomed 156 Year 7 students and other new students in Years 8-12, who have come from over 35 schools. As is the tradition, words of encouragement were written on the path as students and staff entered the grounds through the main gates. The chalk welcome may not have been there 148 years ago, but the Loreto sisters, led by Mother Gonzaga Barry, would have welcomed every student as they created an environment where students feel empowered to pursue their passions, take risks, and make a positive impact in the world. A Loreto student comes to know the charism of Mary Ward, whose vision to transform the education of girls is alive and well, with over 100,000 young women around the world engaged in a Loreto education.
All Loreto schools in Australia share the same set of values: Freedom, Justice, Sincerity, Verity, and Felicity. These values are at the heart of our educational philosophy and shape our identity as a school.
2023 has begun with optimism and energy, with much to look forward to. Last week the Year 12s spent time away on their retreat and our Year 7s and Year 8s have both had camps this week. This week the Academic Assembly will be held in the Gonzaga Barry Centre celebrating the achievements of the class of 2022.
This year we celebrate the value of ‘Justice’. Justice, as Mary Ward describes, involves us having strong values that help guide us in our relationships with God, with other people, and with the whole of creation. It is about being a person of action. This years’ theme, Shine a Light on Justice, reminds us to strive to be a person of action
Justice is at the heart of the Old and New Testaments and essential to Loreto spirituality.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor. (Luke 4:18)
The Loreto tradition of working for justice reflects the Catholic Church’s social teaching. This social teaching is at the heart of Pope Francis’ call to humanity, a call to practise a social conscience that has compassion and justice at its core.
Every member of our Loreto community helps to cultivate a supportive, inclusive community through the words we speak and the actions we take. By expressing kindness, empathy, and inclusiveness, we can foster a positive and uplifting atmosphere for all members of the school community.
As we embark on this new school year, I encourage each of our students and their family to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. With commitment and determination, I have no doubt that this will be a year filled with memorable experiences and meaningful achievements. With our dedicated teachers and staff, in partnership with our families, we are committed to providing students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, both in the classroom and beyond.
Wishing you all a successful and fulfilling school year ahead.
New Staff
We welcome the following staff members to our Loreto community.
- Roger Barrow - Learning Support Officer
- Siegrist Bell - Teacher English and Drama
- Andrew Blackwood - Year 11 Coordinator, Teacher PE & HHD
- Jennifer Caligari - Assistant Faculty Coordinator, Teacher English & Humanities
- Melissa Carroll Parker - Learning Support Officer
- Sharon Cody - Learning Diversity Teacher
- James Couzens - Teacher Legal Studies
- Denise Dunne - Learning Diversity Teacher
- Liam Gill - Director of Sport, Teacher PE
- Kimberley Goodwin Watson - Director of Professional Development, Teacher HHD
- Katrina Griffiths - Digital Learning Leader, Teacher PE & HHD
- Caitlin Hurwitz - Teacher Art
- Emma Impey - Year 10 Coordinator, Teacher PE
- Rubi Kinniburgh - Sports Trainee
- Brendan McCarthy - Teacher English & RE
- Yalanda Neal - First Nations Officer
- Laura O'Connor - Learning Support Trainee
- Karen Parker - Teacher Food Studies
- Kelly Pearce - Year 8 Coordinator, Teacher
- Dean Pepplinkhouse - Director of Years 7-9
- Janine Quick - Learning Diversity Teacher, First Nations Coordinator
- Jarrod Ryan - Liturgy Coordinator
- Lexi Ryan - Learning Support Trainee
- Courtney Simpson - Teacher Science
- Sarah Slater - Teacher English & Humanities
- Megan Vila Pouca - Human Resources Officer
- Julia West - Faculty Coordinator, Arts
- Chris White - Timetabler Daily Organiser

