Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or https://pam.loreto.vic.edu.au/Login/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
As we come to the end of the first term, we have many events and opportunities to celebrate.
Earlier this month, students, staff and the community gathered to celebrate the Loreto Women in Time – Inspiring Alumni inductees at the annual Loreto College IWD Breakfast. This year Sr Trish Franklin ibvm AO (Religious and Social Justice Leadership), Michelle Payne OAM (Sporting Excellence, Gender Equity and Inclusion) and Olivia Sellers (Young Achiever and Entrepreneur) were recognised for their outstanding achievements and contributions.
Georgia Halstead received the Women in Time - Student Award at our breakfast. Georgia was recognised for highly developed leadership skills, resilience and enthusiasm.
For all those that were present, it was a joy to be inspired by what each of the women had to share. They have become exemplars of Mary Ward’s vision that
“women in time to come, will do much”.
Another significant event held on International Women’s Day was the Respect Cup, an annual event to promote respectful relationships and promote gender equity. More details on this event can be found in this newsletter.
From Year 7 and 8 camps to Year 11 and 12 Retreats; from Mary Ward Connect to masses and assemblies; with Run Club, Task Master, community engagement and more - there have been many opportunities to come together and experience the spirit of Loreto.
Loreto College Board and Loreto Ministries
At the end of last year, we farewelled Luke Dunne (Member of the Facilities Committee for eight years, Board Member for nine years - Deputy Chair in 2019 and Chair from 2020 to 2022), Matt McCabe (Board Member for ten years - Deputy Chair 2019 to 2021) and Erin Taylor (Member of the Facilities Committee nine years - Chair from 2019 to 2022 and Board Member for five years). We thank them for their dedication and outstanding service over so many years.
This year we congratulate and welcome Melanie Robertson to the role of Chair of the Loreto College Ballarat Board. Melanie commenced on the Board in September 2021 and brings extensive knowledge in the area of energy and sustainability, policy leadership and governing liaison. Our current Board is listed below.
Directors of the Board are volunteers who have a critical role to oversee all governance aspects of the College and ensure a strategic approach to the College’s future. The Board also monitors adherence to systems of risk management and compliance. All Loreto College Boards are incorporated as a public company limited by guarantee.
This month we welcomed Maureen Ryan, who has been appointed to the position of Chief Executive Officer at Loreto Ministries. Maureen is a highly regarded and engaging professional who has built an outstanding career in the education sector. She is a strategic, future focussed leader, who has led high performing schools in Melbourne and Sydney.
Loreto Ministries is the lead governance body of the Loreto Province of Australia and South-East Asia (Loreto Province) and, under the purview of the Province Leader and Council, is responsible for the administration of its education and the majority of developing ministries. Directors of the Loreto College Ballarat Board are appointed by the Loreto Ministries’ Board and are accountable to Loreto Ministries for the conduct of the school. This Board is listed below next to the Loreto Board.
2023 Loreto College Board
Melanie Robertson – Chair
Nicole Loader – Deputy Chair
Laura Avery
Katrina Burke
Elizabeth Burns
Rebekah Foster
Nick Grylewicz
Matt Jenkins
Loreto Ministries Board of Directors
Margaret Kennedy
Sr Anne Kelly IBVM
Sr Mary Wright IBVM
Chris Dodd
Rachel Grimes
Paul Henderson

