Please keep an eye out on PAM, the Loreto College App, website and social media for any scheduled events.
For the full Loreto Events Calendar please visit via the Loreto College Ballarat app or Click Here
Leadership News

From the Principal
Ms Michelle Brodrick
The month of May reminds me of times when I was in secondary school and we would pray the Rosary to ask Our Lady to intercede during difficult times. The repetition in the Rosary created a peaceful and contemplative space for prayer. Over the years, saying the Rosary aloud with others has given me comfort and a sense of being together. Through May and June, the College has come together for significant events that promote inclusivity and equality. These events have embraced the power of being in solidarity with others and consequently created a sense of unity and support.
Dr Ernesto Valentine, a liberation theologist, spoke at the recent PAVCSS (Principals Association Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools) conference on the theme of Jesus of Nazareth, Christ and Salvation. In his presentation, Dr Valentine presented a keynote address on Jesus’ identity and mission. He referenced the life of Jesus as being centred on compassion, with a particular emphasis on the love for our neighbour. When we stand in solidarity with others, we are choosing who is our neighbour. The work of the Loreto College JPIC students, First Nations students, Sincerity group and the Senate in recent weeks highlighted the wonderful efforts of our students and staff to promote inclusivity and justice.
Reconciliation Week
On 26 May Year 12 students and staff from St Patrick’s College and Loreto College joined together to mark Sorry Day. The service acknowledged the strength of Stolen Generations survivors with a moving speech by Uncle Alan Harris, a Noongar Elder and the voices of students who reflected on how we can play a part in the healing process of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Other events that followed to mark Reconciliation Week included the Reconciliation Assembly, art and craft workshops. In the Loreto year of Justice, students and staff are continuing to find ways to promote human dignity and rights. We are committed to walking with our students, families and community and continuing to come together to learn and embrace our Australia.
My Fair Lady
The College was enormously proud of the cast and crew who performed and produced My Fair Lady. The cast comprised of students from years seven to 12, in roles both on stage and behind the scenes. In support of our vision to promote student agency, the students worked alongside staff and showcased the vast talent of all involved. Congratulations and thank you to staff member, Lindy Crowe for weaving her magic to produce a show of outstanding quality. Lindy was able to ensure everyone performing could get on stage as much as possible by creating our own twist on this classic theatrical production. She was ably supported by a team of staff including Sam Anderson, David Barker, Carolyn Bennett, Claire Canavan, Simone Jans, Ian Stowe and Tammy Vandenberg.

From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Chris Shaw
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity and wise people make more opportunities than they find.” Anon
School is all about learning, but also about opportunities, milestones and navigating challenges. This week marks an important milestone in the academic year for all our students. The end of semester is punctuated by the culmination of work towards the challenge of assessments of varying types. Our Year 11 and 12 students sit the General Assessment Task (GAT) and in addition to Assessments and Examinations for all students, this is an important part of the VCE/VM and those Year 12s finalising their VCAL studies. The GAT aims to balance the outcomes for all students across the State ensuring that there are protections in place for students who might fall ill, to scale examination scores if needed, for universities to offer places and to moderate School Assessed Coursework. In all, it is helpful for students to give this task their best approach, facing this challenge head on and we have been really pleased with the mature way they have managed it.
Whilst their focus has been on their studies, many have or will also enjoy the opportunity to travel. Year 10 students visited the Tiwi Islands with Catholic Mission and currently we have Year 9 students at Daly River in the Northern Territory. Next week sees our Japan language trip depart and the following week the NASA Space Camp. Opportunities to travel both locally, interstate and overseas give Loreto students the chance to learn more about the world in which they live. Developing independence and confidence and stepping outside their comfort zone contributes to a wider world perspective and this is one of the best things we as adults can provide for young people.