From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Chris Shaw
With all the talk about ChatGPT, it’s been quite tempting to consult it for an introduction for this first Loreto newsletter of 2023. I’m sure it could have rolled out an interesting conversational piece of writing that would have done the job and saved some time. Whilst we might marvel at the capacity of such AI (artificial intelligence), a school such as ours relies on so much more than just clever coding. That’s the beauty of education. We deal in human interaction on a moment-to-moment basis and no computer can beat that! There is no doubt we embrace such technologies here at Loreto and we’ll be exploring exciting possibilities, but this will take place alongside our learning rather than replacing it.
We have 954 students at Loreto this term. From the first walk in on day one this year, the endearing messages of welcome chalked on the driveway by our Senate, brought our school community together showing cultural understanding and a welcoming tone. A new staff member described Loreto as like being embraced in a ‘warm hug’ and as the College filled with students, both new and old, the hum of the school created an atmosphere that could never be emulated by a computer. We celebrated our beginning of year Mass as one in the GBC and the feeling of being able to finally start a new school year with some certainty has filled us all with optimism.
A staff conference was held prior to the students returning with a focus on wellbeing. We were able to reset and update our knowledge on the intentional wellbeing practices that students and staff will need in the future. Fitting in closely with our Strategic Plan and facilitated by the Positivity Institute, we were led through two days focused on the science of wellbeing and coaching. Working with both our explicit programs and the implicit life of the College, this will support us in fulfilling our intentions to be an educational leader in all areas. Just as it is vital for our students to develop habits of life-long learning, so too is it vital for all our staff no matter what role they hold within the College.
Travel is once again on our Agenda with Year 10 Mary Ward Connect to Brisbane and Coorparoo and Rowing Nationals to Perth being the first trips for the year. The NASA Space Camp tour, Daly River and Tiwi Islands Immersion Trips, New Caledonia, and Japanese language trips will all give students opportunities to look forward to. Year Level Co-ordinators will be informing students about these trips as they arise and for many the preparations have already begun. With many other activities already underway such as Retreats, Camps, Rowing Regattas, Parent Information Sessions and academic classes, there’s plenty to engage and motivate students. Helping them step towards the possibilities is the first challenge and we encourage you as parents and carers to immerse yourself in the life of the College and your student’s education.
Student Leadership 2023
We have announced our Semester 1 2023 student leaders from Years 8-11, all working within designated portfolios led by a Senate member or House Executive. Building such student agency allows younger students to find their voice and develop leadership skills. We will change these leaders at the end of semester to allow others the opportunity. However, not having a designated role, should never stop a student pursuing a passion or leadership in the future. We aim to equip all our students with leadership skills and experiences, knowing that it is more than the badge they wear. It’s the action they take.
Congratulations to all our student leaders for 2023 and the Year 8-11 students chosen for Semester 1, 2023.
Embarking on our year of Justice allows all of our students to step outside of their comfort zone and consider how they might ‘shine a light on Justice’.

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity
Ms Felicity Knobel
In 2023 like every Loreto school in Australia, we are celebrating our year of Justice. Mother Gonzaga Barry said, ‘do not endeavour so much to please others as to be of use to them.’ With this sentiment in mind, at Loreto College Ballarat in our year of Justice we are shining a light on Justice and ultimately shining a light on us as people of Loreto and what we can do in order to bring Justice to our school community, our local community and to our world. It is a year of action for all of us.
The great Jewish prophets, the forerunners of Jesus, coined a mantra which ran something like this: “The quality of your faith will be judged by the quality of justice in the land and the quality of justice in the land will be judged by how the vulnerable groups in society have fared while you were alive.” Each and every person is responsible for bringing justice to our world and it is our privilege as a Loreto community in 2023 to shine a light on justice.
We are called.
The Justice Prayer
God of love,
Who teaches us to love without limits or borders, to open our hearts to all.
Grant us the courage to be our true, authentic selves; to be people who strive to listen, understand and empower others, recognising our relatedness, and the right of all to fulfil their God-given potential.
Help us to be open and loving, and to celebrate the diversity of our communities.
May we unite in our common goal of justice for all, and harness our capacity to affect long-lasting change that brings your love to life in our world.
Guide us in our journeys to find our own voices and empowering others to find theirs; that together we may use our gifts to promote justice in the wider community and create respect for everyone’s inherent human dignity.
Inspired by Mary Ward, may we answer the call to act wholeheartedly for genuine change that responds to the needs of our time.
May we be constant, effective and loving, so that we too may leave behind something on which others can build.
May we follow in Mary Ward’s footsteps as seekers of truth and doers of justice.
In Jesus’ name and through the grace of the Holy Spirit, we say,