From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Chris Shaw
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." Benjamin Franklin
Whenever we start a new year, we remind our students to be involved and engage in all they can. They know they get back what they put in and to date, this year has seen our students involved in some amazing ways of learning.
Mary Ward Connect
We were delighted to see Mary Ward Connect in place again and we welcomed Year 10 students and staff from Loreto Coorparoo and Loreto Normanhurst to Ballarat, whilst some of our staff and students visited their schools. The focus of this week was the celebration of 150 years of Loreto schools in Australia as our current Year 10’s will be in Year 12 when this takes place. All Year 10’s investigated the history of Loreto schools and began a visual timeline for all to see. Our visitors enjoyed learning with our Year 10’s as well as a visit to Sovereign Hill, a movie night and being shown around Ballarat. It was a wonderful week, made possible by our Year 10 Co-ordinators and Mentors and gave our students great insight into the evolution of their school and of the wider Australian Loreto community they belong to.
My Fair Lady - College Production
With hours of rehearsals already underway, the 2023 School Production is coming along nicely. We were lucky have a sneak preview recently of My Fair Lady and it will be a show not to be missed. With just as much going on backstage as on stage, we can’t wait to see this production next term.
Music ensembles and Choirs are back up and running and many new students are signing up to be a part of these groups. If your child has even a minor interest in the Performing Arts, I highly encourage you to get them to pop over to the MMC and see what’s on offer for them. Chances are they might find something they’ve never tried before that will open all sorts of new doors for them.
The House Swimming and Athletics Carnivals are always great days for involvement and this year we had some fierce competition with Mornane taking out the swimming and Ward the victors on the track. The school spirit was outstanding which always makes the spirit stick hard to choose. Our swimmers have since competed in the Ballarat Associated Schools (BAS) Competition.
As I write, our rowers are representing the school at the Rowing Nationals, Champion Lakes in Perth and after some amazing results at the State Championships, Head of Schoolgirls’ and Head of the Lake there is much to be excited about. Winning 13 out of a possible 19 races at the Head of the Lake, Loreto students showed not only their commitment, but their teamwork as they dominated the day. We wish them well as they take on the best in the country.
IWD Breakfast
International Women’s Day was a great success and after the Breakfast launched a week of celebration, the Senate took charge of making sure all of our students were involved in activities and reflections around such a focus. Their leadership around the school and in helping younger students find their voice and develop leadership skills has been inspirational.
End of Term
Some reminders as we near the end of term. Please ensure you notify student reception of any absences. Any planned absences over two days should also be sent to the Year Level Co-ordinator and a week or longer should be sent through to deputyprincipal@loreto.vic.edu.au
This Term will finish at 2:30pm on Thursday 6 April and we commence Term 2 on Wednesday 26 April after ANZAC Day.
Enjoy a restful break with your families. May this season of Easter bring joy and hope with a reminder of god’s love for us all.

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity
Ms Felicity Knobel
Caritas: Project Compassion Fundraising
Our JPIC community ably led by Ms Jennifer Walsh have been busy raising much needed funds for Caritas: Project Compassion. With successful Shrove Tuesday Pancake Stall at our Swimming Carnival and a sausage sizzle and raffle ticket selling bonanza at our Athletics Carnival we are set to raise a significant amount of money for an organisation that does so much for the vulnerable people in our world.
The JPIC community is not finished for the term, in fact, they are going to get very busy in our last week and they need the help of all in our community to get there.
Easter Egg Raffle
Donations required! We need rabbits, Bilbys, Humpty Dumptys and Easter eggs in any shape or form from you! In fact, anything you think people might like to win in a raffle would be gratefully received (we already have a gorgeous hoodie!). Donations are welcome to be dropped into Front Reception up until the last day of Term.
Our Easter raffle will be drawn on the last day of school at the conclusion of our Easter Liturgy and it is an extravaganza of prizes.
Students will be selling raffle tickets at lunchtime and conveniently have an EFTPOS machine so that everyone can buy up big!
Hot Dogs and Hot Cross Buns
RECESS - Hot Cross Buns in the Cafe Area - $2 each inc you get a ticket in the raffle
LUNCH - Hot Dogs in the Cafe Area - $4 each inc a ticket in the raffle.
LUNCH DEAL – Hot dog & Hot Cross Bun - $5 for both inc a ticket in the raffle
EFTPOS Machine available at recess and lunch.
Casual Clothes Day
Thursday 6 April is a Casual Clothes Day – Please bring a gold coin donation
Easter Liturgy
Our Easter Liturgy will be held on Thursday 6 April. Mr Jarrod Ryan our Liturgy Coordinator has been working hard developing our Easter Liturgy with our Liturgy Captain Ally Steenhuis and the Liturgy Reps Hannah McCrum, Caitlin McConchie, Johanna Addison and Dakota Somerville. Our Liturgy department alongside many student volunteers have been developing a liturgy that depicts the final hours of Jesus. As a community we love to gather, and as a Catholic community we want all to experience the prayerful occasion in the midst of the easter eggs and the hot cross buns as this time is the reason we are a Catholic community.