Over the coming years, we will continue to develop our experiential programs and offerings for future years, knowing that our role as educators is to enhance the life-learning and growth. Some of these opportunities will continue to be compulsory such as camps and our Melbourne Adventure Experience, whilst others will be optional. We are always keen to work with families to ensure we can make optional trips as accessible as possible despite the associated cost. We encourage you to enquire when trips are announced if you ever need support for your student to attend.
The Year 11 Leadership program has been launched and our future leaders attended a fantastic day where they demonstrated their skills and leadership attributes. Learning that leadership is more than just a badge and requires teamwork and effort was a strong focus for the sessions. Students heard from Alumni who had all been on different leadership journeys. The engagement and interest from our Year 11s has been impressive, and we look forward to the role they all take in leading the College in 2024. Parents will receive more information about the leadership process and key dates in the coming days.
We have seen many students continue to volunteer in our community through sporting and other associations and once again this term has been full of effort and endeavour in all manner of activities.
We wish our students and you their families a restful (or exciting if travelling) break when it comes.

From the Assistant Principal: Faith & Identity
Ms Felicity Knobel
Daly River Immersion Experience
As our newsletter goes to print, we have 15 Year 9 students and three staff members in the Nauiyu Community (Daly River) in the Northern Territory immersing themselves in our First Nations culture. These educational experiences for our students and our staff and ultimately for our Loreto community are powerfully transformational experiences where we can build positive relationships, build understanding and show our students how to live out our Loreto values in the wider world.
Our students have had the opportunity to be out on country cooking kangaroo tail and damper, picking bush plums and importantly receiving a welcome that involved water being placed on their heads and belly buttons as a way of mixing their souls and the souls of the country to tell the students that their ancestors have given permission to be there.
The students and staff return on Saturday evening and we look forward to our Daly River and Tiwi Island groups working together with our Dhurrung Group in term 3 and beyond.
Liturgical Choir
Our Liturgical Choir is busily preparing for our Gonzaga Barry Day celebrations in Term 3. This week, Majella Muller, a well known performer in our Ballarat community came in to work with our students at lunch time in our Chapel. Our Liturgical Choir is open to every year level, every ability and we welcome students to commit to various liturgical services throughout our year. After Gonzaga Barry Day we will be asking students to join our choir in preparation for our Graduation Choir in Term 4. We will then be preparing for all things Christmas as part of our Christmas Liturgy at the end of the year. Students can commit to all of these opportunities, or they can join us for one or two liturgical services.
Gonzaga Barry Day Celebration Day
Our Gonzaga Barry Day will be held on Thursday 20 July. This year’s theme will be announced at our end of term assembly and the anticipation is high! Our students can work on their costumes throughout the school holidays ready to walk in the costume parade on Gonzaga Barry Day. This year we will be having stalls at school after our Liturgy and we will have the all important concert in the afternoon. As Mentor Groups our students will be asked to donate various foods or prizes as part of the day and we also ask that they have money to spend at these stalls. If everyone in the school brings in $10 each on that day we will make $10,000 which will be donated to Mary Ward International Australia which assists other Loreto girls throughout the world benefit from a Loreto education and opportunities.

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing
Ms Gemma McDermott
Tiwi Island Immersion Experience
Loreto College Ballarat are committed to developing positive and mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous Communities through the experience of immersions. The Loreto values are at the very heart of these experiences and particularly in 2023 in the year of Justice. Immersions provide a powerful transformational experience for students and can help students better understand their world and the role they have in it.
During May 2023, 11 students and 3 teachers (myself included) from Loreto College Ballarat embarked on an experience of a lifetime to Tiwi Islands with Catholic Mission Facilitator Bernadette Sullivan.
After spending 2 days in Darwin, visiting Nungalinya College, a place that embraces and empowers Indigenous Christians through leadership courses on Art, Faith and Wellbeing, the group caught a ferry to Bathurst Island in Tiwi.
Once on the island we spent 8 days immersed in the daily runnings of Xavier Catholic College as well as aspects within the local community. On Tiwi it is a known fact they have two religions, their Catholic faith and AFL, so it was a wonderful opportunity for the students and staff to experience a few games of local footy.
Over the week the Loreto College students got to know a lot of the local children who attended the College. They experienced classes in the pre-school, primary and secondary areas of the school and looked forward to every afternoon, after the final bell, to play on the oval with the primary school children.
The students learned a great deal about indigenous culture and the Tiwi people, who belong to one of the oldest indigenous communities. Before leaving, we were invited to a women’s yarn circle where there was singing, dancing as part of a traditional farewell. Some students would like to return to Tiwi when they leave school, as the adventure proved to be life changing. They have expressed how grateful they are for the opportunity and are richer for the experience.