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma McDermott
Years 7 to 9 Information Night
Thank you to all the parents who attended to the information evening, it was a wonderful opportunity to meet your child’s Mentor. Thank you to the Year Level Coordinators for coordinating their Year group. A special thank you to our six Year 10 students; Bethany, Mia, Lauren, Emily, Sophia and Ella who demonstrated true leadership by volunteering their time to organise games for the Year 7 students after the picnic, while the Year 7 parents were meeting the Mentors.
Jewellery at Loreto
Last year we spoke to many students about the Loreto jewellery rules. We listened to the students and changed the rule about allowing two small sleepers or studs in each ear but not dangling earrings. We are one of a few schools moving forward on the jewellery policy. We do need your support in working with us by ensuring your child is aware of what is expected at Loreto and as parent/carers signing the pages along with your child in the Student Planner. No facial piercings are to be worn. What we are asking is quite small compared to the rules students follow when playing sport or working at their casual job.
Students arriving late to school and leaving early
If your child is arriving late to school to school or leaving school for an appointment, please put a note on PAM and in your child’s student planner. Your child is to show the note to their teacher if they are leaving a class for an appointment.
Loreto SchoolTV
School TV is a source of information for parents, carers, teachers, and students on a vast range of topics that young people experience today. It has special reports, videos, and fact sheets by experienced and highly respected psychologists and specialists in their field. It has been pleasing to see from our site analytics that this product is visited regularly and is a valued source of information. Please take some time to explore the site https://loreto.vic.schooltv.me/
Live4Life Ballarat Initiative
Over the year you will begin to see articles in the Courier about an excellent initiative that is being started this year in some schools in Ballarat. The initiative called Live4Life involves talking to young people in Year 8 about mental health and training some of the young people to be ambassadors in delivering the program when they are in Year 9. At Loreto, we will not be delivering the program till 2024, but we are excited to be working with the schools in Ballarat as they start their journey this year.

From the Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation
Ms Em Shanahan
One of my favourite lines from The Hunchback of Notre Dame is when Quasimodo says, “today is a good day to try”. Our lives operate at such a fast pace, and sometimes, it can be overwhelming when thinking about all the things that need to fit nicely into a school week. If each of us approaches each day with the attitude of giving things a go and trying to do our best, then progress will surely come.
It was an honour to invite students from the Class of 2022 to our Academic Assembly today. We recognised their effort across the years and their significant achievements at the culmination of their secondary schooling. The College Dux, Hannah Ollerenshaw, identified that she experienced many setbacks along the way, learning from mistakes. Her key message to students was that it was important to remain true to oneself, rather than conforming to the dreams and expectations others might have for us.
Our wish for each Loreto student is that they love walking through the gates each morning, excited for what lies ahead in the day. We want our students to know that effort and perseverance are worth more than any result on a page. The framework of continuous improvement shows us that if we work towards being just 1% better every day, we’ll be 37 times better than we currently are after just one year. Today, and every day, is a good day to try.
VCE Vocational Major Information Evening
Parents and Carers of students currently enrolled in the VCE Vocational Major are warmly invited to attend the Information Evening on Monday, 20 February in the Little Flower. The evening will commence at 7.00pm.
Co-Curricular Music
Learning a musical instrument is a proven way to boost wellbeing and enhance academic performance in a range of areas. Studies show that students who learn to read and play music have increased memory capacity, with a visible improvement in time management and organisational skills. In addition, students learn perseverance, enhance their coordination and work more effectively with others. If this isn’t enough, the direct benefits of learning an instrument include improved mathematical ability, along with significant increases in reading and comprehension skills.
We have places available for private and group tuition within our Co-Curricular Music program. Students can also access information on SIMON about how to join the Junior Choir.
Don’t miss out! Find out more in the Music Program Flyer - click here.
Parents and Carers of students in Years 7 and 9 will receive an email with information about NAPLAN 2023 in the coming weeks.
NAPLAN is once again using an online testing system; however, this may be the first time your child has completed it online. This online system allows NAPLAN testing to be adaptive and give a more accurate measure of student progress. The testing will still follow the same format as previously, with four tests completed: Language Conventions, Reading, Writing and Numeracy. The dates for NAPLAN are Wednesday 15 March through to Monday 20 March. There is no Year 9 NAPLAN on Friday 17 March. There will also be opportunities for students to catch up on tests due to absence in the days following this. As usual, students should bring with them their charged laptop and a set of earphones on the above dates.
We encourage all students to view the tests as an opportunity to show what they know and not to allow this testing to cause any stress or concern. A best effort from the students participating is all that is required. Schools use NAPLAN data as a reference to structure their curriculum to better suit student learning. Further information is available in the NAPLAN Information for Parents and Carers fact sheet.
Parents who wish to discuss their child’s participation in NAPLAN can contact their Learning Diversity Teacher or Sara Sharer, Interdisciplinary Leader: Analytics and Research, at ssharer@loreto.vic.edu.au
Elevate Study Skills
Loreto College is hosting Elevate Education for students in Years 7-12 on Monday 27 February 2023. Elevate’s reputation for achieving behavioural change through high-impact study skills workshops has led the company to become an international leader in education. The focus is on improving study techniques, increasing motivation, building confidence and lifting examination performance. More information, along with a range of resources, can be accessed through the Elevate Education Parent Information on their website.
College News
Camps and Retreats
It feels like half our College was either on Retreat or Camp these past few weeks with Year 12s travelling to Rutherford Park, Blampied; Year 11s to ACU Aquinas Campus, Ballarat; Year 8s to Narmbool, Elaine; and Year 7s to Lady Northcote Discovery Camp in Glenmore.
Retreats can be a transformative experience, giving students an opportunity to reconnect or indeed connect with their God and each other. It is a time to be challenged, to build relationships, to participate and to create long-lasting memories. Importantly it is time to enjoy and to have fun as a year group and with our staff.
Camps are also a time for connecting with peers and teachers, as well as creating lasting memories and trying new experiences.
We are very lucky as a College to be able to offer such wonderful programs where students may enjoy a range of new experiences.
"We spent our days reflecting amongst groups as well as other small activities run by the Senate. We reflected on our qualities and how these can help each other during this year. This gave us an opportunity to bond with the other students. We played the childhood game “campers and tents”" which everyone seemed to enjoy despite the warm weather. At the end of the day, we had a liturgy where each group was given the opportunity to share their perspective of justice on a canvas which was followed up by a prayer of gratitude that the group wrote. The night was topped off with a party hosted by Fin Frazer and Laila Lappin where everyone danced including some of the teachers. Otherwise, some of the students were found sitting by the fireplace playing the guitar and singing while the teachers were inside playing board games." Amelia Ridley - Year 12
Year 7 Picnic
It was great to welcome our Year 7 families for our Year 7 Welcome Picnic on Thursday 9 February ahead of a Mentor meet and greet. Thank you to our helpers who also brought the fun with lots of different games to play with our Year 7 families. It was a beautiful evening to enjoy the Loreto gardens.