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma McDermott
The Loreto Spirit is Alive
From the beginning of the term there has been a great deal of joy and colour around the school. The Year 12 students worked hard in spreading the Loreto spirit and helping the Year 7 students navigate the new school. This term we witnessed student leadership in action at Valentine’s Day, International Women’s Day, the Swimming and Athletics carnivals, just to name a few. There was also camaraderie shown at all the rowing regattas and other sporting events. Student agency is a focus and we are working on the students being able to run more meetings and events.
It was just beautiful to see our Year 12 Barry students jump in the pool, at the Swimming Carnival, to help a student who was struggling to finish a race, this is a great example of the Loreto Spirit. This spirit and agency was not only shown at sporting events, it was also witnessed in class with students encouraging each other and helping peers with work. As a Year 11 Mathematics teacher, I have witnessed students supporting each other by talking through problems, affirming, and encouraging each other as they work through the exercises.
Respect Cup
This year the Respect Cup was help on International Women’s Day on 8 March at the home of the Geelong Cats. The Loreto team was captained by Laila Lappin and Elise Cook and the Loreto best on field was Kailah Scott.
The Respect Cup is a competition between Geelong (Sacred Heart Geelong & St Joseph’ College Geelong) and Ballarat (Loreto College Ballarat and St Patrick’s Ballarat). Congratulations to the Geelong schools who managed to win Cup this year!
A big thank you to our amazing coaches Stephen Boswell and Matt Flight as well as assistant coaches Kelli Baird and Andrew Blackwood. Loreto played so well, their defence was superb, it just did not go our way on the day.
After the game Laila Lappin gave a speech about the Respect Cup. These are some of her words…
“This year, we’re celebrating International Women’s Day under the theme, Cracking the Code: Innovation for a Gender Equal Future.
This theme highlights the role that bold, transformative ideas, inclusive technologies, and accessible education can play in combatting discrimination and the marginalisation of women globally.
Today we play this game of football to uplift women in hope for an equitable future.
Over the last 5 years the AFL and subsequently the AFLW has worked to uplift Women’s football from grassroots to the biggest stage. As a result, we have seen a meteoric rise in participation by girls at all levels, an increase in engagement in the AFLW and the standard of women’s football simply rise. In both Ballarat and Geelong, sport is an integral part of the local community, footy in particular.
That’s why, by holding and participating in the annual Respect Cup we are part of the initiative to encourage and uplift women in sport and women across all industries.
Since the Respect Cups’ conception, in the Loreto community alone, there has been a huge increase in interest and participation.
In 2021 we struggled to get a team together. Now in 2023 we’ve needed to hold a tryout where up to about 60 girls lined up hoping for a spot to represent our school in this significant match on International Women’s day.
We as a Loreto team and community are so grateful to the AFL, Sacred Heart, St Joseph’s College and St Patrick’s College and the powerful change-making women to come before us, to allow us to play and be a part of this day today. Despite not being completely equal, initiatives like the Respect Cup allow us to make big steps toward a gender equal future.“
During school holidays is a wonderful time to spend with friends and family. Take time out to be with your daughter, whether it is going to a café or watching a movie on the lounge as these times are precious. As parents we can feel guilty about the amount of work and family activities we are trying to juggle, however, in the end it comes down to the quality time you take now and then just to be with your children. Listen to them, you do not have to come up with answers to problems, just listen. Be mindful of their computer use over the holidays and keep in mind that social media can be misused which can lead to breakdown of friendships. Check with your daughter about the sites she is visiting and be on top of how she is using social media.
Valuable Resource
On our College website we host a resource called SchoolTV. Here you will find some very interesting and informative articles on Wellbeing including fact sheets and videos developed by leading experts in the field. Do take some time to explore the site. https://loreto.vic.schooltv.me/

From the Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation
Ms Em Shanahan
“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.” – Marcus Aurelius.
“He was ignorant of my other faults, else he would not have mentioned these alone.” – Epictetus.
Education is not only an academic pursuit. At Loreto College, we focus on the development of the whole purpose. While marks and results are often at the forefront of our minds, our character matters more than our intellect. Home is where responsibility lies for most of a student’s character development, but this is supported by school. Conversely, school holds responsibility for most of a student’s academic learning, but this must be supported at home. We work in partnership, and partnerships make education richer than if we operated in silos.
Across this first term of 2023, our students have demonstrated great strength of character as they pursue challenges with their learning. When walking past classrooms on any given day, there can be squeals of delight when an experiment reaches its climax, through to expressions of wonder and awe as students are enthralled by performances by their peers. No two days are the same.
Across the break, learning will take on a different form. We want students to explore new things, stepping away from devices and embracing an exploration of outdoor and urban environments. We want character to continue developing through conversations with extended family, friends and new acquaintances, broadening perspectives and understandings of the world. Above all, the break is an important time for recharging, so that learning can continue in Term 2 with fresh minds.
As reports are released next week, I encourage parents and students to have conversations about strengths and areas for growth. Our character implores us to do our best, but humanity mandates that we are imperfect and will make mistakes. Aside from mistakes, humans continue to develop over time, meaning that we will always have something to work on. Reports serve as a measure at this point in time so that students can focus and direct their attention to goals for the term ahead. Our success is measured not by the results on the page, but instead by how we respond to the feedback.