From the Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation
Ms Em Shanahan
As Term 2 draws to a close, we are incredibly proud of all that our students have achieved. Education is about so much more than results and grades, and the myriad of enriching activities that have taken place to extend student learning will have our community well and truly ready for a rest across the school holidays.
Students completing a Unit 3/4 subject this year sat the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Thursday. The GAT is a test of general knowledge and skills including communication, mathematics, science, technology and humanities, as well as literacy and numeracy. It is not a test that students study for, but rather is a chance to demonstrate the level of skill and reasoning they have developed across their time at school. Some great quotes from students on the day include:
“That was pretty fun!”
“I actually didn’t mind that.”
“It felt a bit like trivia.”
Semester Reports will be released to families on PAM at the end of next week. We encourage parents and carers to read through these with their child, reflecting on the successes across the semester, while also identifying some goals for the second half of the year. Academic resilience is one of the toughest strengths to build, and humans can be known to critique themselves when not performing as they would like. Mary Ward was a women of many talents, yet she also faced significant setbacks and roadblocks in her journey. Like her, we want our students to set aside any disappointments, and use feedback to improve. When we make adjustments for incremental improvements, we’re far more likely to succeed in the long run.
We congratulate our students on their effort and perseverance this semester, and wish everyone a wonderful break.
College News

Recently Year 9 had their social with our brother school St Patrick's College. All of us had so much fun. We met new people and we learned four new dances at rehearsals during the term. I think most of us forgot what we had learned on the day. There was a lot of dancing and so much excitement on the night. The whole evening ended on a high with everyone laughing as we left, it was such a great night that many of us will not forget.
Matilda Henning
On 1 June, our senior footballers took to the field for the annual Players for Pink match against Ballarat Clarendon College. This match is always a special one in the Loreto calendar and we appreciate the support of the broader Loreto and Clarendon communities who rallied behind the day and Breast Cancer Network Australia. It was a great match with Clarendon ultimately taking home the win. If you missed out on a beanie, keep an eye out in Term 3 as we get closer to our BCNA netball match!

Languages Faculty News
Ms Yoshie Burrows (Faculty Coordinator: Languages)
A great opportunity to learn more about Japanese culture and create a lifelong friendship!
We need two more host families for our Japanese students studying at Loreto College from 9 July to 17 September.
It is not necessary to have children of the same age (usually around 15 years old). Often older or younger students enjoy and benefit from hosting our Exchange Students.
- Host families will receive a tax-free stipend of $45 per night paid fortnightly to assist with hosting costs.
- Japanese language is not necessary.
- No airport pick up or drop off.
For further information please contact:
AIIU Lead Coordinator Jen Harrison
Phone: 0439654939
Local Coordinator Magda Carpenter
Phone: 0435 056 965