Public Speaking News
Ms Tammy Vandenberg (Co-Curricular Leader of Debating & Public Speaking)
POW Memorial Representatives
As winners of the Legacy Public Speaking competition in 2022, Lainie Ballinger and Lily Matthews were invited to speak at the POW memorial on Sunday 12 February. They were certainly a credit to Loreto College.

Language Faculty News
Ms Yoshie Burrows (Faculty Leader - Languages)
Exciting Vibes For Japanese in 2023
Following up on the success of hosting our exchange students, we have made an excellent start for the 2023 school year. We have welcomed five students from Otsuma High school in Tokyo and one from Doshisha Junior High School in Kyoto. These students are taking part in our Year 10 and 8 Programs. Whilst the term-based exchange programs appear very popular, the short-term programs will restart this year. We will be welcoming a group of fifteen Year 9 students from Shibuya Kyoiku Gakuen from Tokyo in March.
In preparation for our In-Country Study Tour in June, we are currently firming up our itinerary. This time we are visiting Japan in Summer. Trying something new is worthwhile. The students will experience traditional and modern aspects of Japanese culture with hands-on activities. Regular meetings for this trip will start very soon.
Our new Japanese Language Assistant, Miss Yume Kawakami, will arrive from Japan this week. Her work will enhance all VCE students’ speaking skills and assist other classes where needed.