From the Business Manager
Mr Brenton Riordan
New parking signage is being changed over during the school holiday break. There are four car spaces that will be affected all of which are adjacent to Gate D (main gate from Wendouree Parade under Library).
These four spaces will move to either a 5 minute or 15 minute drop off between 8.00-9.30am and 2.30-4.00pm School Days.
This will provide more drop off spaces at peak times and assist in improving traffic flow, student safety and help to reduce illegal parking in vicinity to the school.
Please adhere to this new signage. Communication will be also made to families once the new regulations are in effect.
Please note that the Council regularly patrols parking around the school and fines are issued to people not adhering to parking and road rules including double parking when dropping off and picking up students.
Please note that the Loreto office will be closed for the first week of the school holidays.
OFFICE CLOSED: 3pm Thursday 6 April to 8.15am Monday 17 April.
College News
Swimming Carnival
What a great day at our Swimming Carnival on 21 February. The Loreto spirit was electric with lots of support for everyone who got involved in the day. Congratulations to our year-level champions and runners-up.
Mornane was awarded as the overall winner of the Swimming Carnival and Barry won the Synchronised Swimming Competition and Spirit Stick.
Swimming Champions:
12Yr Female Champion Molly Malone (Barry)
13Yr Female Champion Mayah Templar (Mulhall)
14Yr Female Champion Jemima Knobel (Barry)
15Yr Female Champion Ava Richardson (Mornane)
18Yr Female Champion Madeline Pierce (Mornane)
Athletics Carnival
It was a clean sweep for Ward at our Athletics Carnival on Monday, winning the overall event as well as the tug-of-war and the Spirit Stick.
Despite the rain, it was still a great day joining in on the fun of Athletics Carnival from the traditional events to the novelty events. Thanks to everyone who made the day possible with lots of hard work behind the scenes and on the day.
Many records were broken in conditions that were not ideal, an outstanding effort by all.
Year Level Champions:
Year 7:
Champion: Lucy Phyland-McClure (Ward)
Runner-up: Tilly McErlain (Ward)
Year 8:
Champion: Charlotte Cross (Mulhall)
Runners-up: Audrey Murnane (Ward) & Jazmyn Cartledge (Barry)
Year 9:
Champion: Grace Crowe (Barry)
Runner-up: Summer Jenkins (Ward)
Year 10:
Champion: Caitlin McConchie (Mulhall)
Runner-up: Ella Litras (Barry)
Year 11:
Champion: Rosie Hunt (Ward)
Runners-up: Olivia Parnell (Ward) & Charlotte Streat (Mornane)
Year 12:
Champion: Tahlia Whittle (Ward)
Runners-up: Kailah Scott (Barry) & Bridget Bales (Barry)

Ms Sara Sharer (Interdisciplinary Leader: Analytics and Research)
NAPLAN is now finished for another year! Well done to all Year 7 and 9 students who participated.
We had a total of 1300 tests completed over the space of a week, which is mammoth effort to achieve.
It was wonderful to see students remain calm and trying their best throughout these tests, even in some trying circumstances where the Wi-Fi was not cooperating for a particular class. With quick thinking, teachers moved students to another area and we ended completing all the necessary tests within the timeframe.
Due to the nature of online testing, we hope to have results in a timely fashion.
Each household will receive a paper copy as well as the results placed on PAM.

Public Speaking News
Ms Tammy Vandenberg (Co-Curricular Leader of Debating & Public Speaking)
Lions Youth of the Year Competition
Congratulations to Lucy Eales who was awarded Best Speaker and Overall Winner at the Buninyong Club's Lions Youth of the Year competition on Monday 20 February. She will now progress to the regional final.
She completed an extensive application form, an hour long interview, two 2 minute speeches and a prepared 5 minute speech.

