The prestigious Royal South Street Competition begins every year with Debating. Loreto entered 12 teams and began preparing at the beginning of the year. Most of our teams won their first debate, two teams qualified for the semi finals, and one team made it to the grand final on Monday August 28. Josie Coates, Liv Dunn and Lily O’Shea (with Grace Fry as their reserve) debated the topic ‘That modern society has lost its moral compass’ and were narrowly defeated. The feedback from the adjudicators consistently praised the quality of their speeches and manner in which they spoke. All 48 students should be incredibly proud of themselves.
A male and female in each age group is awarded as ‘Best Debater’ and ‘Runner Up’ and these awards are competitive due to the large numbers of students involved. This year three of our students received these awards. In the Year 7 & 8 division; Best Female Debater – Grace Toohey Runner Up – Remi Currie. In Year 11 & 12 division the Best Female Debater Runner Up – Lily O’Shea. Congratulations to these girls.