Arts News
Ms Julia West (Faculty Leader - The Arts)
Next Gen Exhibition
2023 Loreto Visual Art students will exhibit artworks in the Next Gen Art Exhibition featured at the Ballarat Art Gallery from 18 February to 16 April.
Next Gen 2023 showcases the work of students from government, Catholic and Independent schools from Ballarat and its broader region who have just completed VCE studies in Art, Studio Arts, Design and Technology, Visual Communication and Design and Media. (taken from website)
The Arts Faculty congratulates Mob Janson, Lexi Ryan, Hailey Harman, Angel Harris and Phoebe McCallum for their dynamic and stunning artworks created during Year 12, 2022.
"When I entered Loreto in 2017 there was no doubt in my mind that art was what I was most passionate about. The school accommodated with their unending support and a wide variety of tools from a dark room for photography to every colour of oil paint imaginable. In 2022, Ms Davison created a classroom environment built on self-expression, exploration and even ‘love and thunder’." by Mob Janson
Comedy Workshop
Loreto student Erin Almedia received Melbourne International Comedy Festival Class Clown Award in 2022. Erin wowed the judges and was able to beat 144 registered participants who were from around the country including students from Brisbane Girls Grammar & St John’s Grammar in South Australia. Erin won $1500 and Loreto received a grant to run comedy performance workshops for Years 7 to 12.
The workshops, conducted in the Abbey Theatre in February, were facilitated by Lewis Garnham. A comedian who won awards during the early stages of his career and said of good comedy ‘when things are unique, and when I see something fresh and something that’s different, these appeal to me. These are ideas that hone in on what it is to be human’.
Lewis who has experience in working with young people in school settings, worked firstly with Year 7 to 9 students and in a later session with Years 10 to 12 in developing comedy through performance skills and techniques.
We thank the Melbourne International Comedy Festival for conducting these workshops and Arts Faculty also thanks Ms Stephanie Greet for her support and assistance in organising this incredible opportunity for our students.

Opening Mass Choir
Our choir opened the season by performing at the Opening School Mass, singing beautiful hymns and ending with the school song Queen of Loreto.
Mrs Simone Jans, the Head of Co-Curricular Music says of the group "are incredibly collegial and light up when they sing".
The Loreto community thanks the Opening Mass Choir and Mrs Jans for their beautiful rendition of these hymns.
As a reminder to parents and students, Loreto Blues, our Senior Choir, and the Junior Choir are two of the school choirs which meet regularly to learn vocal techniques.

Chloe Heads to WA
Chloe Taylor, Class of 2022 and one of our most talented Performing Arts students, has secured a place at the prestigious WAAPA (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts) following the footsteps of many well-known actors, dancers, musicians and music theatre stars including Hugh Jackman, William McInnes, Lisa McCune, Eddie Perfect and Tim Minchin.
"While I entered Loreto with an already existing affection for all things musical theatre, it was this beautiful school that nurtured that passion and gave me the opportunity to pursue this love of mine. The school musical period of each year quickly became my favourite part of school, from my first school production of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ to my last with ‘Chicago.’ Sharing this dedication with my fellow VCE theatre lovers in classes like ‘Music Performance’ became my haven as we reached for and achieved goals together. My understanding and appreciation for the technical and theoretical side of performing grew as teachers like Mary O’Driscoll and Carolyn Bennett passed on their own passion and love for the craft. And of course, as University applications came around the corner and prerequisites had to be met, my VCE English teacher, Ms Hillman, was my saving grace. Loreto has provided me with a safe space to learn, experiment, achieve, make mistakes, progress further, make more mistakes and become the best version of myself. And I am so excited to continue this journey further, across Australia, at the ‘Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts’ with some of the best of the best." - Chloe Taylor

Co-Curricular Sports News
Mr Liam Gill (Co-Curricular Sport Leader)
BAS Sport for 2023
Please find a link to the list of BAS sports for 2023 below. It is sure to be a great year once again for Loreto sport!

Library News
Ms Meghan Douglas (Director of Library Services)
Our Library is a place to gather, share stories, learn, relax and build community. Throughout the year, we work to foster a love of the written word through sharing stories, routinely updating and refreshing our collection, working with classroom teachers, running lunchtime clubs, and hosting celebratory events. Our library is a portal for information, and a hub of activity.
Library Lovers Day, on the 14th of February, was celebrated with a reading picnic in our beautiful front gardens. Students ate icy poles, made themselves comfy with blankets and pillows, and got down to the serious business of reading on the lawn in the dappled sunshine. It was a peaceful way to spend our break.
We conducted the Year 7 Library Induction this week, as part of their pre-camp alternative program. Students self-directed themselves on a tour of our Library through an escape room challenge, which saw them searching the catalogue, exploring fiction genres, working out the Dewey Decimal System, and ultimately uncovering a treasure trove of lollies as a reward! Small groups read picture books engaging with big themes of change, transition, learning, and self-image: All The Ways to Be Smart and Tomorrow is a Brand New Day by Davina Bell, Don’t Forget by Jane Godwin, What Do You Do With a Chance? By Kobi Yamada, and If I Was Prime Minister by Beck Feiner amongst them. Students had a chance to preview some of our games and puzzles as well, and to learn that we welcome people to come in and play at recess and lunch. It has been wonderful to welcome so many of our Year 7s into the Library already!
We have loved welcoming back reading classes from Years 7-9, with so many English classes finding time to visit us and find new books to love. Some have been so popular - One of Us is Lying, The Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, and The Inheritance Games in particular - that we have had to order additional copies! We welcome student suggestions at any time - if it fits with our collection and readership, we will usually add it to our shelves.
Happy Reading!
Library Website: https://libguides.loreto.vic.edu.au/Loreto-Library
Our email: library@loreto.vic.edu.au
Our eBook and audiobook collection: https://loreto.wheelers.co/
Instagram: Follow us @loretoballaratlibrary