VCE VM Faculty News
Ms Jill Wheatland (Faculty Coordinator: Vocational Major and Pathways)
Ruchi Page Visit
Community Engagement

VCE VM Sport and Recreation
Mr Andrew Blackwood (Year 11 Coordinator and Teacher)
Our Sport and Recreation class have been very active during Term 1, including running the Athletics Carnival for Primary Schools and surfing in Torquay.
Surfing in Torquay
Recently Year 11 and 12 students enjoyed a lesson from the Torquay Surf Academy and then participated in 90 mins of surfing at Torquay back beach with perfect conditions! They showed great resilience and persistence in not giving up until everyone managed to stand up and catch a wave.
Athletics Carnival - Words by Year 11 student Ruby Keast
During Term 1 our Sport and Rec class assisted with running the athletics carnivals for Pleasant St PS and Black Hill PS. The thing I enjoyed the most about the days was connecting with the kids and watching their reactions once they had their go. I loved seeing their progress with each go they had and seeing them improve as they day went on. One of the things I learnt was that patience with the kids was very important because some of them found it harder to pick it up compared to others. However, if I found that one of the kids in the group was struggling, I would always ask if they needed some help and if they were all good. Overall, the day was a great learning experience and was something that we learned a lot from.

Humanities Faculty News
Ms Jayne Carrigg (Faculty Coordinator: Humanities)
Humanities in Term 1
This year we have welcomed a new cohort of year 7 students into our College who have started their Humanities studies at Loreto by exploring Geography. In particular, they have been studying water as a resource and how it is used in our world. As part of their studies some of our year 7 classes have made three dimensional representations of the water cycle as pictured here.
Our year 8 students have continued to develop their Historical skills through the study of the Vikings and Medieval Europe and Japan. As part of their studies many of the year 8 classes explored the Viking runic alphabet or futhark which is given its name from the first six sounds (f, u, th, a, r, k).
As our world increases in population size and the need for more environmentally sustainable ways to feed people also grows, our year 9 students have been studying food security. They have explored the role that insects will play in the future as a valuable source of protein and the students have had the opportunity to taste cricket corn chips. See photos of 9 White enjoying their Cricket Chips! They all agreed that BBQ was the best flavour.
As part of their studies of World War Two in the Pacific, our year 10 History students have taken a walk from Loreto to the Ex-Prisoner of War Memorial. This is a living memorial to those who suffered in captivity during war and it generated many insightful conversations about the prisoner of war experience.
In VCE our Unit 3 Sociology students have visited the Ballarat Art Gallery to explore Indigenous art and culture. This is an annual excursion which is a valuable learning experience for all involved thanks to the expertise of Kate Gorman at the Gallery.
Year 8 Medieval Day at Kryal Castle
On Friday 28 April, the Year 8 students will visit our own Kryal Castle and experience some important features of that time. On the day students will be rotated through seven interactive hands-on workshops including Village Apothecary, Peasants and Noblemen, the Executioner, Arms and Armour and Archery.
To enhance the medieval flavour of the day students are encouraged to dress in medieval costume. This costume should be made from items already at home and not put families to great expense. We encourage students to be creative in making their costumes and prizes will be awarded on the day for the most creative costumes.
Please keep an eye out for more details on PAM regarding the excursion.

English Faculty News
Mr Cameron Smith (Faculty Coordinator- English)
ENGLISH HELP SESSIONS Years 7, 8, 9 and 10
When: Thursday lunch times in SG103 (St Anne's Wing)
Who: English students from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10
Come along to English Help to receive help with English skills, assessment preparation, difficult homework or class tasks from a specialist English teacher. Bring along something you would like to work on during the session.
When: Friday lunch times in SF168 or Tuesday after school in SG301
Who: VCE English students
VCE English Help held Friday lunchtime upstairs in the St Anne's Wing in SF168
Year 12 English Consolidation will run on Tuesday afternoons from 3.15 – 4.15pm in SG301 Mulhall Centre
English Help is for students seeking support on a particular skill, task or homework activity while Year 12 Consolidation Sessions draw on activities from class but is essentially a class run on top of the timetable with additional resources and support – its aim is to consolidate and cement what is covered in the Year 12 classroom setting.
When: Monday lunch times in SF177
Who: VCE English Language students
Come along to English Language Consolidation to receive help with English Language skills, assessment preparation, difficult homework or class tasks from a specialist English Language teacher. Bring along something you would like to work on during the session.