Japan Trip 2023 - FINALLY!
After such a long time without any international travel - it is now not long to go before our trip to Japan for 2023. We have 23 students and 4 staff who are extremely busy getting through the exam period and packing for the trip.
We wish everyone on the trip safe travels, and stay tuned for the exciting updates and photos from Japan in the next edition of the newsletter.
Year 9 Cultural Studies
On 6 August, 1945, the people of Hiroshima suffered from the devastating bombing of their town. Some lost their lives, whilst many became ill, many still struggle.
Ms Louise Moreau-Labregere and the Year 9 Cultural Studies class read the story of Sadako Sasaki and her determination to fold 1000 paper cranes. Japanese folklore says that a crane can live for a thousand years, and a person who folds an origami crane for each year of a crane’s life will have their wish granted.
Sadako had begun to show symptoms of leukemia, commonly called Atomic Bomb disease in Hiroshima, because the cancer was likely caused by the radioactive black rain that fell on the day of the bombing. While in hospital, she remained optimistic and resilient – focusing on the task of folding 1000 paper cranes, hoping that her wish to live would come true. Sadly Sadako passed away and she was buried with a wreath of 1000 paper cranes.
Sadako became a symbol of hope and peace. The class was touched by the sadness of Sadako’s story.
Students from Loreto College Ballarat, Victoria, Australia are committed to striving for ongoing peace in our world. They stand with the people of Hiroshima and honour their sufferance by making 1000 paper cranes as a message of peace. The Loreto paper cranes will be sent to Japan for the Peace Memorial Park Anniversary to be held on 5 August 2023.
Please accept our offering.

Public Speaking and Debating News
Ms Tammy Vandenberg (Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator)
Rostrum Voice of Youth
Our public speaking students have been busy in recent weeks as they participated in the Rostrum Voice of Youth on Sunday 30 April. We had students from Years 7 to 12 involved in this competition and it was the first time that many had spoken in public. They were wonderful, confident and articulate and took all advice and tips presented to them in our lunchtime sessions. The topics varied from poverty, gratitude and autism to mental health.
Our students were; Annabelle Reus, Sophie Addison, April Yearwood, Eva Cummins, Matilda Goodbourn, Isabel Wise, Zoe Crack, Eliza Dodd, Hannah John, Mia Keating, Jazlyn Lemasson, Alice MacKenzie, Sophie John and Ann Mary Chalakkal. Eliza Dodd, Alice Mackenzie, Mia Keating, Sophie John and Ann Chalakkal all made it through to the semi final on the day. Congratulations to Mia Keating for winning the Junior division and Ann Mary for winning the senior division and Sophie John for runner up. An impressive day for our Loreto students.
VCAA Plain English Speaking Award
Congratulations to Ann Mary Chalakkal and Lucy Eales for their participation in the Plain English Speaking Award (PESA) at Ballarat Performing Art Centre in May. VCAA co ordinate a prestigious and highly competitive competition. The prepared topics ranged from artificial intelligence to democracy while the impromptu topic was 'Practice make perfect'. It was wonderful to see Lucy awarded runner up and Ann win the competition and move on to the state final.
Legacy Competition
Early in June, our students participated in a highly competitive competition at Legacy House. There were 16 students from schools around Ballarat and the topics varied from gender equality, gun laws in America to perfection. Matilda Goodbourn, Eliza Dodd and Eva Cummins represented us well at this event. Congratulations to Eva Cummins who won the Legacy Public Speaking Competition.

VCE-VM Faculty News
Ms Jill Wheatland (Faculty Coordinator: Vocational Major and Pathways)
Active Volunteering

VCE-VM Faculty News
Mr Andrew Blackwood (Year 11 Coordinator/Teacher: VCE-VM)
Personal Development Skills (PDS)
We have had a massive term in the VCE-VM program at Little Flower. Earlier this term we wrapped up our group minor projects finishing with a Sushi making class with Yutaka Kimur, the head chef at Kambei Japanese restaurant. Yutaka took our year 11 students through the process of how to portion the rice and other ingredients as well as rolling and cutting the sushi rolls.
Our PDS unit culminated in a group major project where we collaborated with year 11 and 12 students to make a fundraising event to raise money for Dolly’s Dream. This event saw the canteen area bathed in blue, the colour theme of Dolly’s Dream and our students worked extremely hard cooking, baking and creating 900 blue and white ribbons for each student at Loreto College. We ended up raising over $700 for the foundation.
Sport and Recreation
In Sport and Recreation, our Year 11 & 12 students completing the Certificate II and III in Sport and Rec commenced our Friday school community days. On these days we travelled each week to either Pleasant St PS or St Francis Xavier PS to conduct a full day of sports clinics for the grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 students. We ran a rotation of basketball, netball, AFL and soccer; planning each lesson carefully before delivering the sessions and gaining feedback from stakeholders.
Next term we turn our focus to the fitness industry, completing work placements in gyms, sports centres and recreation facilities.