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)

In this week's Career News:
- Post Year 12 Information - University Scholarships, Early Entry, GAP Year Programs
- Marine Science Work Experience
- Apprenticeship and Traineeship Information
- Career Events
- Inspirational Videos
- Employment Tips
- Vic Police Career Information

The VCE and Careers Expo 2023 is back in 2023, celebrating 31 years of delivering the largest careers and education event in Australia! With over 20,000 attendees expected, the Expo will be held over three days – Thursday 4 May, Friday 5 May and Saturday 6 May, 9am-3pm at Caulfield Racecourse. Visit: https://www.vceandcareers.com.au/
Ballarat Specialist School - Post School Options Expo
Wednesday 22 March - 5 - 7pm
Ballarat Specialist School Farm Campus
800 Norman Street, Invermay Park
A great opportunity to meet with Social Service Providers to see what they can offer.
Finance News
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) will provide payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports and excursions. As Loreto College has an all-inclusive fee which covers the cost of camps, sports and excursions, any funds received will be off-set against the student’s tuition fee. $225 per year will be paid for eligible secondary school students. Payments will come directly to the College and be credited to the students tuition fee account.
Families holding an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, Veterans Affairs Gold Card on the first day of Term 1 or first day of Term 2 or be a temporary foster parent will be eligible to apply.
How to Apply:
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website, or click on the following link:
which needs to be returned to the School Office or emailed to accounts@loreto.vic.edu.au
If you applied for the CSEF at Loreto College Ballarat in 2022, you do not need to complete an application form in 2023 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances (new student/sibling, concession number, etc.). Your child's school will apply for the CSEF on your behalf.
Closing Date:
The closing date for CSEF applications to be submitted to the College is 23 June 2023 (no applications will be accepted after the closing date). All eligible families are encouraged to apply. For more information about the CSEF visit
Conveyance Allowance 2023
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College.
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website or click on the following link, which also provides additional information.
Please note that in 2023 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance at Loreto College in 2022 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
Any enquiries please email accounts@loreto.vic.edu.au
Community News
Ballarat Community Fest
Celebrating All Abilities is a new yearly festival that everyone is welcome to attend. With free all-day activities, jumping castle, animal farm, face painting, drumming & singing workshop, disability expo and music performances, it will be a full day of family fun for families and people of all abilities! @ The Goods Shed Ballarat (next to the Ballarat Railway Station) on Saturday 18 February 10am-4pm. For more information visit: https://gellibrand.org.au/ballarat-festival/

We warmly welcome the Loreto Community to attend our disability networking event Ready-Set-Connect being held at the Ballarat Greyhound Racing Club, Sutton St & Rubicon St, on Wednesday 1 March from 9.45am – 12:30pm.
Ready-Set-Connect is an informative (and fun!) event based on a speed dating format. It connects teachers, support coordinators, people with disability, and parents and carers with NDIS service providers. National and local providers will be sharing information with you about their NDIS services and products.
This event will help you keep in touch and up to date with services in your local community. In the space of a little over two hours, you will build your connections and get to meet a variety of providers.
It's FREE for Attendees! Please register at https://onecommunity.net.au/Ready-Set-Connect/Event/480-ballarat

WHAT'S ON! Youth Services - February 2023
Young people 12-25 get involved in FREE social, recreation, volunteer, life skill, live music and creative opportunities. Events and workshops happening each month!
Visit: @ballaratyouthservices
To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.