Arts News
Ms Julia West (Faculty Coordinator - The Arts)
The Arts in Term 1
It’s been a busy and dynamic start to Term 1 2023 in the Arts Faculty. As a new staff member to Loreto College, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed seeing the energy shown by students and Arts Teachers as they participate critical and creative thinking, collaboration, and deliberate practice.
It’s evident that the combination of Arts Curriculum and co-curricular opportunities at Loreto construct learning experiences that intrinsically refer to collaborative learning and arts professional practice. Students learn skills and concepts in class and then encouraged to practise, and or experiences these in a professional arts context. As an Arts Faculty Team, we endeavour to support students in practising the skills of their art form whether it is singing, playing an instrument, acting, directing, painting, sculpting, or writing a script. We understand that skills and knowledge cannot merely develop within the four walls of the classroom but are reviewed and refined through interacting with other contexts.
The Harry Potter Experience
During early Term 1 VCE Theatre Studies, Year 10 Drama and Year 9 Theatre Magic students travelled to Melbourne to attend the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child performance. In viewing the theatre show students were amazed and delighted by the sad but astonishing storyline and the incredible sight of seeing dementors flying and Voldemort in the flesh. Students were asked to write an analysis of live theatre using examples from the performance. The production was created with entrancing theatre technology which created magical effects. Teachers and students found it perplexing in how they were we were achieved! Later, students and teachers enjoyed a post-show forum and learnt more about the development of the performance.
Thanks to Ms Simone Jans, Ms Stephanie Greet and Ms Siegrist Bell and Performing Arts Officer Ms Carolyn Bennett for organizing this incredible opportunity.
Year 10 Drama Creating a Production
The Year 10 drama class are busy in rehearsals for their production of Girl Asleep by Matthew Whittet. Students are currently learning about acting and production roles to bring the play to the stage. Girl Asleep is a contemporary Australian comedy about growing up, gender identity, family, friends and dreams. It includes some of the magic realist elements the students so enjoyed on their excursion to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. The single performance is scheduled for the Term 2, on the 5th of May.
Thanks for Ms Siegrist Bell for her support and joy in working with the Year 10 Drama class this year.
Next Gen Exhibition at the Ballarat Art Gallery
Unit 3 Art Creative Practice classes attended the Next Gen exhibition at Ballarat gallery, a curated art show from selected student work from the previous year. Artworks from 2022 Loreto students featured with ceramics, painting and mixed media favoured as mediums.
Students were invited to examine the visual diaries of Unit 3/4 Art, Studio Art and Visual Communication students and view finished artworks. This learning experience was very informative and inspiring as it supported students in understanding the creative arts practice whereby refined artworks are exhibited and consumed by audiences. Students noted the types of documentation featured within the visual diaries and could see how learning skills in art techniques and constructing ideas develop simultaneously.
Thanks to Ms Claire Hurwitz, Ms Esta Anderson and Ms West for organising this learning experience.

Co-Curricular Music News
Ms Simone Jans (Co-Curricular Leader of Music)
Co-curricular Music/Speech & Drama Staff
A special welcome to our newest instrumental music staff who began teaching music at Loreto at the start of Term One this year. Each of these staff bring a wealth of knowledge to our school and it is wonderful to have them working as part of the Co-curricular Music/Speech & Drama team.
Marcus Govan - drums, percussion and Drumline Director
Yvonne Holley - violin, viola and String Ensemble Director
Liam Kelly - guitar, bass and Guitar Ensemble Director
Declan Postlethwaite - cello, violin
Jason Wasley - voice
Anna Whitehead - piano
We are also very grateful to have the following staff continuing to share their expertise as part of the 2023 Co-curricular Music/Speech & Drama team:
Carolyn Bennett - voice, Performing Arts Officer
Holly de Jong - brass
Sarah Goodbourn - flute, Flute Ensemble and Junior/Senior Band
Simone Jans - Junior Choir and Loreto Blues
Mary Kelly - music theory
Mary O’Driscoll - piano
Kath Saunders - woodwind and Woodwind Ensemble
Mika Wallace - speech and drama
Co-curricular Music/Speech & Drama Leadership 2023
It is with great pleasure that we announce and congratulate the two student leaders of the Co-curricular Music/Speech & Drama Program:
- Year 12 Instrumental Arts Captain: Mikayla Brown
- Year 12 Vocal Arts Captain: Rosie Bathurst
These students were awarded this position due to their passion for, and ongoing involvement in, the Loreto College Co-curricular Music Program. Mikayla and Rosie will represent the Co-curricular Music/Speech & Drama Program and assist with the running of key music events.
Congratulations to our large ensemble leaders for 2023. These students will oversee the day to day operations of their specific ensemble.
Loreto Blues Leaders
- Soprano 1 captain: Ella Demunk
- Soprano 2 captain: Ella Sevior
- Alto captain: Rosie Bathurst
Junior Choir Leaders
- Soprano 1 captain: Bridget Mulcahy
- Soprano 2 captain: Sienna Templar
- Alto captain: Baeli Jans