Health and PE Faculty News
Ms Naomi Russell (Faculty Coordinator: Health and PE)
Outdoor and Environmental Studies Camp
Mr Gill’s two Outdoor and Environmental Studies Classes had an incredible time in the Grampians last week. The VCE subject, new to Loreto College in 2023, focuses on understanding different types of environments and developing relationships with them through experiencing the outdoors. Thankfully, the weather gods looked down on them very kindly with near perfect conditions for exploring the region and hiking to the Stoney Creek Group camp site via the Pinnacle lookout while carrying 20 kg packs. The student’s attitude and determination throughout this day was extremely pleasing to see and they were able to motivate each other to achieve something remarkable. The views from the Pinnacle were breathtaking and made it all worthwhile.

Technology Faculty News
Ms Thea Mooney (Faculty Coordinator: Technology)
Food Studies Bento Boxes
It was wonderful once again to work with the LOTE Faculty to provide students Year 7 and senior students with a cross curriculum experience. This was an opportunity for Unit 3 Food Studies students to use the experience gained from a Bento box work shop held two weeks ago and apply this to their coursework knowledge. They were required to use their understanding of the Nutritional rationale of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating to design a healthy Bento Box young children. This activity had the added benefits of a cultural experience for Japanese student who received their boxes with great joy. This was particularly the case for two students as Tess Clark in Year 12 prepared a Bento for her sister Lilly.

Sustainablity News
Ms Frances Walters (Sustainability Coordinator)

Science Faculty News
Mr Matthew Flight (Faculty Coordinator: Science)
Fun in Science - Year 11 Psychology
Ms Lucielle Hudson's Unit 1 Psychology, students have explored the structure and function of different areas of the brain. They also looked at the effects damage to the brain including ABI, stroke and concussion can have as well as the role neuroplasticity can play in recovery. 3D printers were utilised to create brain cookie cutters, stamps and baked brain biscuits. Students then used icing to show the 4 lobes of the brain and annotated a diagram with the functions of each lobe and the impact damage can have. A fantastic, fun way to study the human brain!
Astrophysics Excursion
Early in June our Year 10-12 Physics students ventured to Melbourne and visited the Astrophysics Department at Swinburne University. The focus of this excursion was to learn more about Astrophysics but students were also able to tour the campus, visit different faculties and see the student accommodation. Students were introduced to PhD students, learning about the work they do. While at Swinburne, students had a space and solar system VR experience and watched some incredible 3D movies exploring space.
Gertie and Bessie the Loreto Resident Cows
Gertie and Bessie, were our newest and cutest resident calves, that were part of the Agricultural & Horticultural Studies program at the College for 3 weeks in May. They provided hands on experience for students who are not from farms and gave a sense of responsibility by having to care for them on a daily basis. The program involved a research component to enhance the student's understanding of the dairy industry. The frivolity and playfulness of these two beauties also supplied boundless amounts of joy and laughter to the College.

Learning Diversity News
Ms Ginelle Polanske (Learning Diversity Leader)
NCCD Information for Parents, Carers and Guardians
Please find the link below for access to the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) On School with Disability Information Sheet.
What is the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data?
Schools must now complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) every year. It counts the number of students who receive additional adjustments or “help” at school because of a disability. The NCCD helps governments plan for the needs of students with disability.
For more information on this, please visit:

Arts News
Ms Julia West (Faculty Coordinator - The Arts)
My Fair Lady - The crew behind the show
Musicals are large productions that require an enormous cast and crew. They require all artforms; music, dance, acting, singing, set and prop design, costume, hair and make-up. They also require the commitment of staff and students to participate in behind-the-scenes roles. The cast were well supported this year to produce My Fair Lady. Countless hours of late mid-week evenings and weekends were spent sewing costumes, painting sets, sourcing props, creating lighting and music cues, practising vocals, rehearsing set changes, and creating online programs and websites. These production roles are an important part of the craft of theatre and are often, in a school context, performed by teachers and senior students.
We are extremely fortunate to have a group of dedicated staff and students at Loreto College who fulfilled the production roles for our 2023 Musical. We thank them for their time, creativity and support of our students.
Choral Directing the cast of My Fair Lady was such a joy! This cast committed whole-heartedly to the challenge of learning and holding 3 part harmony throughout the entire show, which was an impressive feat. They sounded glorious and they sung with enthusiasm and wonderful energy… all while maintaining their wonderful dance routines and character acting. The end result was a very polished and impressive performance that they can all be very proud of and remember fondly for years to come. Ms Carolyn Bennett - Choral Director
We thank -
Director and Choreographer Lindy Crowe-Procaccino, Production Managers Bo Mitchell, Ava Simpson, Montana Hayes and Lindy Crowe Procaccino, Assistant Director Morgan Pengelly, Vocal Director Carolyn Bennett, Lighting Designer and Operator Sophie John, ound Design Ian Stowe, Music Director Simone Jans, Stage Managers Carolyn Bennett and Alyssa Moloney, Set Construction Team Andy, Dennis, Alex from our Maintenance Team at Loreto and the VCE VM Creative Industries class, Prop Designers Ally Magil and Jemina Hayes, Costume and Set Designer Lindy Crowe- Procaccino, Back Stage Managers Samantha Anderson and Claire Canavan with Georgia Halstead, Kori Davenport, Neve Eskdale, Ever Horne, Charlie Franc, Max Farrell, Cienna Ranatunga, Skyla Mason. Lighting Team of Rebecca Brodie, Emily Severino, Jonty Clarke, Website and Promotional Designers and Photography David Barker and Bo Mitchell, Rehearsal Coaches Zayda Vandenberg and Zoe Britt.
Staff and students who also assisted with small and large tasks including sewing garments, painting props and supervising students, these are Zayda Vandenberg, Alyssa Moloney, Tess Jirik, Ava Simpson, Montana Hayes, Abbey Mitchell, Ally McGill, Bo Mitchell, Claire Canavan, Karen Parker, Tammy Vandenburg, Brooke Tung, Poppy Haynes, Eleanor Huf, Lily Mason, Charlotte Hazeldine, Isabelle Hanley, Klara Kazmierczak.
Many thanks to the teachers who offered to part of the front of house staff and students who supported selling tickets, ushering, and operating the snack bar, we are fortunate for your support of the Performing Arts at Loreto College.

