Child abuse includes sexual offences, grooming, physical violence, serious emotional or psychological harm, serious neglect and a child’s exposure to family violence. Loreto College Ballarat is committed to the protection of all children from all forms of child abuse and demonstrates this commitment through the implementation of a comprehensive Child Protection Program designed to keep children safe.
At Loreto College Ballarat we have a zero tolerance for child abuse and are committed to acting in children’s best interests and keeping them safe from harm. The College regards its child protection responsibilities with the utmost importance and as such, is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintain a child safe culture.
Child Safety Policies and Documents
Engaging Families and Caregivers in Child Safety Policy
Safeguarding Children and Young People: Code of Conduct
Loreto College Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Loreto College Child Safety Policy - Student Version
Loreto College Child Safety Officer Position Description
Identifying and Responding to Abuse - PROTECT Reporting Responding Obligations Policy
Identifying and Responding to Abuse - PROTECT Reporting Responding Obligations Procedures
Reportable Conduct Scheme Policy