Choirs at Loreto
In viewing the Junior Choir and Loreto Blues learn and rehearse together, it’s been wonderful to see the development of skills, collaboration and confidence. Junior Choir is open to Year 7 & 8 students while Year 9 through to Year 12 students are invited or can ask to join the Senior Choir, known as the Loreto Blues. By rehearsing on the stage at the Abbey Theatre students learn how to project their voice and develop performance skills required for an audience.
Ms Simone Jans, Co-Curricular Leader of Music says
‘the attendance at Junior Choir shows a growing love and dedication to music in all it’s forms. The students’ confidence is growing each week which is great to see.'
As a reminder to all parents and students, Loreto Blues Choir meets 7.45 am Tuesday and Junior Choir meets 7.45am Friday.
Lunchtime Live
The Zelman Orchestra Experience
During March, three Loreto violin students were invited to attend a Viennese afternoon tea with world renowned concert violinist Alexandre Da Costa. During the afternoon tea, Alexandre chatted with the aspiring young violinists and show-cased his incredible 1710 Stradivarius.
Alexandre was in Melbourne and Daylesford to perform with the Zelman Memorial Symphony Orchestra. Our studentswere invited to attend both of these events. What an opportunity!
Avamary said “I had a wonderful time at the event, I enjoyed it very much. My favourite section was as Alex played the same piece on three different types of violins varying in price, wood, sound, etc. He also explained parts of his childhood and his journey to becoming such a famous violinist. Overall, I absolutely loved meeting Alex!”
Charlotte said “Thank you for the opportunity to see Alex it was amazing to listen to him.”
My Fair Lady in Production
Words by Year 10 student Remy Clarke.
Rehearsals of the 2023 Loreto production of My Fair Lady are well underway, with lines learnt, scenes blocked and dance numbers coming together. The cast have been rehearsing for eight weeks and have made a huge amount of progress, with the ensemble working scenes including the opening ‘Wouldn’t it be Lovely’, ‘Get me to the Church’ and ‘Ascott Gavotte’.
In interviewing Year 11 student Amber McCarthy who is performing the role of Mrs Higgins, she says “the most exciting thing about being part of the Loreto production is the ‘buzz’ in the wings as you wait for the curtain to come up. It is amazing to be surrounded by friends, waiting to begin a show you have put so much hard work and effort into.”
Highlights from her experience in Loreto productions are “the pre-show rituals and funny mic checks, as well as making so many new friends. It's the parts of the show that only you know happen when you are a part of it”. Her favourite part of the rehearsal process is “always the first run through of an act or the whole show. It’s always a great feeling when you finally see all your hard work beginning to pay off and that you're getting so close to show time….I love seeing all the small scenes, big dance numbers and scenes you’ve never seen before, all come together.”
The cast have been rehearsing two nights a week as well as occasional weekend rehearsals. The performance runs over four days from Wednesday 24th to Saturday 27th of May. The cast of students can’t wait to show off their hard work and look forward to seeing our Loreto community in the audience.
Tickets for My Fair Lady will go on sale in Term 2.
Keep an eye on the Loreto website for more information.
Show Dates: 24-27 May 2023

Co-Curricular Sports News
Mr Liam Gill (Co-Curricular Sport Leader)
BAS Sport for 2023
Please find a link to the list of BAS sports for 2023 below. It is sure to be a great year once again for Loreto sport!
Sport Achievements
Congratulations to Grace Crowe who competed in the Victorian Track and Field Championships late February and is now the 2023 Under 16 State Champion in the 100m and 200m! She now heads off to Brisbane in April for the Australian Junior Track and Field Championships representing Victoria in the U16 100m and 200m and possibly the relays!
Congratulations also to Charlotte Prendagast was runner up in the BAS Henderson shield for tennis. We had some fantastic results in both the junior and senior events. Congratulations to Bella Burston, Remmy Wright and Jenna Gleason also on their efforts on the preliminary rounds.
Jemma Amoore competed in the 2023 Australian Junior Basketball Championships playing for the Victorian Under-20 State development team held Geelong, February 14-19. An extremely talented athlete, Jemma has been part of representing Victoria at an elite level for many years. We are proud of her commitment and dedication towards her sport and look for ward to following her journey this year as part of the Ballarat Lady Miners squad this year.
Jemma's sister, past pupil Georgia Amoore (Class of 2019), is currently playing College basketball in America for Virginia Tech Women's Basketball. Georgia is having an incredible season with the Hokies, achieving many College and National basketball records.
The Hokies have made it to the “Final Four” in the 2023 NCAAW Tournament which is the American National College basketball competition. This elite tournament is down to the best of the best. It's the first time the Hokies have made the final four in Men’s or Women’s basketball. Having one of our past pupils playing at this level internationally is incredibly exciting! Some talented Loreto sisters!