My Fair Lady, the student's perspective
The MMC was filled with cockney accents, dancing and laughter as Loreto held their annual school production, My Fair Lady. The show ran over four days and was a great way to showcase the talent of the performing arts students, both on and off stage. The audience enjoyed classic songs such as ‘ Get me to the Church’, ‘Wouldn’t it be lovely’ and ‘I Could Have Danced all Night.’ Each performer and crew member put so much time, effort and energy into each performance, making the show enjoyable for everyone.
Being a member of the cast myself, I really enjoyed the experience of being involved in the production. I have also asked some of the cast and crew members to share their experience of being a part of this amazing show.
Sophie John designed the lighting for the show. She says “designing and operating the lighting for My Fair Lady was so much fun. There is a lot to do in such little time, but it is very rewarding once everything comes together. Being in year 12 it was a great show to be my last and I had so much fun. This was the first musical that I had completely designed by myself and I loved seeing my ideas come to life.” Her favourite part about being involved in the production is getting to know everyone! Everyone is so supportive and encouraging, that's what makes the experience as fun as it is. Highlights for Sophie from production week is the anticipation of opening night, the nerves mixed with the excitement. And when the curtain closed on opening night and we realised we had done it!
Rosie Bathurst was a lead playing the role of Alfie Doolittle. She says “my favourite part of the rehearsal process is definitely trying on costumes, it’s sort of just a really fun version of dress up. You get to try on all types of clothing you’d usually never wear, it’s just really fun! As cliché as it sounds, the best part of being involved in production is the friends you make. You get close to people you’d never interact with otherwise and you build really close relationships that last years. A highlight from production week was definitely when I sang Get Me To The Church for the last time, as soon as I went into the foyer I couldn’t stop crying, I was even crying in bows. Seeing as it was my last show, that moment was just really special to me!”
Veronica Wright was a featured performer, playing the role of Mrs Pearce. Her favourite part of the rehearsal process is being able to work with everyone and form new friendships with the cast and crew members and watching how the show always comes together before production week. The best part about being involved in production has to be the stage experience and hard work that everyone puts into making the show amazing! Veronica says a highlight from production week is “the buzz of nerves and excitement before everyone goes on stage for opening night in front of a live audience! Everyone works so hard to ensure that they can put on the best show each night! It's really an amazingly rewarding process.”
Tilly Dean was also a featured performer and part of the ensemble. She says ‘My favourite part of the rehearsal process is when it’s almost show time and everyone has gotten so close, it feels like a family, and you can finally see the show coming together. The best part of being in the production is the community. I think it is such an underrated part of Loreto, by the end of the show you are best friends with someone you didn’t know at the start of the year. Musicals and the friends that come with them are definitely a highlight of my Loreto experience.” A highlight for Tilly from production week was her involvement with costumes. She spent a lot of time sewing and it made her feel even more a part of the community.
Lots of effort from the cast, crew and creative team was put in to create an amazing show. The experience was so fun and we can’t wait for next year's production!
Remy Clarke - Year 10
Loreto College Past Pupils' Association Year 8 Arts Scholarships are now Open
Students will be receiving information regarding the Year 8 Arts Scholarships next week.
Applications will be due Wed 12th July. We will then contact each applicant with an audition/interview time which will fall between Monday 31st July and Friday 11th August.
Art folios, art works and media videos must be submitted to Ms Stephanie Crawford (Principal's Executive Assistant) no later than Fri 28th July 3.10pm.
The scholarship information will be advertised on Simon, Newsletter, Website, Year 8 bulletin and via an internal information video, which will be shown to all of the year 8’s over the coming week and saved on the student hub.
The link to the scholarship form is here:
For further information, please contact Ms Carolyn Bennett in the MMC Office.

Co-Curricular Sports News
Mr Liam Gill (Co-Curricular Sport Leader)
BAS Sport for 2023
Please find a link to the list of BAS sports for 2023 below.

Library News
Ms Meghan Douglas (Director of Library Services)
Reconciliation Week runs from 27th May to 3rd June each year, and this year’s theme was Be a Voice for Generations. In the Library, we worked with our junior classes to reflect on the stories of those who had indeed “been a voice” over the years. Our Year 7 Humanities students were involved in investigating key moments in Australia’s journey to reconciliation, and physically assembling a timeline of events. This followed their earlier work exploring creation stories from different First Nations groups, including the Boon Wurrung and Taungurong people of the Kulin nation. Our Year 8 Religious Education students took time out to investigate First Nations changemakers, and to teach each other about these trailblazers through games of memory and snap. We supported this with a display of our ever-growing First Nations author collection, offering perspectives to challenge and inspire.
We always host our Year 12s for their study periods, but it has been a delight to welcome them back in English lessons as they prepare for their Unit 4 Persuasive Speeches. They have explored the Echo database, which presents contemporary media debates in a straightforward manner, as well as the more challenging approach of researching and exploring issues for themselves using various databases and sources. Library staff are always available to reinforce these research skills, and students are encouraged to continue their research during their study periods.
Happy Reading!
Library Website:
Our email:
Our eBook and audiobook collection:
Instagram: Follow us @loretoballaratlibrary