Library News
Ms Meghan Douglas (Director of Library Services)
Our Library is a place to gather, share stories, learn, relax and build community. Throughout the year, we work to foster a love of the written word through sharing stories, routinely updating and refreshing our collection, working with classroom teachers, running lunchtime clubs, and hosting celebratory events. Our library is a portal for information, and a hub of activity.
Happy Reading!
Library Website: https://libguides.loreto.vic.edu.au/Loreto-Library
Our email: library@loreto.vic.edu.au
Our eBook and audiobook collection: https://loreto.wheelers.co/
Instagram: Follow us @loretoballaratlibrary

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)

In this week's Career News:
- Scholarships for high achievers
- Medicine, dentistry, oral health – UCAT ANZ
- Australian Defence Force – gap year program
- Early entry applications now open
- Work experience – electrical engineering, IT, Electrical Trades (female students)
- Work experience – Australian Defence Force
- Work experience – Powerhouse Museum & Sydney Observatory
- Event: SAE Creative Media Institute – create for a day
- Event: Monash University MySci (3-day science program)

The VCE and Careers Expo 2023 is back in 2023, celebrating 31 years of delivering the largest careers and education event in Australia! With over 20,000 attendees expected, the Expo will be held over three days – Thursday 4 May, Friday 5 May and Saturday 6 May, 9am-3pm at Caulfield Racecourse. Visit: https://www.vceandcareers.com.au/
Finance News
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) will provide payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports and excursions. As Loreto College has an all-inclusive fee which covers the cost of camps, sports and excursions, any funds received will be off-set against the student’s tuition fee. $225 per year will be paid for eligible secondary school students. Payments will come directly to the College and be credited to the students tuition fee account.
Families holding an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, Veterans Affairs Gold Card on the first day of Term 1 or first day of Term 2 or be a temporary foster parent will be eligible to apply.
How to Apply:
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website, or click on the following link:
which needs to be returned to the School Office or emailed to accounts@loreto.vic.edu.au
If you applied for the CSEF at Loreto College Ballarat in 2022, you do not need to complete an application form in 2023 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances (new student/sibling, concession number, etc.). Your child's school will apply for the CSEF on your behalf.
Closing Date:
The closing date for CSEF applications to be submitted to the College is 23 June 2023 (no applications will be accepted after the closing date). All eligible families are encouraged to apply. For more information about the CSEF visit
Conveyance Allowance 2023
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College.
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website or click on the following link, which also provides additional information.
Please note that in 2023 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance at Loreto College in 2022 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
Any enquiries please email accounts@loreto.vic.edu.au
Community News
Athletes Foot Donatation
A huge thank you to the Athletes Foot who have delivered over $14,000 worth of vouchers to local Ballarat schools. These will certainly help those in our Loreto community who need it most and become a lovely reward to our student award recipients.

Online Safety Webinar for Parents
E-Safety.gov.au have a free webinar for parents on “navigating online friendships” on 29 March, 7:30 to 8:00pm. A great opportunity for parents to learn more about online safety for their children - click here to register
Kids Day Out - Good Friday Appeal
Come and support the Kids Day Out - Good Friday Appeal, held on 7 April at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The MCEC will be transformed into a children's wonderland of carnival rides, giant inflatables, craft activities, music, dancing, sports, food and much more.
Entry to Kids Day Out is free, with donations and proceeds from its paid activities helping The Royal Children's Hospital give sick kids the best possible care.
Girls Mountain Biking Camp
Lady Northcote Discovery Camp invites you and your friends to connect with your inner Mountain Biker (MTB). Campers will develop their skills around riding on single trails, how to transfer weight to go over obstacles,
corning techniques. We will have high quality MTB Coach
professional to help you perfect your technique or teach you the basics.
DATES: 10am - 3pm, Thursday 13 April 2023
AGES: Years 7 to 9 (but all high school ages welcome)
COST: $130 per person
Victorian Opera - Mother's Day Soiree
Held in our very own MMC - Abbey Theatre!
Victorian Opera Emerging Artist Prize winners, Alastair Cooper-Golec and Syrah Torii will be supported by the Ballarat Choral Society for an afternoon concert in Loreto College’s Abbey Theatre, featuring music from a broad range of operas. Celebrate Mother’s Day with something special, whilst raising funds for the Ballarat Arts Foundation.
To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.