Career News
Ms Jodie Howlett (Careers Coordinator)
ACU Step Up Program
Congratulations to the following students who have completed the ACU Step Up Program in Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine: Renae Batten, Emma Cosgriff, Phoebe Godbold, Abby Johns, Caitlin Lauton, Eloise Rosewarne and Abbey Sutton.
This course has provided them with a higher chance of receiving a direct entry offer to ACU as well as credits for related undergraduate course at the University.
For any students interested in applying for the next intake of the ACU Step Up Program please visit: and make an appointment with the Careers Team.
Women in Non-Traditional Trades
During May, as part of National Careers Week, our Year 10 students were involved in a Women in Non-traditional Trades event during STRIVE. Students had the opportunity to hear from a past student about her journey from a VET program in Year 12 to her current position as an apprentice electrician at Sovereign Hill. They met with Mas National staff members for career consultations and heard about the Highlands LLEN VET Cluster’s non-traditional trade courses. Students also undertook some hands-on electrical, carpentry and plumbing activities. We express our thanks to Mas National and our alumni for their time.

In this week's Career News:
- Open Days
- Early entry programs
- Gap year programs
- Australian Defence and Border Force opportunities
- Upcoming career events and webinars
Finance News
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) will provide payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports and excursions. As Loreto College has an all-inclusive fee which covers the cost of camps, sports and excursions, any funds received will be off-set against the student’s tuition fee. $225 per year will be paid for eligible secondary school students. Payments will come directly to the College and be credited to the students tuition fee account.
Families holding an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, Veterans Affairs Gold Card on the first day of Term 1 or first day of Term 2 or be a temporary foster parent will be eligible to apply.
How to Apply:
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website, or click on the following link:
which needs to be returned to the School Office or emailed to
If you applied for the CSEF at Loreto College Ballarat in 2022, you do not need to complete an application form in 2023 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances (new student/sibling, concession number, etc.). Your child's school will apply for the CSEF on your behalf.
Closing Date:
The closing date for CSEF applications to be submitted to the College is 23 June 2023 (no applications will be accepted after the closing date). All eligible families are encouraged to apply. For more information about the CSEF visit
Conveyance Allowance 2023
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance for parents/carers to transport children to and from school in rural and regional Victoria. Allowances are available for public transport, private car and private bus.
In some locations, students are unable to access free school buses. In these instances, students may receive a conveyance allowance to assist with travel costs.
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, a student must reside 4.8km or more from the College.
Application forms are available on the Loreto College website or click on the following link, which also provides additional information.
Please note that in 2023 parents who successfully applied and received the Conveyance allowance at Loreto College in 2022 are not required to complete a new application form unless their details have changed – address, mode of transport, etc.
However, to submit a claim Myki receipts or statements or other bus company receipts must be received by the end of each term.
Any enquiries please email
Community News
FREE, ALL-AGES Live Music Event
Sonika is running a FREE, ALL-AGES live music event with young local bands. This is a great opportunity for students to see live music and young bands their age on stage, also for social connection!
Sonika is Ballarat’s FReeZA group of young volunteers planning and running arts and cultural events for other young people.
All Sonika events are all-ages, fully supervised, drug, alcohol, smoke/vape-free, with no pass outs, and inclusive of all attending.
When: Saturday 17 June
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Where: Volta
Cost: Free of Charge
Neurodiversity Arts Festival
Join us for the first for Victoria, and likely Australia, Neurodiversity Arts Festival. With over 30 events on offer, we aim to bring the Autistic and neurodivergent community together to build community and better quality of life. Events can be paid for with NDIS funding.
For more information visit:
When: 24 June - 6 July
Where: Castlemaine
To see the day-to-day life at Loreto, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.
To stay up to date with important information and notices, download the Loreto College App. For further instructions on how to download and sign in to the app, head here.
A reminder that our newsletter is now published twice a term.